·        Regular Meeting November 7, 2018

o   Commander Rusty Chester called Post 287 to order at 1900 hours.  Chaplain Barb Ebersole gave the opening prayer.  The meeting was declared regularly convened.  A quorum was established with 13 members present.

o   Previous Meeting Minutes: the minutes of the last meeting were reviewed.

o   Guests/Prospective New Members Present: Marvin Harper, 4th District Commander.  His briefing included:

§  Invited everyone to attend the USS Indianapolis Survivor Story – Edgar Harrell, WWII veteran & USS Indianapolis Sinking Survivor.  Shares his story after delivering the components for the atomic Bombs that would eventually end WWII, the USS Indianapolis was attacked by Japanese torpedoes that sent the ship and 900 men into shark infested waters.  Sunday, December 2 at 8:15 & 10:45 a.m. at Laura Street Baptist Church in Maryville.

§  Recruited Legionnaires to help with the upcoming Nodaway County Oratorical Contest to be held in conjunction with the December 9th 4th District meeting.

§  Department Auxiliary President Sharon Slagle will be a guest at the 4th District December meeting.  President Slagle has designated the Kids of Our Heroes Adventure Camp (KOOHAC) as her fundraising project.  $7,200 has been raised to date.  $1,800 of the donations were raised at the Department Fall Conference during a Chinese Auction.  The auction featured 4th District Commander Harper serving as the auctioneer.

o   Committee Reports:

§  Sons of the American Legion (SAL Commander Terry Beasley);

·        Detachment Fall Conference: Ron Raines recognized as the 2017 SAL Member of the Year, and Squad 287 received the 2018 Squadron of the Year award.

·        “Over-the-Top” already at 104%

·        Next Veterans Day of Honor will be at the Missouri Veterans Home in Cameron on Sunday, 18 November starting at 2:30 p.m.  This will be done in conjunction with SAL Squadron 464.

§  Flag Etiquette Committee- Chairman Don Dillman.  Flag Etiquette DVDs will be given to Avenue City, Helen Elementary, Savannah Middle School and Amazonia Elementary schools during the Veterans Day assemblies.

o   2019 Legion Membership = 195 (84%)

o   Sick Call: Everett Powell, Gene Davis, Herb Clizer, Sonny Todd, & Kenneth Diggs

o   Un-finished Business: Veterans Day events:

§  Thursday, 8 November:

·        11 a.m. - Andrew County Senior Center Lunch & Program

·        2 p.m. - LaVerna Village Program 2 p.m.

§  Friday, 9 November (Will need 2 Honor Guard teams):

·        8 a.m. – Savannah Middle School Assembly

·        9 a.m. – Helena Elementary Assembly

·        10:45 a.m. – Funeral at Memorial Park

§  Saturday, 10 November:

·        7-9 a.m. - Legion Family Breakfast

·        9:30 – 10:30 - line up for Veterans Day Parade in Saint Joseph. Parade starts at 11:00 a.m.

§  Sunday, 11 November: Veteran’s Day: Four Chaplains Service at the Christian Church

§  Monday, 12 November:

·        1 p.m. - Amazonia School Assembly

·        2 p.m. - Union Star School Assembly

·        6 p.m. - Auxiliary Veteran’s Day Dinner

§  Tuesday, 13 November

·        1:30 p.m. Military Funeral Honors at Memorial Park

·        3 p.m. Military Funeral Honors at Heaton-Bowman-Smith of Saint Joseph

§  Wednesday, 14 November:

·        6:30 p.m. Andrew County Museum Veteran’s Recognition

o   New Business:

§  2-month-event Schedule- copies were made available

§  Plans are in the works to have a concrete border placed around the Memorial Sidewalk Bricks at Flanders Field.  The tiles there now are crumbling away.

§  Every Resident Christmas Gift Fundraising- Legionnaire Bill Couldry and his wife Karen are wanting to raise $1,700 to purchase items to be given as Christmas gift packages for each of the 200 residents at the Missouri Commission Veterans Home in Cameron.  Each Legion Family entity will consider donating $150 each, plus if the 40 & 8 group gives $150 a total of $750 could be raised.  Individuals may make any sizeable donation as well towards the eventual goal.  It is estimated each veteran gift package would cost $15.  Each Legion Family entity will decide by the December 5th meeting on committing the $150.

o   For the Good of the American Legion:

§  Dick Munkres Post 287 received the Children & Youth Category II Runner-up award at the recently held Department Fall Conference in Jefferson City.

§  A motion was made and seconded to cancel the 21 November regularly scheduled Legion meeting.  The 21st will be the night before Thanksgiving.  After discussion the motion passed.

o   Correspondence: November Department Monthly mailings as posted on the missourilegion.org website.  The members were encouraged to visit the Department’s website for the monthly mailings and other items of interest.

·        Commander Chester adjourned the meeting at 2000 hours.  Chaplain Ebersole gave the closing prayer.  The next meeting will be December 5th, 1900 hours.



·        The regular meeting scheduled for 21 November was cancelled as it fell the night before Thanksgiving.  The next scheduled meeting will be December 5th.



·        Regular Meeting December 5, 2018

o   Commander Rusty Chester called Post 287 to order at 1900 hours.  Chaplain Barb Ebersole gave the opening prayer.  The meeting was declared regularly convened.  A quorum was established with 14 members present.

o   Commander Chester opened the meeting with a tribute to the passing of our country’s 41st President George H.W. Bush, during this National Day of Mourning.  There were many moving eulogies and images in remembrance, especially the one of Former Senator Bob Dole paying respects, while President Bush lies in state at the Capitol Rotunda.  Legionnaire Edner Rudolph shared the story of Senator Bob Dole being at the World War II Memorial in Washington D.C. to meet and greet Honor Flight veterans.  President Bush and Senator Dole are “genuine guys.”

o   Committee Reports:

§  Finance Report: was given by Timmy Williams.

§  2019 Legion Membership = 203 (88%)

§  Flag Etiquette Committee- Chairman Don Dillman.  The Savannah R-III School District Superintendent has been contacted.  Superintendent Dr. Eric Kurre is fully supportive to have the 40 & 8 and Legionnaires come to the schools to present the “Flags for 1st Graders” program.  More details to follow.

§  Sick Call: Everett Powell, Gene Davis, Herb Clizer, Sonny Todd, and Kenneth Diggs

o   Unfinished Business:

§  Veterans Day- thanks to all the volunteers.  The flag etiquette was well received by the Helena Elementary School.  The many pictures of the events will be added to The American Legion Centennial webpage for Post 287.

§  Missouri Veterans Home of Cameron, Missouri Christmas Gifts- Legionnaire Bill Couldry briefed the membership on his inspiration for and goal of providing a Christmas gift for each of the 200 residents.  80% of the residents do not have regular visits by family members.  The project requires approximately $1,750 in funding.  Everything has already been obtained, and it would be very helpful to receive the remaining $450 in donations.  HyVee donated 200 paper bags from HyVee (the bags have since been given to a local school for decorating), and another school is making hand-made Christmas cards/wishes.  Items collected to date for the gift bags include: socks, fruit, toiletries, Mary Kay products (at cost), pens & paper, socks, and the Candy Cane Story.  Legionnaire Pettit suggested getting playing cards donation from Frontier Casino.  The bags will be stuffed by 15-20 volunteers on 19 December at the Grace Evangelical Church.  A motion was made to donate $150.  The motion was seconded and passed.

§  Replace Border at Flanders Field Memorial Sidewalk- 1st Vice Commander Mark Hummer is working with Boy Scout Troop 60.  A Boy Scout is researching on making this an Eagle Scout project.  The estimated costs will range from $400-600.  More details as they become available.

o   New Business: 2-month Schedule, some key events included:

§  4th District meeting will be Sunday, 9 December at Burlington Junction.  The meeting will also include the Nodaway County Oratorical Contest.  Meeting and contest start at 1:30 p.m.

§  Boy Scout Court of Honor- 11 December

§  American Legion Rider Turkey Dinner- 12 December

o   For the Good of The American Legion:

§  SAL Senior Vice Commander Mike Walter reported on the last Veterans Day of Honor event held at the Missouri Veterans Home in Cameron.  The event was presented by both SAL Squadrons 464 of Conception Junction and 287 of Savannah.  There were 60 people in attendance counting the veterans to be honored and their guests.  One of the highlights of the event was the Jefferson High School Choir of Conception Junction.  The choir performed several patriotic songs, including one they wrote and choreographed themselves.  The program also included the 50th Anniversary Commemoration of the Vietnam War.  19 Vietnam War era veterans received the added recognition.  SAL Vice Commander Walter stated the program could use more and different venues.  Some of the suggestions from the general membership included:  The Senior Center on King Hill Avenue, Country Squire, Living Community, Wesley House all of Saint Joseph.  Any other ideas would be welcomed.

§  Veterans Day Auxiliary Dinner was a great success in part to all the support from the of Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America Savannah Senior High School.

§  Military Funeral Honors Coordinator Tim Williams thanked all those who volunteered for the two most recent military funeral honors ceremonies.  Both funerals occurred during times of windy, 20-degree weather.  The families appreciated our efforts.

§  Adjutant Beasley reminded the membership on using the approved service dates for qualifying in joining The American Legion.  The National Executive Committee has proposed an open dates eligibility resolution.  The resolution has not been formally approved at an American Legion Convention or by the U.S. Congress as of yet.

§  Wathena Post 161 has extended an open invitation to Post 287 to attend their annual Wathena Days parade.

o   Correspondence: National Commander Brett P. Reistad Revitalization Letter

o   Commander Chester adjourned the meeting at 2000 hours.  Chaplain Ebersole gave the closing prayer.  The next meeting will be December 19th, 1900 hours.



·        Regular Meeting December 19, 2018

o   Commander Rusty Chester called Post 287 to order at 1900 hours.  Chaplain Barb Ebersole gave the opening prayer.  A quorum was established with 16 members present.

o   Previous Meeting Minutes: the minutes of the last meeting were reviewed.  A motion was made and seconded to approve the minutes.  Motion carried.

o   Guests/Prospective New Members Present:

§  Loren Kenagy, new transfer

§  Ken Ballard of Saint Mary’s Post 716, Iowa

o   Committee Reports:

§  Finance Report: was given by Timmy Williams.

§  2019 Legion Membership Committee (Mark Hummer) = 215 (93%)

§  American Legion Riders (Timmy Williams):

·        Dave Hehn has been nominated and selected as this year’s American Legion Rider of the Year.

·        American Legion Rider Scholarship:

o   Turkey Dinner raised $784

o   Debbie Williams’ recent craft show raised $600.  Debbie has raised a total to date of $2,000.

·        More Rides to come this Spring

§  Sons of the American Legion (Terry Beasley):

·        Current finance balance = $5,420

·        2019 Membership = 48 (Over-the-Top at 106%).  Latest new member- Jim Wymore

·        Re-addressed our 2018-2019 donation budget and ended up increasing it another $100.

·        The Detachment of Missouri now offers a Membership Recruiting Pin if a member recruits 5 or more, and patch if 30 or more.

o   Sick Call: Everett Powell, Gene Davis, Herb Clizer, Sonny Todd, Kenneth Diggs, and Stan Stubblefield

o   Un-finished Business: Replace Border at Flanders Field Memorial Sidewalk (1st Vice Commander Mark Hummer) awaiting to hear back from the Troop 60 Boys Scout, who may take this on as an Eagle Scout project.

o   New Business:

§  2-month-event schedule review

§  Valentines Dinner- plans pending

§  Hosting the 4th District Meeting & 4 Chaplains Ceremony in March.  Plans pending.

§  Savannah Leadership Course- Rodney Hummer asked if Post 287 would again sponsor a Savannah High School student to the 5-month program.  A motion was made to donate the $200 registration fee.  The motion was seconded and passed.

§  Kids of Our Heroes – Adventure Camp (KOOHAC)- Commander Chester briefed the group on this charity organization that the Department of Missouri Auxiliary President Sharon Slagle is raising money for this year.  A motion was made and seconded to donate $100.  Motion carried.  Legionnaire Ken Ballard highly endorsed the organization and committed to making a personal added donation.  Legionnaire Ballard also shared the story how Camp has kids there 3 different times out of the year.  Kids who come quiet, fearful, and with anxieties, show great reversal of these feelings after leaving the Camp.  A challenging suspended footbridge over the creek there just so happens to be called “Savannah.”

o   For the Good of the American Legion:

§  Legionnaire Edner Rudolph has received numerous unsolicited compliments on the new LED Electronic signage on the front of the building.

§  Legionnaire Rodney Hummer thanked Post 287 for the support his son Joshua received for his Eagle Scout project to raise money for the Police Dog Kevlar vest.  The crowd and support were so big, they ran out of food three times, and raised over $2,000.  The goal was for $1,500.

§  Legionnaire Rodney Hummer also thanked Post 287 for conducting the Veterans Day program at the Savannah Middle School.  He further added, the student body really enjoys seeing the real military veterans’ heroes, not just reading about them.

o   Correspondence:

§  December Monthly Mailings and December Missouri Legionnaire Newspaper have been posted online at missourilegion.org

§  Camp Quality Northwest Missouri – Fall 2018 newsletter

§  Department of Missouri, Department Chaplain Jerome Goolsby Resolution

§  Paid-Up-For-Life (PUFL) Notification for Legionnaire Gary Ruckman

o   Commander Chester adjourned the meeting at 2000 hours.  Chaplain Ebersole gave the closing prayer.  The next meeting will be January 2nd, 1900 hours.


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