·         Regular Meeting June 6, 2018

o   Adjutant Terry Beasley called Post 287 to order at 1900 hours.  Chaplain Dave Hehn gave the opening prayer.  A quorum was established with 16 members present.

o   Committee Reports:

§  Sons of the American Legion (SAL Commander Beasley):

·         Updated the membership on the return of Ron Raines to tonight’s monthly SAL meeting.  He is recovering from emergent open-heart surgery.

·         Veterans Day of Honor Ceremony will be June 24th at Grace Evangelical Church in Saint Joseph.  The program begins at 2:30 p.m.  Volunteers will be needed.

·         Mark Brock & Mike Walter just returned from southeast Missouri where they briefed Squadrons of the area on how to conduct the Veterans Day of Honor event.

·         Senior Vice Commander Mark Brock had 2 certificates for a take-out dinner for 6 from the Olive Garden for anyone who donated to the SAL.

§  American Legion Riders (ALR): 4th District Director, Timmy Williams- Chapter 287 has become the sole motorcycle organization spearheading the Vet-2-Vet program scheduled for June 10th at the Saint Joseph Civic Center.  Legionnaire Billy Kretzer will also be there to Post the Colors.

§  2018 Legion Membership= 229 (96%)

o   Post Everlasting: Franklin E. Terhune

o   Un-finished Business:

§  Memorial Day Ceremony- Legionnaire Edner Rudolph relayed the many accolades he had heard from people attending this year’s ceremony.  The Post really stood out.  Legionnaire Rudolph had a copy of Lieutenant Colonel Zach Kerns keynote speech.  People have suggested the speech be submitted to American Legion publications.

§  “All Classes Savannah High School Alumni Weekend”- volunteers will be needed for this Saturday’s breakfast scheduled from 7-10 a.m. to accommodate the many alumni visitors to Savannah.  The FCCLA will be helping as well.

§  Building Addition- Finance Officer recently had a project meeting with the contractor.  The construction will begin after June 19th.

o   New Business: Andrew County Fair: Post 287 has been requested to put the American Flags out around the Courthouse and the State Flags out along Main Street on the days of June 14th, 15th, and 16th.  Legionnaire Billy Kretzer will organize a group of volunteers for this detail.  It was highly recommended to not put out any flags near any area where there will be the throwing of color powder during the “Color Run” event.  The powder is impossible to remove from the flag material.

o   For the Good of the American Legion: SAL Mike Walter stated the Family of Fred Smith could not have been more appreciative for the military honors rendered by the Post 287 Honor Guard team.

o   Adjutant Beasley adjourned the meeting at 1940 hours.  Chaplain Hehn gave the closing prayer.  The next meeting will be June 20th, 1900 hours.


 ·         Regular Meeting June 20, 2018

o   Commander Don Dillman called Post 287 to order at 1900 hours.  Chaplain Dave Hehn gave the opening prayer.  A quorum was established with 15 members present.

o   Guests/Prospective New Members Present: Glenn Brown, transfer from Post 359

o   Committee Reports:

§  Finance Report: given by Finance Officer Timmy Williams

§  American Legion Riders (ALR): Riders are currently participating in the Missouri Legacy Scholarship Ride.

§  2019 Legion Membership = 16 (6%)

§  2018 Legion Membership= 229 (96%)

o   New Business:

§  Cancellation of the next Regular Legion meeting.  The meeting falls on the 4th of July, 1st Wednesday of the month.

§  Legion Family Breakfast- the next breakfast will be July 14th.  Many volunteers will be needed, since several of the regular volunteers will be attending the Department Convention in Springfield being held on the same weekend as the breakfast event.

§  National Convention- Legionnaire Norm Brosi will carry the Post 287 colors in Minneapolis this August.  The Post will reimburse Legionnaire Brosi 50¢ per mile, both ways.  Legionnaire Rudolph suggested the collection of a “slush fund” from the membership to help off-set the costs of the person going to the National Convention on behalf of Post 287.

§  SAL Mike Walter- updated the membership on the next Veterans Day of Honor event.  The event was moved to July 29th due to a conflict in the church schedule.  Volunteers are needed.  Volunteers are asked to be there at 1:30 to help set-up and register guests.  The event will start at 2:30 at Grace Evangelical Church in Saint Joseph.

§  4th of July Picnic at LaVerna Village (Savannah)- Post 287 was invited to their annual event.  The Post members will do a Flag Folding Ceremony and the Flag Retirement/Raising of New Flag.  Volunteers include: Barb Ebersole, Billy Kretzer, Edner Rudolph, Mike Walter, Don Dillman, Steve Crockett, and Dave Hehn.  The picnic will be on June 28th starting at 7 p.m.

§  4th of July- the flags will be displayed at the courthouse and along Main Street.  Billy Kretzer and Steve Crockett volunteered to put them out, starting at 7 a.m.

§  Andrew County Museum Annual Loan Contract for loaning the 1926 Model T from the Legion Post 287 to the Andrew County Museum.

§  Annual Membership Drive Fish and Chicken Fry: will be September 5th.


o   Commander Dillman adjourned the meeting at 1930 hours.  Chaplain Hehn gave the closing prayer.  The next meeting will be July 18th, 1900 hours.


 ·         Regular Meeting July 18, 2018

o   Commander Don Dillman called Post 287 to order at 1900 hours.  Chaplain Dave Hehn gave the opening prayer.  A quorum was established with 16 members present.

o   Guests/Prospective New Members Present: Marvin Harper, 4th District Commander

o   Committee Reports:

§  Finance Report: given by Finance Officer Timmy Williams

§  Sons of the American Legion:

·         Senior Vice Commander Mike Walter: updated the membership on the upcoming Veterans Day of Honor event:

o   Date: Sunday, July 29th at 2:30 p.m.

o   Place: Grace Evangelical Church, Saint Joseph

o   Volunteers please arrive at 1 p.m. to set-up

o   Planning for 30-60 veterans to be recognized and honored, with up to 100 family members with them.

o   Many VIP’s: Kerry Boardman, Department Commander, George Scarborough, Past Department Commander, Kansas SAL Detachment Commander, and others.

·         2018-2019 SAL Detachment Officers elected from SAL Squadron 287:

o   Mark Brock, Senior Vice Detachment Commander

o   Mike Walter, Western Vice Detachment Commander

o   Terry Beasley, Detachment Sergeant-at-Arms

o   Marvin Harper, Legion Liaison Officer

§  American Legion Riders (ALR): 4th District Director, Timmy Williams:

·         Missouri Legacy Scholarship Ride: Just completed.  Riders from Chapter 287, Savannah to Savannah rode 1,624 miles.  $73,000 raised during the 3-day ride.  $93,600 current total collected to date, with other Chapters yet to turn in their donations before the National Convention.

·         Several rides are being planned for the summer and fall.

·         Mike Grimm was elected to serve as the 2018-2019 Director

·         Will try some different fundraisers throughout the year, more to follow.

§  2019 Legion Membership = 85 (36%)

§  2018 Legion Membership= 230 (96%)

o   Sick Call:  Everett Powell, Gene Davis, Herb Clizer, Sonny Todd, and Kenneth Diggs.

o   Un-finished Business:

§  2018 Fall 3 C’s (Chicken, Carp Catfish): Still in early stages of planning, Volunteers will need to arrive between 1-3 p.m., and Legionnaire Mark Hummer will spread the flyer at the 139th Air Base Wing

§  National Convention Slush Fund- Legionnaire Edner Rudolph raised $205.  The funds were given to Legionnaire Norm Brosi for his travels to the National Convention to be held in August at Minneapolis.

o   New Business:

§  Legionnaire Shanna Kapp: The Savannah Head Start director asked me if the Legion would be willing to help spread mulch on the Savannah Head Start playground.  The project needs to be done by September 5th.  They have asked the Savannah Rotary to help as well, it might be a good way to get the two groups together, might even get some new members or some interest out of the deal.  Let me know your thoughts.  The members were interested in helping.  A date and time will be arranged.

§  Greetings, my name is Scotty Allen and I am the managing attorney of the Military Legal Assistance Team (MLAT) of the Missouri Attorney General's Office. By way of introduction, the MLAT consists of five prongs: (1) legal assistance/will workshop clinics for veterans at facilities throughout the state; (2) referrals for pro bono legal services for active duty, guard and reserve personnel facing legal issues which arise within the state and that impede their military readiness or reintegration into civilian life after deployment/activation; (3) combating predatory commercial practices aimed at victimizing military and veteran Missouri citizens; (4) representing guardsmen experiencing employment discrimination stemming from their service performing state emergency duty; and (5) educating members of the Bar and the public on the rights of military members and/or the legal issues they face.  One of the Team’s major objectives is to educate veterans groups on predatory business practices that target military communities and the legal resources available to them.  I am writing to inquire if the Dick Munkres Post 287 would be interested in scheduling one these presentations at one of your upcoming events?  The presentation goes about 30-45 minutes (depending upon questions from the audience) and is of course at no cost as a free service of the Attorney General’s Office.  Thank you for your time and consideration.  The membership will consider whether to receive the briefing at a future event or not.

§  Legionnaire Norm Brosi asked, “What is the significance of October 21, 1918?”  This was the date Dick Munkres was killed in action during World War I.  Legionnaire Brosi would like to get estimates on the costs to do some renovative work on the Munkres Family Monuments at the Savannah Cemetery.  The foundations are in a state of disrepair.  He will contact Clinton L. Allen Monuments in Maryville and Van Vickle Monuments in Saint Joseph.  Also, Legionnaire Brosi will redirect the $205 he received for the travels to the National Convention, if the Post decides to upgrade the Munkres monuments.

§  Legionnaire Brosi recommended everyone to go to the Andrew County Museum to see the display honoring Dick Munkres and highlighting World War I.  The museum had a picture showing the funeral horse-drawn caisson procession at the time of Dick Munkres burial.

§  Annual School Supply Drive (Tim Williams): a motion was made to donate $200 to go towards this year’s annual School Supply Drive, buying supplies to be distributed to 7 area schools.  The motion was seconded.  After brief discussion, the motion passed.

§  Digital Display Sign to be added above the new building addition entrance (Tim Williams): Tim & Debbie Williams did an extensive search for an electronic sign, with a $6,000 upper budget limit.  Roderick and Sunshine Signs offers ranged from $12,000 down to $8,500.  After reviewing the internet options, Tim recommended buying a sign from “TV Liquidators” at a cost of $1,285.  A motion was made to purchase the sign.  The motion was seconded and passed unanimously.

o   For the Good of the American Legion:

§  4th District Commander Harper briefing on some of the 2018 Department Convention issues & discussions:

·         New Officers: Kerry Boardman (Department Commander), Hallie Williams (Senior Vice Commander), Mark Clark (Zone II Vice Commander), John Buckwalter (Finance Officer), Tracy Vawter (Service Officer) Darlene Coats (Sergeant-at-Arms), Lowry Finley-Jackson (Adjutant), and Auxiliary President Sharon Slagle.

·         The National Organization Office is cutting 70 jobs.  Some will be by attrition and others are not.

·         Department of Missouri lost out on $1 million in revenue last year.

·         The Department voted to raise the Department dues by $5.00.  The 4th District Caucus voted “no.”  The 4th District delegation felt the dues needed to go up $10.00, because National will probably follow suit soon, and raise their portion of the dues as well.  Why go thru the dues increase twice, because the current $5.00 raise proposal will not be enough to cover both a Department and National dues increase?

·         Travel Expense Reimbursement- the Department will only pay “one-way” instead of both ways for future mileage incurred when District Officers are traveling for Department business.

·         District reimbursement for expenses paid by the Department has been decreased from $500 to $400.  After surveying the District Officers on their expenses, it was discovered that the average annual amount was $357.

·         The National Convention being scheduled for 2025, both Saint Louis and Kansas City are being looked at.  No decision to date on the location to be chosen.

·         4th District meeting on September 9th will be at Post 287.  Brothers Grocery Store will be used for catering the meal.  Post 102 will contribute $100 for the meal in addition to the District budget of $125.

·         District Commander Harper acknowledged and thanked members of Post 287 for their involvement at the state levels: Barb Ebersole (Woman Veterans Representative), Mark Brock (SAL Detachment Senior Vice Commander, Mike Walter (SAL Western Vice Commander), and Terry Beasley (SAL Detachment Sergeant-at-Arms).

·         Homecoming for newly elected Auxiliary President Sharon Slagle will be September 6th.

§  Eagle Scout of the Year for 2019, Billy Kretzer asked for the Posts support of James Alberty, Troop 60 Boy Scout.  Mr. Alberty did audio-visual interviews of local Vietnam veterans on behalf of the Andrew County Museum as an Eagle Scout project.

§  Sound of Speed Air Show at Rosecrans Air National Guard Base will be 25-26th August and will feature the Blue Angels.  The show is expected to have up to 40,000 spectators per day.  If you want to avoid the crowd you come out to the airport on Friday to watch the practice sessions.

o   Commander Dillman adjourned the meeting at 2000 hours.  Chaplain Hehn gave the closing prayer.  The next meeting will be August 1st, 1900 hours.


·         Regular Meeting August 1, 2018

o   Commander Don Dillman called Post 287 to order at 1900 hours.  Chaplain Dave Hehn gave the opening prayer.  A quorum was established with 17 members present, attachment #1.

o   Guests/Prospective New Members Present: Marvin Harper, 4th District Commander

o   Committee Reports:

o   Sons of the American Legion (Squadron Commander Terry Beasley):

§  John Holland & Steve Crockett were at the Head Start volunteer project, held at the same time of tonight’s meeting.

§  Current balance = $4,893.20

§  Veterans Day of Honor event held on 29 July honored 36 veterans.  There were approximately 100 family and friends in attendance.  Guest Speakers were Past Department Commander George Scarborough, current Department Commander Kerry Boardman, and SAL Squadron Commander Jerome Goolsby.  The event raised $196 if freewill donations.

§  Detachment Convention Debrief:

·         Detachment per capita dues will increase by an additional $3.00.

·         There will be a potential National increase of $1 to $2.  Overall the Detachment has a budget surplus and has come underbudget these last 5 years.

·         Detachment SAL Member of the Year Ron Raines will be recognized at the Fall Conference in October

·         The 2018 – 2019 Officers will be inducted at the annual Membership Night Fish Fry on September 5th.

·         Approval was given by the membership to make the annual donations to the FCCLA & School Nurse Supply programs.

·         Boys State applications are going to go up to $500 next year.

o   2019 Legion Membership = 126 (53%)

o   Sick Call: Everett Powell, Gene Davis, Herb Clizer, Sonny Todd, and Kenneth Diggs

o   Post Everlasting: G. Kenneth Rodewald

o   Un-finished Business:

§  2018 Fall 3 C’s (Chicken, Carp Catfish)- plans remain ongoing.

§  Building Addition- Randy Adams stated the construction will start up again, next Monday.  Approximate completion time = 2 weeks.

§  Digital Display Sign has arrived

§  Savannah Head Start Playground Project:  Legionnaire Shanna Kapp thanked everyone for showing up earlier this evening.  The project was completed in just ½ hour with the many volunteers.

§  Munkres Family Monuments Restoration: Legionnaire Norm Brosi will be seeing someone from Clinton L. Allen Monuments of Maryville to get an assessment of what can be done and estimate of the costs involved.

o   New Business: Sound of Speed Airshow (August 25-26th)- Legionnaire Brosi stated the Post may come to the Air Show with the jeep.  Legionnaire Brosi will need a list by the next meeting of those Legionnaires who are coming to attend the air show and to man the jeep display.

o   For the Good of the American Legion:

§  Eagle Scout Project:  William Hummer will be barbequing hamburgers on Sunday, 19 August from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.  The cost will be by “free-will” donation.  The proceeds will go towards purchasing a K-9 Kevlar vest.  The cost of the vest is $2,000.

§  Legionnaire Timmy Williams will go for knee surgery

o   Commander Dillman adjourned the meeting at 1930 hours.  Chaplain Hehn gave the closing prayer.  The next meeting will be August 15th, 1900 hours.


·         Regular Meeting August 15, 2018

o   Commander Don Dillman called Post 287 to order at 1900 hours.  Chaplain Dave Hehn gave the opening prayer.  A quorum was established with 16 members present.

o   Committee Reports:

§  American Legion Riders (ALR): (Legion Rider Mark Brock):

·         Developed a Fundraising Committee to generate different strategies to raise funds both for the Chapter and the Legacy Scholarship.

·         National American Legion Rider Legacy Scholarship riders will arrive at the Remington Center in Saint Joseph this Monday at 9 a.m.

§  2019 Legion Membership = 145 (61%)

o   Sick Call: Everett Powell, Gene Davis, Herb Clizer, Sonny Todd, Kenneth Diggs, and Timmy Willliams

o   Unfinished Business:

§  2018 Fall 3 C’s (Chicken, Carp Catfish)- plans remain ongoing.  Volunteers needed.  Mark Brock will start at noon to cut the fish, cooking will start around 1-2 p.m., the first servings will occur around 4:30 p.m., the event is scheduled to start at 5 p.m.  Volunteers will be needed for clean-up, after the meeting starts at 7 p.m. to install the 2018-2019 officers.

§  Building Addition- construction has resumed and will be completed prior to the Fish Fry on September 5th.

§  Munkres Family Monuments Restoration: a bid has been received by Clinton I Allen Monuments.  A motion was made and seconded to accept the bid and start a contract for the project.  After discussion the motion carried.

o   New Business: Sound of Speed Airshow (August 25-26th)- list of participants to be given to Legionnaire Brosi:

§  Friday: Cecil Raines, Ron Raines and Leonard Dalbey

§  Saturday: Billy Kretzer, Steve Rumbly, Steve Crockett, Dan Petitt, and Jerry Kretzer

§  Sunday: Billy Kretzer, Dave Hehn, Terry Beasley

§  Sunday Jeep Transport: Cecil Raines, Ron Raines, and Leonard Dalbey

o   For the Good of the American Legion:

§  Eagle Scout Project:  Hamburger BBQ Fundraiser

§  Volunteers needed for Military Funeral Honors on Sunday at 2 p.m.  Volunteers included: Barb, Billy, Dave, Cecil, Rusty, Mike W., and Terry B.  Will try to get a couple of more.

§  Legionnaire Ebersole donated two refurbished clarinets to her hometown school.  The instruments will be made available to students who want to be in the band and music classes but are unable to purchase a clarinet on their own.  Value of the in-kind donation = $450.

o   Correspondence: Kerry Boardman Homecoming and Sharon Slagle Homecoming

o   Commander Dillman adjourned the meeting at 1930 hours.  Chaplain Hehn gave the closing prayer.  The next meeting will be September 5th, 1900 hours.


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