·        Dick Munkres Post 287 has a Memorial Donor Brick at the World War I Memorial in Kansas City.  Pictured is a certificate from the museum


·         Regular Meeting January 2, 2019

o   Commander Rusty Chester called Post 287 to order at 1900 hours.  Chaplain Barb Ebersole gave the opening prayer.  The meeting was declared regularly convened.  A quorum was established with 16 members present.

o   Guests/Prospective New Members Present:

§  Commander Chester thanked Loren & Ken for coming back and being involved with Post 287.

§  Commander Chester recognized family friend Ed Hicks who was visiting, up from Border, Texas

o   Committee Reports:

§  2019 Legion Membership Committee (Mark Hummer) = 218 (94%).  Latest new member is Ward M. Dillman of Colorado Springs, Colorado

§  Sons of the American Legion (Terry Beasley):

·        Current Budget = $5,395.29

·        Current Membership = 53 (117%)

·        2018 SAL Volunteer Hours = 1,967, and Volunteer Mileage = 10,035 miles

·        Making plans to:

o   Have some members attend the Detachment Spring Conference

o   Will sponsor one candidate for the 2019 Missouri Boys State

o   Will provide volunteers to host the 4 Chaplains ceremony during the March 10th 4th District meeting to be held at Post 287

o   Will provide volunteers for the upcoming Sunday military funeral

o   Sick Call: Everett Powell, Gene Davis, Herb Clizer, Sonny Todd, Kenneth Diggs, and Stan Stubblefield

o   Post Everlasting: Michael Black, Sr.

o   New Business:

§  Valentine’s Dinner advertising and planning in progress.  Planned date will be Saturday, 9 February starting at 5:30 p.m.  Volunteers will start working on getting the meal and building ready after the monthly breakfast.  RSVP’s will be required.

§  Legionnaire Billy Kretzer and Steve Crockett will put the courthouse flags out on President’s Day, weather permitting.

§  4 Chaplains & 4th District meeting- planning in progress

§  Military Funeral Honors will be rendered on Sunday, 6 January at 2:30 p.m.at Heaton-Bowman-Smith of Saint Joseph.  Legionnaire Williams will send an email out to the Military Funeral Honors Team members.

o   For the Good of the American Legion:

§  By declaration of Post 287 Commander Rusty Chester in conjunction with the United Nations, January 3rd, 2019 will be designated “Edner Rudolph Day” in honor of his birthday.  A motion was made and seconded to accept the declaration as proposed.  Motion passed.  Legionnaire Rudolph will be honored with a cupcake and appropriate certificate.

§  2018 Volunteer hours and mileage have been tallied.

   2018 Legion Family Hours

Hours          |         Miles          

Legion =     4,757|         16,574

Riders =      5,634|         46,960

SAL =         1,967|         10,035                 

Total =        12,358        73,569


Note: Auxiliary maintains their own volunteer hours and mileage separately.


o   Correspondence: Thank You card and $100 donation from Julie Fesser on behalf of Frank, for the medical equipment that was loaned out to the family.

o   Commander Chester adjourned the meeting at 1925 hours.  Chaplain Ebersole gave the closing prayer.  The next meeting will be January 16th, 1900 hours.



·        Regular Meeting January 16, 2019

o   Commander Rusty Chester called Post 287 to order at 1900 hours.  Chaplain Barb Ebersole gave the opening prayer…The meeting was declared regularly convened.  A quorum was established with 14 members present.

o   Previous Meeting Minutes: the minutes of the last meeting were reviewed.  A motion was made and seconded to approve the minutes.  Motion carried.

o   Committee Reports:

§  Monthly Finance Report provided by Timmy Williams.

§  Membership at 220 (95%)

§  Auxiliary (Dual-member Barb Ebersole)- reported the plans for this year’s Andrew County Government Day was in the works.

§  Sick Call: Everett Powell, Gene Davis, Herb Clizer, Sonny Todd, Kenneth Diggs, and Stan Stubblefield

§  Post Everlasting: Harry Denney a former member

o   Unfinished Business:

§  Flags for First Graders (James Jones)-

·        School Superintendent approval has been obtained.

·        Hope to do another event in conjunction with Presidents Day.

·        Will need to order some more flags.  A gross of small flags cost $27 plus shipping.  A motion was made and seconded to donate $70 to go towards ordering more flags.  Motion carried.  SAL Mike Walter stated the Squadron has a back-up supply of flags that can be used whenever the Post falls short.  The SAL uses their flags for the Veterans Day of Honor program.

§  Valentine’s Dinner- 90% of the RSVP’s have been mailed out.  Awaiting the response.

§  Flanders Field Sidewalk Border Restoration- Eagle Scout Project plans are ongoing.

§  Centennial Courthouse Square Parade (Terry Beasley)-

·        Chief of Police Vincent has been consulted, and see’s no problems.  He did state, that all the residents and businesses along the Square need to be notified of the Parade and need to have their cars removed from the street.

·        City Administrator Bruce Lundy- still need to make an appointment with him.

·        Will update all of the Posts within the 4th District as more details become available.

o   New Business:

§  2-month-event Schedule- copies were made available

§  Flag Etiquette for Troop 60 Cub Scouts (Brian Stackhouse):

·        Approximately 15 Cub Scouts and their parents are invited to have Flag Etiquette presentation sponsored by American Legion Post 287.

·        Date: Monday, February 25th from 6 – 7 p.m.

·        Proposed Lesson Plan: 40 & 8 presentation, Flag Etiquette DVD, Flag Folding, and Certificate/Flag presentation.

§  Post Service Officer- Vern Tobey has volunteered for this vital role.  His plans are to:

·        Receive briefing at the Spring Conference as presented by Tracy Vawter, Department VSO.

·        His title will be Veterans Service Advisor, serving as an adjunct to area Veterans Service Officers for the State of Missouri and The American Legion.

·        Be available not only for our local veterans, but network with the military members serving in the Army and Air National Guard Units, and Army Reserves.  This in turn, may lead to some becoming interested in joining The American Legion.

·        One resource for tapping at the 139th Air Guard would be the Resiliency Program.

·        A Legion member at tonight’s meeting already had some questions and needed advice on an upcoming Veterans Administration appointment.

·        SAL Mike Walter will assist in making up some business cards.

§  Executive Committee Report (Rusty Chester): Commander Chester briefed the membership:

·        Described the change of Gertsema Wealth Management moving to the Carson Wealth Group.  Rather than just moving the Posts investment account automatically to the Carson Wealth Group, this presented a good time to re-evaluate our long-term positions.

·        An Executive Committee was formed in October to research some of the options for the Post’s long-term investment funds.  Committee Members included: Timmy Williams, James Jones, Don Dillman, Mark Hummer, Tim Kelley, Terry Beasley and Rusty Chester.

·        An initial committee meeting was held and an action plan developed on what to research for the long-term investment funds.  The committee sought the advice of 4 different financial advisors:

o   Endowment Advisor- The Community Foundation of Northwest Missouri- Stacey Helfrey (Saint Joseph)

o   Local (Savannah) Advisor- Edward Jones- Jason Sarsany

o   Neutral Advisor- Randy Gerard (A financial counselor for the 139th Air Guard personnel).

o   Current Account Advisor- Stifel- Austin Nold (Saint Joseph)

·        Meeting with the various advisors/counselors, the determination was made to have a financial goal of conservative, moderate growth for the funds, knowing withdrawals from the account would not be done in the near-term, but rather in the long-term.  The investments should provide preservation of principal with some growth to outpace inflation.  The funds should support the interests of the Post and The American Legion.

·        Conclusion: The Committee voted on the proposed plan of action:

o   Edward Jones was chosen.  Mr. Sarsany is very active in the Savannah committee and has ties to the Sons of the American Legion.

o   Actions will be taken to do an electronic transfer of funds from Stifel to Edward Jones.

o   A motion was made and seconded to approve the recommendations of the committee.

o   Discussion: Brian Stackhouse provided a historical perspective of the financial status of the Post, 20 years ago, and where the money currently in long-term investments came from, and why the need to balance the budget and saving for the future of the Post is imperative.

·        After discussion a vote was taken of the members present.  Motion passed.

o   For the Good of the American Legion: Military Funeral Honors will be rendered on Thursday, 17 January at 10:45 a.m. at Memorial Park for U.S. Army Veteran Herschel F. Stone.  Current volunteers include: Billy, Rusty, Cecil, Vern Tobey, Norm, Mike Walter, and Terry.

o   Correspondence:

§  Thank you card from Department Auxiliary President Sharon Slagle for the Post’s $100 donation to the Kids of Our Heroes – Adventure Camp (KOOHAC).

§  Thank you card from the Wallner family for the Military Funeral Honors rendered in honor of Herbert W. Wallner.

o   Commander Chester adjourned the meeting at 1925 hours.  Chaplain Ebersole gave the closing prayer.  The next meeting will be February 6th, 1900 hours.



·        Regular Meeting February 6, 2019

o   1st Vice Commander Mark Hummer called Post 287 to order at 1900 hours.  Adjutant Terry Beasley gave the opening prayer…The meeting was declared regularly convened.  A quorum was established with 6 members present.

o   Previous Meeting Minutes: the minutes of the last meeting were reviewed.  A motion was made and seconded to approve the minutes.  Motion carried.

o   Committee Reports:

§  Membership (1st Vice Commander Mark Hummer) 227 (98%)

§  Sons of the American Legion (Terry Beasley):

·        Over-the-Top membership is at 54 (120%)

·        SAL members will fill the roles needed for the Four Chaplains ceremony on March 10th.

·        Detachment Western Vice Commander Mike Walter and Detachment Sergeant-at-Arms Terry Beasley will attend the Detachment Spring Conference.

§  Sick Call:  Sonny Todd, Gene Davis, Herb Clizer, Kenneth Diggs, and Stan Stubblefield.

§  Post Everlasting:   Everett Powell (73 years of continuous membership)

o   Un-finished Business:

§  Flags for First Graders (Don Dillman)- the 40 & 8 will help with the Cub Scout Flag Etiquette class on 25 February.

§  Valentine’s Dinner- record high with the RSVP’s at 96!

§  Flanders Field Sidewalk Border Restoration (Mark Hummer)- Eagle Scout Project- the Scouts and Contractor will be at the 20 February meeting for a planning session.

§  Centennial Courthouse Square Parade (Terry Beasley)-

·        Have talked with City Administrator Bruce Lundy.  No permits needed. Need a date.

·        April 28th at 1:30 p.m. will be the parade date and time.  Plan will be to form up in the large parking lot on 4th Street just west of the United Methodist Church.

·        Parade route will be around the courthouse square and end back at the parking lot along 4th Street.

·        May incorporate the 1st Responders & Veterans Memorial.  Possibly as the site for the Main Parade Viewing stand or a get-together afterwards.

·        City Administrator Bruce Lundy and Mayor Don Dillman will request permission for the parade at the next City Council meeting.

·        May also have a “Resolution Proclamation” presented during the event.

·        The 20 other Posts of the 4th District will be invited.

·        Ideas for an enhanced Memorial Day Parade were presented and will be discussed again at the February 20th meeting.  The ideas included:

o   At the Memorial Day services, the crowd gathers around Flanders Field, the Legion marches down to the Field, speakers speak and honors are performed.  Perhaps we could expand this a bit, recognizing the contributions of the Legion to the community.  Perhaps a parade of Legion benefit recipients could march in front of the Legion of honor guard, past Flanders field south, then turned west to form a line of recipient groups as a backdrop to our services.

o   You can fill this and far better than me, but something like the following: First-graders with flags, School supply recipients, Cub Scouts, Girl Scouts, Boy Scouts, Boys State, Girls State, Oratorical contestants, Breakfast recipients, Veterans assisted, Elder care recipients, and others.

o   There certainly are some issues, for instance how do we identify and not embarrass veterans assisted. Also, elder care recipients may have difficulty with mobility, but that could be cured by legionnaires assisting them. Locating recipients could be hard…

§  Flag Etiquette for Cub Scout Pack 60 (Brian Stackhouse):

·        Date: Monday, February 25th from 6 – 7 p.m.

·        Proposed Lesson Plan: 40 & 8 presentation, Flag Etiquette DVD.  The Veterans Day of Honor AV equipment will be used, Flag Folding, and Certificate/Flag presentation.

§  Executive Committee Report (Terry Beasley):

·        A Corporate Resolution is needed to facilitate the electronic account transfer from Stifel to Edward Jones.

·        Resolution submitted for approval.

·        A motion was made and seconded to accept the resolution as written.  After discussion, the motion passed.

·        Copies will be hand-delivered to Edward Jones and Stifel.

o   New Business:

§  2-month-event Schedule- copies were made available

§  Possibly make up some packets with recruiting information and business cards of the Post Veterans Service Advisor and another card listing the Commander, 1st Vice Commander and Adjutant as points of contact.  The packets could be handed out at any event where veterans are present.

o   For the Good of the American Legion:

§  Mark Hummer and his brother obtained three donated heavy-duty tables from Carnation/Friskies’s.  They will check to see if any more tables are still available.

§  SAL Senior Vice Commander Mike Walter encouraged the membership to let the SAL know of any venues the Veterans Day of Honor program could be presented.  The schedule is open since there are no events planned at this time.

o   Correspondence:

§  Thank you cards from the John Wildberger and Eugene Pegler, Sr. families was received for the Military Funeral Honors rendered by the Post 287 Honor Guard team.

§  Rifle Ammunition & Clip Order Received Letter

§  Edward Jones On-line Document Delivery Notification Letter

o   1st Vice Commander Hummer adjourned the meeting at 1945 hours.  Adjutant Beasley gave the closing prayer.  The next meeting will be February 20th, 1900 hours.



·        Regular Meeting February 20, 2019

o   Commander Rusty Chester called Post 287 to order at 1900 hours.  Past Post Chaplain Dave Hehn gave the opening prayer.  The meeting was declared regularly convened.  A quorum was established with 13 members present.

o   Committee Reports:

§  Finance Report presented by Finance Officer Timmy Williams

§  2019 Legion Membership Committee (Mark Hummer) = 229 (99%)

§  American Legion Riders (Timmy Williams):

·        Fundraising efforts include having a Legion Rider Night at either the Savannah Pizza Hut or Pizza Ranch in Saint Joseph.  Tentative looking at March 13th at the Savannah Pizza Hut.  A portion of the evening proceeds will be donated to the Legion Riders.

·        Chapter 287 Riders are going to do their own Legacy Scholarship Ride this year instead of the Department Ride.  The 3-day event will hub out of the northern Arkansas area.

·        For now, still in “cages,” until the weather improves and can go “kick stands up.”

§  Sons of the American Legion (Terry Beasley):

·        Over-the-Top membership is at 54 (120%)

·        SAL members will fill the roles needed for the Four Chaplains ceremony on March 10th.

·        Detachment Western Vice Commander Mike Walter and Detachment Sergeant-at-Arms Terry Beasley attended the Detachment Spring Conference.  At the conference:

o   SAL National Commander Greg (Doc) Gibbs was in attendance.  Commander Gibbs briefed the membership on the “State of the SAL.”  Commander Gibbs was also invited for a return visit in May to attend the Saint Louis Centennial Caucus.

o   SAL Dues for the Detachment and National will go from $5 to $8.

§  Veteran Service Advisor/Post Service Officers (VSA/PSO) Sharon & Vern Tobey:

·        They have completed introductory Service Officer training from Tracy Vawter at the Department Spring Conference.

·        They obtained a 3-panel display board and informational materials.  The board will be used at the Pos and for traveling exhibits.

·        Emphasis will be placed on Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, and Suicide Prevention.  They are available to assist veterans with the wide range of issues from healthcare, housing, employment, etc.

o   Sick Call: Sonny Todd, Gene Davis, Herb Clizer, Kenneth Diggs, & Stan Stubblefield

o   Unfinished Business:

§  Valentine’s Dinner & the February Monthly Breakfast proceeds were devoted to doing the annual $1,000 donation to the Auxiliary Unit 287.

§  Centennial Courthouse Square Parade (Terry Beasley)-

·        Awaiting City Council approval for the parade.

·        Date remains: April 28th at 1:30 p.m.

·        Plan will be to form up in the large parking lot on 4th Street just west of the United Methodist Church.

·        Parade route will be around the courthouse square and end back at the parking lot along 4th Street.

·        The 20 other Posts of the 4th District will be invited.

§  Flag Etiquette for Cub Scout Pack 60 (Brian Stackhouse):

·        Date: Monday, February 25th from 6 – 7 p.m.

·        Volunteers at present: 40 & 8 members, plus others: Billy Kretzer, Timmy Williams, Mark Hummer, Dave Hehn, Steve Crockett, & Terry Beasley

·        Proposed Lesson Plan: 40 & 8 presentation; Flag Etiquette DVD; Flag Folding; and Certificate/Flag presentation.

§  March District Meeting & Four Chaplains Ceremony- no updates to the current plans.  Just need a couple of more SAL member volunteers to fill the Chaplain roles for the ceremony.

§  Memorial Day (Brian Stackhouse):

·        New Ideas- Commander Chester commented on how The American Legion does not “pat itself on the back more,” for all the contributions made to the community and to individuals throughout their entire life cycle.  The American Legion is involved in numerous Children and Youth charities, and educational activities, that in turn project our youth into their adult years.  The American Legion is then involved in assisting the community or individual adults as needs arise.  Perhaps we could have some of the beneficiaries of The American Legion out in front of our Memorial Day Parade, or at least stand-up in recognition during the Memorial Day Ceremony in saying thanks to The American Legion.  Another idea for consideration, is having young people recognizing the military veteran by being dressed in a “period military uniform” and participating in the parade.

·        As Memorial Day draws near some of the new ideas for the parade and ceremony may be incorporated this year.

·        Memorial Day speaker & other plans are pending.

o   New Business:

§  2-month-event Schedule- copies were made available

§  Boy Scout Troop 60 Monthly Donation:

·        A motion was made and seconded to restart the monthly $50 donation to the Boys Scouts.

·        Discussion:

o   Positives: They have a steady flow of donation money when planning out their budget.  They can use the funds for utilities, to aid a scout, or other needs as they arise.

o   Negatives: There was going to be a need to set up a separate bank account, to have money on the ready, to be devoted to the Scouts.  No one Legionnaire took up the task of seeing what the scouts needed and when, except for our Liaison Member Brian Stackhouse and 1st Vice Commander Mark Hummer.  No donations have been made to the Scouts, since stopping the regularly scheduled donations.

·        Voting- the motion carried.  Plans also include to sponsor certificates and challenge coins when asked.  Hopes also include having a greater veteran presence with the Scouts.

§  Weather Damaged Flag Poles at the Post and Flanders Field:

·        The Post 287 outdoor flag pole is damaged from freezing water and high winds, causing a crack.  The Auxiliary has offered to replace the pole.

·        Post 287 will therefore replace the flag pole at Flanders Field, since both poles are the same style and purchased/installed at the same time.

·        The new poles, will be of a different design other than the telescoping style.  The new poles will be a pulley type system, where the flags can be placed at either full or half-staff.

o   For the Good of the American Legion:

§  Girls State Briefing will be on 28 April at 1 p.m. and United Electric Cooperative.  Note: also same day as the Savannah Centennial Parade.

§  Everyone is invited to the Post 102 breakfast on 28 February starting at 7 a.m.  This will be the last breakfast for Post 102.  Please come in support of their fundraising efforts.

§  Everyone is invited to the Andrew County Courthouse on Friday, March 1st.  The name tag of Randy Dilley, a Middle East War Theater Veteran, will be added to the Display Case.  Event starts at 1 p.m.

§  The 139th will have their annual Family Support Golf Tournament this summer.  The entities of Post 287 will be asked to contribute $25 each, to go towards the $100 sponsorship of a golf course hole.  Donations will be due around May.  Point of Contact: Craig Phillips.

o   Correspondence: World War I Memorial Brick Certificate

o   Commander Chester adjourned the meeting at 2000 hours.  Chaplain Hehn gave the closing prayer.  The next meeting will be March 6th, 1900 hours.


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