• Regular Meeting January 6, 2016
o 1st Vice Commander Barb Ebersole called Post 287 to order at 1900 hours. Adjutant Terry Beasley gave the opening prayer. The POW-MIA Resolution 288 was read followed by the Pledge of Allegiance and the recital of the Preamble to the Constitution of the American Legion. The meeting was declared regularly convened. A quorum was established with 10 members present.
o Guests/Prospective New Members Present:
Rusty Chester, new member,
Marvin Harper, 4th District Oratorical Chairman, Past Department Commander, & Past 4th District Commander
o Committee Reports:
Membership: 2016 = 231 (93%)
Sons of the American Legion: SAL Commander Mike Walter
Ham-n-Bean & Soup Dinner will be 26 February starting at 5 p.m. Proceeds will go to the Honor Flight Kansas City. Squadron 464 in Conception Junction will have a fundraiser Chili and Soup Dinner on January 23rd for Honor flight KC. Squadron 359 in Saint Joseph will also add to the donations collected for the Honor Flight KC program.
2 new SAL members and 1 renewal received raising our total 2016 membership to 37. Over-the-Top goal is 40
o Post Everlasting: Gene Cobb (Chapter 287 Auxiliary and Past 4th District Auxiliary President)
o Residents for Nursing Home Visitation: LaVerna Village- Irvin Sweet and Norris Johnson, and Shady Lawn- Mr. & Mrs. Keith Stanton
o Guest Speaker Comments
4th District and Zone 2 Oratorical Contest Chairman Marvin Harper:
Zone 2 Contest will be: 24 January at 1:30 p.m.
Location: United Electric Cooperative building in Savannah
Escorts: Billy Kretzer, Mike Walter, Luke Case and Danny Simon
Timekeepers: Barb Ebersole and Mary Harper
Tabulators: Ron Jones and Jim Jones
Judges: Stancy Bond, Dan Mefford, Ron Shreve, Steve Cotter, and Steve Thaler. The judges will have a pre-contest orientation meeting on Wednesday, 20 February at 5 p.m.
o New Business:
Revitalization will be at Post 287 on January 21-23rd. The times on Thursday and Friday will be from 0900 – 1500 hours. Saturday times will be 0900 – 1200. Bring your cell phone and a recharger cord. Food will be purchased on an as needed basis depending on the number of volunteers who arrive to help. The 4th District has allocated up to $200 as a food allowance.
2-month schedule review:
Legion Family Breakfast – January 9th from 7-10 a.m.
Martin Luther King Observance will be January 18th, and we will need to put out the courthouse flags.
Valentine’s Dinner will be 13 February from 6-8 p.m. The Legion Family Breakfast will be as regularly scheduled for 13 February from 7-10 a.m. Volunteers needed for events.
o Un-finished Business:
Damaged Marquee- early research has determined the least expensive sign will cost up to $6,000 and the most expensive sign will be $30,000. Roderick Sign is looking at more options for us.
Cellular phone signal amplifier- will be installed sometime next week. Bobby Combs, Steve Crockett and Mike Walter will do the installation.
o For the Good of the American Legion:
Jerry Fischer and Roger Latham will both service as Service Officers for Post 287:
See the The American Legion Magazine, January 2016 issue, page 47 for the article on, “Ask a Service Officer: Know Your Eligibility for VA Health Care”
See also the latest Missouri Legionnaire Quarterly Newspaper, December 2015, page 10, for the article titled, “VA&R Update National Department and General Interest”
o 1st Vice Commander Ebersole adjourned the meeting at 1930 hours. Adjutant Beasley gave the closing prayer. The next meeting will be January 20th, at 1900 hours.
Regular Meeting January 20, 2016
o Commander Stan Aspey called Post 287 to order at 1900 hours. Chaplain Dave Hehn gave the opening prayer. The POW-MIA Resolution 288 was read followed by the Pledge of Allegiance and the recital of the Preamble to the Constitution of the American Legion. The meeting was declared regularly convened. A quorum was established with 10 members present.
o Committee Reports:
Membership: 2016 = 232 (93%)
Finance Report- presented by Finance Officer Timmy Williams
Monthly Report & Annual Finance Report Summary
American Legion Riders- 4th District Director Timmy Williams
Plans are in the works for the upcoming 2016 rides and charity events.
Missouri Legacy Ride will have Savannah and Post 287 as a stop-over and meal place on the second day of their event. Expect up to 150 motorcyclists plus additional riders. The Riders are looking at having the meal catered, possibly by J. Howard’s.
The Riders are looking at making contributions more locally to the Noyes Home, versus the Toys-for-Tots regional charity program.
Sons of the American Legion: SAL Commander Mike Walter
Squadron 464 in Conception Junction is having a Chili and Soup dinner this Saturday to raise funds for the Honor Flight KC. Please support them.
Squadron 287 will have a Ham-n-Bean & Soup Dinner on 26 February from 5-8 p.m. Proceeds will go to the Honor Flight Kansas City.
The Squadron 287 finances are sound right now. The members are looking at different charity options to support during the coming year.
o Sick Call: Doris Schopfer (mini-stroke, at home now)
o Residents for Nursing Home Visitation: LaVerna Village- Irvin Sweet and Norris Johnson, and Shady Lawn- Mr. & Mrs. Keith Stanton
o New Business:
A motion was made and seconded to buy 4 more tables and 32 chairs. Estimated budget was $1,000.00. Discussion included: the need for more table space to handle the increased number of patrons at our Legion events. The question was raised if there is a city ordinance on the maximum occupancy of people allowed to meet within our Legion facility. Legionnaire Roger Latham to his knowledge answered, “There was no such ordinance limit in Savannah.” Legionnaire Don Dillman will also try to confirm if there is a maximum restriction. After discussion motion passed.
A motion was made, seconded, and passed to make the annual $1,000 donation to the Auxiliary.
o Un-finished Business:
Revitalization will be at Post 287 on January 21-23rd. The times on Thursday and Friday will be from 0900 – 1500 hours. Saturday times will be 0900 – 1200. Bring your cell phone and a recharger cord. Service Officer Ron McBee will be here on Saturday. Volunteers needed.
o For the Good of the American Legion:
Thanks to Bobby Combs, Steve Crockett and Mike Walter for installing the cellular phone signal amplifier. The system works great providing over 3-bars of signal within the building.
Thanks also to Steve Crockett, Billy Kretzer and Greg Wall for all the snow removal from the sidewalk and driveway areas.
o Correspondence:
Thank you card and donation from the News-Press 25 Year Club
Post card advertising “The Vill Radio-A-Thon event to raise money for Camp Quality
o Commander Aspey adjourned the meeting at 1945 hours. Chaplain Hehn gave the closing prayer. The next meeting will be February 3rd, at 1900 hours.
Regular Meeting February 3, 2016
o Commander Stan Aspey called Post 287 to order at 1900 hours. Chaplain Dave Hehn gave the opening prayer. The POW-MIA Resolution 288 was read followed by the Pledge of Allegiance and the recital of the Preamble to the Constitution of the American Legion. The meeting was declared regularly convened. A quorum was established with 11 members present.
o Committee Reports:
Membership: 2016 = 238 (96%)
American Legion Riders- 4th District Director Timmy Williams
2016 Missouri Legacy Scholarship Ride
Department Assistant Ride Director John Rosenburg and his wife Jodel will be here on 27 February to meet with Post 287 and civic officials to plan out Day #2 of the Ride ending in Savannah. Right now looking at meeting at noon. Location to be determined. Some of the items to for discussion include:
Route thru the city
Police escort
Public participation
Catered meal
Legionnaire Dillman has invited the Savannah Chamber of Commerce, Lion’s Club, and City Council members to attend this planning session.
Sons of the American Legion: SAL Commander Mike Walter
Squadron 287 will have a Ham-n-Bean & Soup Dinner on 26 February from 5-8 p.m. Proceeds will go to the Honor Flight Kansas City.
Spring Fish Fry- currently looking at doing the Fry on Saturday, April 23rd from 4-7 p.m.
Squadron 287 has committed to sponsoring two citizens for Boys State this year.
Mark Brock is planning on attending the Saturday session of the Spring Conference.
o Residents for Nursing Home Visitation: LaVerna Village- Irvin Sweet, and Shady Lawn- Mr. & Mrs. Keith Stanton
o New Business:
Missouri Boys State:
A motion was made, seconded, and passed for the Post to sponsor two citizen applications.
Thanks to Billy Kretzer, Don Dillman, Bill Phillips and Terry Beasley. They donated $100 each to sponsor a third student.
Legionnaire Dillman stated the Savannah Lions Club will sponsor a student as well.
SAL Squadron 287 will sponsor 2 students.
ALR Chapter 287 will also sponsor a student.
Total commitments to date = 7. We are waiting to see how many applications there will be from North Andrew and Savannah High Schools.
2-month Schedule Review:
President’s Day on the 18th. Will need flags out at the courthouse
Andrew County Government Day will be for a half-day on 18 March. We will only have the North Andrew students. Program starts at 0900. No lunch meal this year.
Vet-2-Vet veterans benefit fair will be on 21 May at the Missouri Army Guard building on Woodbine in Saint Joseph.
Sound of Speed Air Show will be 27-28 August at Rosecrans Air Field in Saint Joseph. We will await further event details as they are released, and see if we will have the opportunity to have an organizational information and membership booth.
o Un-finished Business:
Revitalization was held at Post 287 on January 21-23rd. The revitalization resulted in 4 Post 1000 members transferring to Post 287. The overall transfers gained from Post 1000 to the 4th District were 40.
The additional 4 tables & 32 chairs have been ordered, and will be picked up when the complete order is in.
o For the Good of the American Legion:
Cindy and Bill Phillips said they would continue to do the upkeep of Flanders Field this year.
Luke Case is donating an ice maker machine to the Post. Plans are now in the works to remove the sink and cabinet from the office and use the water line and drain set-up for the ice maker.
Thanks to Debbie and Tim Williams for hanging the Military Branch plaques on the front wall.
SAL Senior Vice Commander Mark Brock is asking for ideas and help to raise some money for his granddaughter Lacey Petitt. Her baseball/softball team is going to Florida this year and will need help for the traveling and lodging expenses.
o Commander Aspey adjourned the meeting at 1940 hours. Chaplain Hehn gave the closing prayer. The next meeting will be February 17th, 1900 hours.
• Regular Meeting February 17, 2016
o Commander Stan Aspey called Post 287 to order at 1900 hours. Chaplain Dave Hehn gave the opening prayer. The POW-MIA Resolution 288 was read followed by the Pledge of Allegiance and the recital of the Preamble to the Constitution of the American Legion. The meeting was declared regularly convened. A quorum was established with 17 members present.
o Committee Reports:
Membership: 2016 = 244 (98%)
Finance Report- Timmy Williams
American Legion Riders- Director Mike Grimm
$100 is being donated to the Norman Johnson family.
$100 is being donated to Camp Quality. The Legion Riders will also participate as volunteers for the week as well.
2016 Missouri Legacy Scholarship Ride- Department Assistant Ride Director John Rosenburg and his wife Jodel will be here on 27 February to meet with Post 287 and civic officials to plan out Day #2 of the Ride ending in Savannah. The meeting will be held at the Andrew County Senior Center at noon. Some of the plans include:
Route going thru the cemetery and stopping at the burial site of a relative of Mrs. Rosenburg. The Post 287 Honor Guard in the white shirt uniforms will present arms and play Taps. No rifle volleys.
Flags out at the cemetery and Main Street.
Provide or encourage people watching the motorcycle procession to have American Flags for waving.
Sons of the American Legion: SAL Commander Mike Walter
$100 is being donated to the Norman Johnson family.
$100 is being donated to Camp Quality.
Squadron 287 will have a Ham-n-Bean & Soup Dinner on 26 February from 4-7 p.m. Proceeds will be donated to a worthwhile charity.
Spring Fish Fry- currently looking at doing the Fry on Saturday, April 23rd from 4-7 p.m.
Squadron 287 has committed to sponsoring one citizen to Boys State. Funds will be set aside to sponsor a second student if needed, or a candidate to the Cadet Patrol program.
Mark Brock is planning on attending the Saturday session of the Spring Conference.
Commander Walter thanked all of the SAL members who volunteered time and effort towards the last Legion Family Breakfast and Valentine’s Dinner events.
o Sick Call: Michael Black
o Residents for Nursing Home Visitation: LaVerna Village- Irvin Sweet & Shady Lawn- Mr. & Mrs. Keith Stanton
o New Business:
Missouri Boys State:
So far 4 applications have been received. 2 from Savannah Senior High School & 2 from North Andrew School.
The Lion’s Club will sponsor one of the North Andrew students. Post 287 will sponsor the other 3 applications.
There may be a possible third application from North Andrew. If so, the SAL Squad 287 will sponsor that candidate.
The donation from The American Legion Riders will be devoted to a student from the Saint Joseph area.
Service Officer Activity:
Legionnaire Latham has picked up a supply of Get Well cards, and will send cards to: Richard Duncan, Reid Ordnung, and Michael Black.
Legionnaire Latham assisted Norman Johnson with getting a new pair of glasses, with the help of the Andrew County Ministries.
Debbie and Tim Williams visited with Norman Johnson after he returned home from his lengthy hospitalization at Kansas University Hospital. Mr. Johnson was hit head-on while driving on Highway 71 in Savannah. The other driver was killed. The other driver’s insurance would only cover $10,000 of Mr. Johnson’s hospital and rehabilitation expenses. Mr. Johnson is now trying to meet many financial obligations and was having some difficulty addressing all those bills and the normal daily living expenses. Debbie and Tim Williams ensured the Johnson family would receive temporary help with meals from the Senior Center. The Senior Center will work with the Johnson family for longer term arrangements.
$100 donation motion was made, seconded and approved for the Johnson family.
Mrs. McLarney has received help with applying for any VA burial and accrued benefits after the passing of John McLarney.
$100 donation motion was made, seconded, and approved for Camp Quality this year.
SAL Commander Walter shared a personal story on how the musical band he plays for recently advertised on Facebook. The cost was $30 for one week of advertising. With just this one adventure into Facebook advertising they went from getting 50 hits on their Facebook site to 4,200. SAL Bobby Combs has also used this method to advertise his car sales business. He had a greater expanded demographical and geographical advertising area at a cost of $50 for the week. He ended up with over 8,400 hits, and greater overall business opportunities. SAL Commander Walter thought the Post 287 Legion Family should consider advertising with this Facebook method. This may be an excellent way to increase our membership. The advertising demographical and geographical areas can be tailored specifically to our needs and budget. A committee was formed to look at this as an avenue of membership recruitment. Committee volunteers included: Bobby Combs, Steve Crockett, Mark Brock, and Mike Walter.
Nominating Committee- the Post will need to develop a slate of officers for 2017. Volunteers needed for a Nominating Committee.
2-month Schedule Review:
February 20, 2016- Stan Stubblefield will be at this Saturday’s Brat Fest. Everyone is encouraged to come by a say “Hi” to Stan. The Brat Fest will be at Bill’s Amaco at 11:30 hours.
February 27th- Blue & Gold Banquet at 6 p.m.
March 13th- 4th District meeting in Parnell starting at 1:30 p.m. Four Chaplains Ceremony to take place at the start of the meeting.
March 14th- Legion Birthday Dinner hosted by the Auxiliary. Dinner at 6 p.m.
March 17th- Andrew County Government Day. We will only have the North Andrew students. Program starts at 0900 and will only be a ½ day session. The students will not require a lunch meal. The Post may consider doing something like pizzas to thank the courthouse staff.
March 19th- Annual Boy Scout Auction/Dinner fund raiser at the Baptist Church.
May 7th- Apple Blossom parade. The jeep and trailer will be entered in this year’s parade. The jeep took a 1st place award in last year’s parade. Volunteers are needed to march along or ride in the jeep/trailer.
May 21st- Vet-2-Vet veterans benefit fair at the Missouri Army Guard building on Woodbine and Faraon Streets in Saint Joseph.
May 30th- Memorial Day Ceremony. Plans in the works.
August 27-28th- Sound of Speed Air Show at Rosecrans Air Field in Saint Joseph.
o For the Good of the American Legion:
Commander Aspey recognized Luke Case, Billy Kretzer, Dave Hehn and Terry Beasley for doing the short-notice Honor Guard duty at the women’s and men’s Missouri Western State University Basketball games recently, during their veteran’s appreciation weekend.
Legionnaire Billy Kretzer led the group in thanking Debbie and Tim Williams for their leadership and organizational skills in continuously planning, supplying and managing the monthly breakfasts’ as well as this year’s Valentine’s dinner.
$50 was donated by Kim Brown, from the proceeds of her book sale at the Post.
$830 is in the bank from the Valentine’s dinner.
SAL Commander Walter briefed the members on the significance of the Legacy Scholarship plaques with a medallion awarded to the Legion Riders and SAL for their contributions to the fund.
Pictures have been hung along the upper southwest wall displaying the current officers for the Legion Riders and SAL.
o Correspondence: Thank you card from the Conroy family
o Commander Aspey adjourned the meeting at 2000 hours. Chaplain Hehn gave the closing prayer. The next meeting will be March 2nd, at 1900 hours.