• Regular Meeting July 5, 2017
o Commander Don Dillman called Post 287 to order at 1900 hours. Chaplain Dave Hehn gave the opening prayer. A quorum was established with 10 members present.
o Membership: 2017 = 235 (95%). 2018 = 18
o Sons of the American Legion (SAL)- Squadron Commander Mike Walter: 2017 membership remains “Over-the-Top” at 18; and the 2018 membership = 6. 2017 – 2018 Officers will be: Commander Terry Beasley, Senior Vice Commander Mike Walter, Finance Officer Cecil Raines, Adjutant Mark Brock, Chaplain Nathanial Langston, and Sergeant-at-Arms Brent Shepherd. Veterans Day of Honor: was held at the Corby Building in Saint Joseph on Sunday, June 11th, and went well. The next event will be September 5th in Atchison. There will be a fall event in Wathena, date to be determined. Wooden Urns for Veterans- Senior Vice Commander Brock is researching the materials needed and logistics of mass producing wooden urns to be given to local Veterans Administration facilities. The urns will be available for deceased veterans who have been cremated and without anyone to claim their remains. The plans include an assembly line style of producing the urns with the help of volunteers from The American Legion Family and public. Recent Donations from Squadron 287: School Supply Drive $250, and Cameron Veterans Home $200.
o American Legion Riders (ALR)- 4th District Director Tim Williams:
Missouri Legacy Scholarship Ride: 19 riders met at the starting point in Fort Leonard Wood. There were 104 bikes overall from around the state. Distance traveled was 1,114 miles. The Legion Riders of Missouri have collected $54,000 to date. Donations can be made up to the time of the National Convention. The Riders were at one enroute stop where the Post thanked them for their efforts, but added that their particular Post was unable to make a donation to them. The Post was trying to get money raised for a Children and Youth project of their own. The hat/helmet was passed. The Riders collected and donated on the spot $500 to give to the hosting Post for their Children and Youth project.
Cameron Veterans Home Secret Santa Visit- the ride will take place the last week in July. Jim Bliley is planning to do the 4 Chaplains ceremony for the residents.
o Post Everlasting: Ron Shepherd & Asa Tunks
o New Business:
Annual Membership Night Fish & Chicken Fry will be September 6th from 5-7 p.m. Induction of Legion Family Officers to follow at 7 p.m.
Annual School Supply drive underway. Monetary and/or school supply item collections are underway. Legion Post 287 will donate $250 towards the purchases of school supply items.
Cameron Veterans Home donation- a motion was made, seconded and passed to donate $200.
Commander Dillman raised the question if the 40 & 8 group could have the northeast corner of the meeting room devoted to their group for displaying their awards and related items? All in the room were in agreement with the request. The next 40 & 8 meeting will be July 20th.
The Disabled Veterans clothes collection container has been removed from the Legion parking lot. There have been too many abuses of the device by the public and the area has been left in a mess on several occasions.
o For the Good of the American Legion:
SAL Brent Shepherd thanked everyone for all the support and help with the passing of his father and Legionnaire Ron Shepherd. The serving as pall bearers and military honors rendered at the funeral were greatly appreciated by the family.
Legionnaire Dave Hehn invited and updated the membership on the upcoming USA Military Cruise by a local car club. Debbie and Tim Williams were planning on setting up a Legion Membership Recruiting table at the event. There will be a 50/50 drawing along with other raffles. Dress in red, white, and blue.
o Commander Dillman adjourned the meeting at 1930 hours. Chaplain Hehn gave the closing prayer. The next meeting will be July 19th, at 1900 hours.
• Regular Meeting July 19, 2017
o Adjutant Terry Beasley called Post 287 to order at 1900 hours. Chaplain Dave Hehn gave the opening prayer. A quorum was established with 9 members present.
o Guest: Marvin Harper, Past Department/District Commander
o Finance Report given by Timmy Williams
o Membership: 2017 = 235 (95%). 2018 = 70 (28%).
o American Legion Riders (ALR)- Director Danny Simon:
Missouri Legacy Scholarship Ride: Post 287 Legion Family donations totaled $7,500. Next Year’s Ride is titled, “Pick Up Your Heel.” The ride will start and finish in the boot heel of Missouri at Sikeston.
Cameron Veterans Home Christmas in July- the ride has been moved to August.
School Supplies- the Legion Riders donated $250.
The Riders will make a donation to the local School Nurses for needed hygiene items as briefed by SAL Commander Mike Walter, when more details are available.
o Sons of the American Legion (SAL)-
Squadron Commander Mike Walter: 2017 membership remains “Over-the-Top” at 18; and the 2018 membership = 6. The SAL will do some more research at making a monetary donation to the local School Nurses to go towards obtaining hygiene products, undergarments, and clothing as needed. 2017 Detachment Convention was attended by Detachment Western Vice Commander Mark Brock and Detachment Sergeant-at-Arms Mike Walter. The Detachment has a $500 scholarship available for any member of the American Legion Family of any age. If you are going to school, you may want to check out the applications process for this scholarship.
Wooden Urns for Veterans- Senior Vice Commander Brock was able to reproduce an oak urn for a cost of $7.00. Higginsville has a need for 10-12 wooden urns per year, but they already have a local Boy Scout group making them urns as one of their civic projects. Vice Commander Brock will consider making a few urns to keep at the post and have on hand locally. Commander Walter inform other funeral homes in the area, to let them know we can provided a donated urn, whenever the need arises.
Commander Walter thanked The American Legion Family for all the support he received as the Squadron 287 Commander.
o Unfinished Business:
Annual Membership Night Fish & Chicken Fry will be September 6th from 5-7 p.m. The main menu items will be carp and chicken.
Legionnaire Marvin Harper (Post 102) will still be available to carry the Post 287 Colors for us at the National Convention Parade.
Department Convention Resolutions Committee attended by Adjutant Terry Beasley: The proposed dual-member Legion/SAL cap overwhelmingly rejected by the resolutions committee, and did not pass during the General Session. The Tractor Division Resolution for Post 445 and the 4th District passed both the resolutions committee and the General Session.
o New Business: The Legion will also make a donation to the local School Nurses for needed hygiene items as briefed by SAL Commander Mike Walter, when more details are available.
o Guest Comments for Past Department/District Commander Marvin Harper: National is considering a due’s increase in the future. Boys State is also considering raising the tuition fee to $500/student applicant. The Department has ended the Committee on Committees, that evaluated the need for the various committees and the qualifications for members to serve on any particular committee.
o For the Good of the American Legion:
SAL Commander Walter updated the membership on progress in getting the larger grill unit, the ductless hood, and a steam table. Case Electric has put in the needed electrical outlets to handle the donated equipment. Wayne Bisig, Norm Brosi and Dan Hartman obtained the steamer on our behalf.
Post 102 is still having a Tuesday and Thursday breakfast. Everyone is invited.
o Adjutant Beasley adjourned the meeting at 1945 hours. Chaplain Hehn gave the closing prayer. The next meeting will be August 2nd, at 1900 hours.
• Regular Meeting August 2, 2017
o Commander Don Dillman called Post 287 to order at 1900 hours. Chaplain Dave Hehn gave the opening prayer. A quorum was established with 10 members present.
o Guest: Marvin Harper- SAL 287 member, Post 102 member, Past Department/District Commander. Guest Comments from Marvin Harper:
Legionnaire Harper will carry on the tradition of having the Post 287 Colors at this years' National Convention Parade in Reno, Nevada. Post 287 has been at every National Convention Parade since our chartering 1920.
National Office is planning on having the 2022 National Convention in Kansas City. The 4th District will be asked to help with the week-long event. We will have 5 years to prepare.
National is considering a dues increase.
Department is considering raising the Missouri Boys State fee to $500.
o Membership: 2017 = 235 (95%), and 2018 = 115 (46%)
o State of the SAL Squadron 287 reported by Commander Beasley:
Membership for 2017 = 49, and Membership for 2018 = 14 to date
Finances: beginning balance for the 2017-2018 year = $4,200. 2016-2017 Annual Budget was: $6,200 in deposits, and $6,100 in expenses.
Squadron 287 has been honored at the Detachment level with "Squadron of the Year" award these last 2 years. One judging criteria used is how much is donated to the community compared to the overall membership number. Squadron 287 was a main contender for winning the award again this year, but the Detachment tries to recognize others, by not giving out to the award to the same squadron 3 years in a row.
Veteran's Day of Honor Program: Current bank account $500. Estimated costs to present the program = $5/attending veteran being honored. Planning on fundraisers to beef up the expense account. Main program goal is to present this program locally, while at the same time spreading out to the other veteran’s organizations, other senior groups, and other American Legion Posts. Ultimately the hope is this flightless honor presentation format will continue to grow throughout Missouri and nationally. Squadron 287 will remain involved with this endeavor.
Wooden Urn Program- Senior Vice Commander Mark Brock will make several urns to keep on hand at the Post. The urns will be made available to any deceased veteran in need. At the time of death, a service medallion can be obtained to go on the urn at a cost of $5.00.
Commander Dillman acknowledge the work of the SAL along with the youth of the FCCLA in helping our Post with the monthly breakfast fundraiser and other projects. Both groups provide a very positive influence on our community.
o Unfinished Business:
Continuous Membership for Legionnaire Hugh Sheffield- after discussion of various options to help, Legionnaire Rudolph offered to pay for both the 2017 & 2018 years. Final result: Legionnaire Rudolph sponsored the 2017 year and Post 287 will cover 2018.
School Supply Drive remains ongoing. Donations of supplies or money are still be accepted. The supplies collected will be delivered to 7 area schools sometime in September.
o New Business:
Updated electrical wiring. After receiving the donated steamer and front serving table the electrical wiring of the main meeting room required upgrading. The 240 volts system improvements were completed by Case Electric. The cost was $1,400. There will now be greater capacity to run different appliances without tripping the breakers in the electrical box. The use of extension cords will also be greatly reduced.
Legionnaire Rudolph brought up the possibility of an RSVP or Andrew County Commissioners 9-11 Ceremony. The initial plans will be to hold the event at the newly dedicated 1st Responder/Veteran Monument on the Square. Commander Dillman will follow-up with Commissioner Bob Caldwell for further details and possible Post 287 involvement.
o For the Good of The American Legion:
40 & 8 will have their annual Nursing Scholarship Dinner tomorrow night. Eleven nursing scholarships will be awarded. Public is invited. Most of the money is raised thru the work involved in selling the surgical blue towels.
Legionnaire Kretzer stated Greg Gabler, who sales Coke products, offered any Post 287 Legion Family members a fundraising opportunity by working concessions stands at the Saint Benedictines College in Atchison, Kansas. The College will have hundreds of visitors there to view the Solar Eclipse on August 21st.
o Commander Dillman adjourned the meeting at 1930 hours. Chaplain Hehn gave the closing prayer. The next meeting will be August 16th, 1900 hours.
• Regular Meeting August 16, 2017
o Commander Don Dillman called Post 287 to order at 1900 hours. Chaplain Dave Hehn gave the opening prayer. A quorum was established with 11 members present.
o Finance Report given by Timmy Williams
o Membership for 2018 = 149 (60%)
o American Legion Riders (ALR), Director Danny Simon:
Missouri Legacy Scholarship- $80,000 has been raised so far for the Department of Missouri.
Christmas in July run to the Cameron Veterans Home has been postponed. There has been difficulty coordinating a date and time with their new Activities Director.
FCCLA- the Riders will provide road guard duties for the upcoming triathlon event that is raising money for Back Pack Buddies.
The Riders donated $100 to the Andrew County Health Department for the local school nurse hygiene supply drive.
Chapter 287 Legion Riders table cloth was designed and made by Eye Candy Graphics. The table cloth will be used for various community events and recruiting efforts.
Upcoming Rides: Wallace State Park for a fundraising chicken dinner event, and Post 464 Breakfast at Conception Junction
o Sick Call: Kenneth Diggs will probably be placed into a nursing home in the near future.
o Post Everlasting:
James Crawford, U.S. Coast Guard veteran and Past Post Commander
John R. Borchers, former Post 287 member
o Unfinished Business:
Andrew County Commissioners 9-11 Ceremony. This event is being planned to recognize and highlight our local 1st Responders. Point of Contact is Bob Caldwell.
Fish & Chicken Fry for September 6th.
School Supply Drive remains ongoing.
o New Business:
Freedom Rock for the Andrew County Museum. Commander Don Dillman led discussion on the possibility of turning the large red granite stone at the Andrew County Museum into a Freedom Rock. The cost of the Freedom Rock similar to the one recently placed in Maryville is $30 – 35,000. No motions were made to pursue the project further.
o For the Good of The American Legion:
SAL Mark Brock displayed one of the wooden urns he made. Four of the urns are now in the office available for any veteran in need.
Post 287 Honor Guard Team has been asked to provide honors for the two veterans James Crawford and John Borchers listed in Post Everlasting section above.
o Commander Dillman adjourned the meeting at 1930 hours. Chaplain Hehn gave the closing prayer. The next meeting will be September 6th, 1900 hours.