• Regular Meeting November 2, 2016
o Prior to the official opening of the meeting Guest Speaker Andrew County Museum Director Jan Glenn briefed the members. Director Glenn invited everyone to attend Andrew County Museum’s Veteran’s Day program on Saturday, 12 November at 2 p.m. The program will feature 4 veterans who served in World War II and/or the Korean War. Eventually the museum hopes to have periodic coffee’s where veteran’s military oral histories will be collected and video recorded for future generations. Director Glenn asked the members what day and time during the week would be best to have the coffee’s. No input was generated and the feedback will be sought again during the Veteran’s Day museum event.
o Commander Don Dillman called Post 287 to order at 1910 hours. Chaplain Dave Hehn gave the opening prayer. The POW-MIA Resolution 288 was read followed by the Pledge of Allegiance and the recital of the Preamble to the Constitution of the American Legion. The meeting was declared regularly convened. A quorum was established with 15 members present.
o Membership: 2017 = 200 (81%)
o Sons of the American Legion (SAL)
Commander Mike Walter- Squadron 287 for the 2nd year in a row has earned the Detachment’s “Squadron of the Year Award.”
Detachment Western Vice Commander Mark Brock- Northwest Missouri Veteran’s Day of Honor:
This program started out as an SAL initiative, but with the increased scope of putting on the event, this has blossomed out to be an American Legion Family program.
The challenge now is to make this a successful 4th District program. Once successful at the District level, the program will then be branched out throughout the Department/Detachment and eventually be offered nationally.
The District program has the support of the Department and Detachment Commanders, as well as American Legion National Commander Schmidt.
Squadron 287 is looked upon and well known by the Detachment level.
o Public Relations (PR)- Ron Shepherd:
Chairman Shepherd recognized SAL Commander Walter for doing some of the PR duties in the Chairman Shepherd’s absence.
The recent Department and Detachment awards were emphasized again:
SAL Squadron of the Year Award- the last 2 years in a row
American Legion Rider Chapter 287- has earned “Chapter of the Year- 1st place this year, 2nd place last year, and 1st place 2 years ago.
Recent Press releases on the awards and other accomplishments have been given to: 2 television stations, 2 radio stations, and 2 newspapers. We are trying to get the word out.
Legionnaire Ebersole continues to give event announcements to the Saint Joseph News Press “What’s Happening” column.
o Sick Call: Gene Davis (Legion) & Wayne Karr (SAL)
o Post Everlasting: Ray Cole (former Merchant Marine, non-Legion member)
o Un-finished Business:
Leavenworth VA Christmas gift shop collections remain ongoing.
Veteran’s Week/Day Activities
o New Business:
Legionnaire Billy Kretzer is organizing a birthday recognition event for Legionnaire Stan Stubblefield. The event will be Sunday, December 4th at the Legion building. Cake, coffee and punch will be offered. There are several Department Present Officers and Past Officers who have expressed interest in attending.
o For the Good of the American Legion:
Commander Dillman discussed the importance of the 40 & 8 in offering nursing scholarships. This year the group awarded 10 scholarships of $500 each. Commander Dillman added Bill Russell passed away and his funeral will be this Saturday, 5 November. Mr. Russell originated the nursing scholarships after the passing of his 1st wife in honor of the nurses who cared for his wife while she was terminally ill.
o Correspondence: Thank You card from the Dean Trimmer family
o Commander Dillman adjourned the meeting at 1950 hours. Chaplain Hehn gave the closing prayer. The next meeting will be November 16th, 1900 hours.
• Regular Meeting November 16, 2016
o Commander Don Dillman called Post 287 to order at 1910 hours. Chaplain Dave Hehn gave the opening prayer. The POW-MIA Resolution 288 was read followed by the Pledge of Allegiance and the recital of the Preamble to the Constitution of the American Legion. The meeting was declared regularly convened. A quorum was established with 11 members present.
o Membership: 2017 = 204 (82%)
o American Legion Riders (ALR)- Director Mike Grimm:
Chapter of the Year Honors received at the Fall Conference
Annual donation to the Andrew County Ministries
o Sons of the American Legion (SAL)- Detachment Western Vice Commander Mark Brock:
The ALR & SAL agreed to donate their portion of the December Breakfast proceeds to the Andrew County Ministries. A motion was made to donate Post 287’s breakfast proceeds as well. The motion was seconded and passed.
The 1st Northwest Missouri Veteran’s Day of Honor program was a success. The event was organized and hosted by SAL Squadron 464 at the Maryville High School Performing Arts Center. Members for SAL Squadron 287 helped. Twenty veterans and their families were honored. The program was impressive and will be continued within the 4th District. Squadron 287’s next committee meeting for this program will be November 28th.
o Finance Report by Timmy Williams
o Un-finished Business: Legionnaire Billy Kretzer updated the membership on Legionnaire Stan Stubblefield Birthday party for Sunday, December 4th.
o New Business: Legionnaire Edner Rudolph provided an after action report on the Andrew County Museum’s Veterans Day event. The event highlighted the military careers of Everett Powell, Robert Knechtenhofer, Reid Ordnung and Edner. There were 95 in attendance. Legionnaire Rudolph used some of his speaking time at the event to increase the public’s awareness of all the work Dick Munkres Post 287 does for the community, as well as the Kansas City Honors Flight Program. The veteran’s recognition program was well received and the museum will have regularly scheduled coffee’s to continue to collect the military histories/stories of our local veterans.:
o For the Good of the American Legion:
Commander Dillman stated the Andrew County Museum conducts a Winter/Christmas program. In the past, Post 287 has posted the colors at the beginning of the event. We will wait and see if the museum is repeating the program this year.
Troop 60 Boy Scout Eagle Project Chili Supper will be held at Post 287 on December 2nd from 5-8 p.m.
o Correspondence: Thank You card & donation received from the Flora family
o Commander Dillman adjourned the meeting at 1940 hours. Chaplain Hehn gave the closing prayer. The next meeting will be December 7th (Pearl Harbor Day), 1900 hours.
• Pearl Harbor Observance - Regular Meeting December 7, 2016
o Adjutant Terry Beasley called Post 287 to order at 1900 hours.
o Guest Speaker Jan Glenn, Andrew County Museum Executive Director invited all veterans to the next “Coffee”.
o Chaplain Dave Hehn then gave the opening prayer. The POW-MIA Resolution 288 was read followed by the Pledge of Allegiance and the recital of the Preamble to the Constitution of the American Legion. The meeting was declared regularly convened. A quorum was established with 11 members present.
o Guests Present: Jan Glenn, Andrew County Museum Executive Director
o Membership: 2017 = 206 (83%)
o Sons of the American Legion (SAL) - Commander Mike Walter:
Annual Squadron 287 Year in Review:
Squadron 287 earned for the second year in a row the Detachment 2016 Outstanding Squadron of the Year Award.
Squad 287 remained very active providing volunteer support to the Post 287 American Legion Family programs such as the monthly breakfasts, periodic fundraising dinners, military funeral honors, parades/ceremonies, and other events.
Squad 287 continued the annual tradition of donating to the Andrew County Ministries programs of their food pantry and Back Pack Buddies.
Squad 287 had an increase in both volunteer hours/mileage over last year.
Northwest Missouri Veteran’s Day of Honor Program:
Ideas gleaned from Squad 464’s first hosting of this event included:
Run time for the program is 1.5 hours (90 minutes)
Consider having a reception at the end of the running of the program, instead of a full meal in the middle of the event. Meal time doubled the length of time for the event.
Squad 287 now has the “YouTube” audiovisual links
Next planning meeting will be December 29th at 7 p.m.
Still planning on conducting smaller versions of the program at local nursing homes and the Andrew County Senior Center.
Looking forward to the Savannah Senior High School adding a new Performing Arts Center to their facility similar to the one at the Maryville High School.
2016 SAL Squadron 287 Member of the Year is Ron Raines
SAL Membership at 39 (88%)
Detachment Western Vice Commander Mark Brock: Spaghetti Dinner being planned for 7 January 2017 from 5-7 p.m. The proceeds will go towards the Squad 287 Northwest Missouri Veteran’s Day of Honor Program.
o Boy Scout Liaison Report from Brian Stackhouse:
Next Code of Honor will be 13 December at 6:30 p.m. Eagle Scout status will be awarded to 5 Boy Scouts.
Annual re-chartering has been completed.
Legionnaire Rodney Hummer is the new Troop 60 Scout Master
Troop 60 now has a Facebook page any citizen can request to be on the “friend” list to see all of the latest activities of the group.
o Sick Call: Don Dillman, flu, and Ron Shepherd- feeling and looking better, post-1st chemotherapy treatment. Now currently weighing 3 different medical options
o Un-finished Business:
Legionnaire Stan Stubblefield Birthday (Billy Kretzer) - was well attended and greatly appreciated by the Stubblefield family. Legionnaire Steve Crockett took pictures of the event for the family.
Eagle Scout Chili Supper Fundraiser (Mark Hummer) - 85 visitors were served. Legionnaire Hummer thanked the Legionnaires who jumped-in and helped make the event a success. The Scouts are considering doing the event again in January as the goal is to raise enough money to purchase outdoor exercise equipment for a local park.
o New Business:
Valentine Dinner:
Scheduled for Saturday, 18 February
Legionnaire Beasley would also like to honor Vietnam War Veterans as part of the 50th Anniversary Commemoration
Next Big Thing- Post 287 will make the annual donation of $50 to sponsor the giveaway vehicles license and registration fees.
“Leadership Savannah” youth program briefing by Legionnaire Rodney Hummer- program goal is to build leaders in the community; 6-month program; Graduated 20 students last year; and Post 287 was asked if we could sponsor on student next year at a cost of $200. A motion was made, seconded and approved to have each American Legion Family entity donate $50 a piece towards the $200 needed.
o For the Good of the American Legion:
Legionnaire Mark Hummer a Master Sergeant with the Missouri Air National Guard invited his fellow Legionnaires to his upcoming Senior Master Sergeant Promotion Ceremony in January. SMSgt Hummer will also try to arrange a tour of the base and possible C-130 orientation flight. More details to follow. Possibly scheduling on Wednesday, 18 January where we can have the promotion ceremony, base tours, and even the mid-month Post 287 Legion meeting.
Northwest Health Services “The Veterans Choice Program” briefing by Legionnaire Rodney Hummer and current Director of Northwest Health Services. Northwest Health Services is now authorized to provide Veterans Administration medical and dental care when a veteran is unable to get a timely VA appointment. Northwest Health Services also provides a prescription 340B program.
o SAL Commander Mike Walter stated the Post 287 website page in nearing 5,000 “hits.” The website remains a great resource for reaching out to our members and potential new members.
o Correspondence:
Thank You Card from the Reece Nichols Reality Group after reading the newspaper article highlighting the local impact The American Legion has throughout our community.
Thank You Card and donation from Margaret and Jim Black of King City for the use of our building for the Jason Steeby funeral dinner reception.
o Adjutant Beasley adjourned the meeting at 2000 hours. Chaplain Hehn gave the closing prayer. The next meeting will be December 21st, 1900 hours.
•Regular Meeting December 21, 2016
o Commander Don Dillman called Post 287 to order at 1910 hours. Chaplain Dave Hehn gave the opening prayer. The POW-MIA Resolution 288 was read followed by the Pledge of Allegiance and the recital of the Preamble to the Constitution of the American Legion. The meeting was declared regularly convened. A quorum was established with 11 members present.
o Finance Report submitted by Finance Officer Timmy Williams
o Membership: 2017 = 211 (85%)
o Sons of the American Legion (SAL)- Commander Mike Walter
2016 was a “heck of a year:” Squad 287 received for the second year in a row the Detachment of Missouri Squadron of the Year Award for 2016
We will continue to expand the Veterans Day of Honor program. December 29th will be the next planning committee meeting a 7 p.m. at Post 287.
SAL Membership is at 40 (90%)
Detachment Western Vice Commander Mark Brock will be at the Spring Conference to update the Detachment and Department on the progress made with the Veterans Day of Honor program.
Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA) would like to do a fundraiser at our Post. Funds raised could be used for their community projects or to help their students to go to state and/or national FCCLA competitions. They would like to do a breakfast. They will do all the advertising, serving, etc. Date will be March 25th. The SAL will make a donation to them above and beyond what the fundraiser generates, possibly donating another $500.
o American Legion Riders (ALR)- Assistant Director Danny Simon:
Department Adjutant Lowry Finley-Jackson sent a letter of thanks for the Chapter’s escorting of the National Commander, during his recent visit to the 4th District.
This year was a “bad year” for the riders. During the National Legacy Scholarship Ride, going to the ride, one rider was hit by a deer and he is doing well. Another rider was killed. Department of Missouri ALR Director Jim Rosenberg has asked all Chapters to have a Safety Officer. Chapter 287 Safety Officer is Dave Hehn.
As part of our volunteer hours, Chapter 287 is considering helping out at the Noyes Home in Saint Joseph.
A motorcycle-less dinner ride will be on January 13 at 5 p.m. at Dinner 71, just to have a get together during these winter months. The Riders will continue to donate $2 per person per dinner ride to raise funds for the Legacy Scholarship. So far $432.18 has been raised for the Missouri Legacy Scholarship Ride to be held on 27 June.
o Sick Call: Terry Beasley, ill. Jim Dubarr (new member) has undergone leg rehabilitative surgeries. He is doing well. The surgeries have taken place at the Leavenworth VA Medical Center and Providence Hospital in Kansas City, Kansas.
o Un-finished Business:
Valentine Dinner will be February 11th, since the spring conference is going to be on the weekend of February 17-19th.
(Addendum: the next day (22 December) Debbie and Tim Williams asked to have the Valentine Dinner on the originally planned date of 18 February due to all the work that would have been entailed having the Legion Breakfast and Valentine Dinner on the same date of the 11th.)
Andrew County Ministries Donation- the proceeds of the December Legion Family Breakfast was donated to the ministries. Total donation was $819.00.
o New Business:
Legion Family Breakfast Consideration of Raising the Suggested Donation:
By the Numbers (based on doing a breakfast for 150 people):
With the suggested donation of $7.00- after expenses we make approximately $192.00
With $8.00 as the suggested donation- we would make approximately $242. This is a gain of $50 based on today’s costs for the supplies.
Discussion from the general membership:
“Even if we lost 10% of our crowd with a price increase we will be money ahead.”
“Even with a price increase, nobody will get fed as well as they will with the $8.00 donation.”
“A lot are here for the fellowship as well.”
“I think a lot of the patrons have been expecting an increase.”
Edner’s motion to table the price increase until more information can be gathered and more notice to the patrons can be given was withdrawn.
A new motion was made to make an announcement at the January breakfast, “due to an increase in expenses the suggested breakfast donation will be raised to $8.00 starting on February 11th.” The motion was seconded and carried.
o For the Good of the American Legion:
Legionnaire Steve Crockett was thanked for being our Post photographer. He has done an awesome job capturing our events throughout the year. Stan Stubblefield’s granddaughter reported a few days after Stan’s birthday celebration; Stan would look at the pictures of the party and call out a few of the fellow Legionnaires names.
o Commander Dillman adjourned the meeting at 1940 hours. Chaplain Hehn gave the closing prayer. The next meeting will be January 4, 2017 at 1900 hours.