•November 4, 2015
o Commander Stan Aspey called Post 287 to order at 1900 hours. Chaplain Dave Hehn gave the opening prayer. A quorum was established with 11 members present.
o Andrew County Ministries- plans were underway to help the organization overcome a 6,000 lbs. food supply deficit. In the meantime the FCCLA of the Savannah Senior High School did a fundraiser and donated $2,000 for the cause. Roger Latham said the donation went a long ways towards meeting the food supply shortage. The Andrew County Ministries next big challenge will be raising $5,000 for the Christmas Charity programs. SAL Squadron 287 is suggesting to The American Legion Family of Post 287 to donate the proceeds from the next monthly breakfast to the Andrew County Ministries. Plus, have The American Legion Family also divide up and cover the expenses of the breakfast, an estimated $300 ($75/group). This will provide an anticipated donation of $800. A motion was made, seconded and approved based on the contingency of the other American Legion Family groups to share in covering the breakfast event expenses.
o SAL Chaplain Bobby Combs will install a cellular phone signal amplifier. A Wilson brand unit will be purchased at 10% above costs. Anticipated expenses will be $395.00 plus the purchase of an external antenna. Legionnaire Steve Crocket will also help. A motion was made, seconded and approved to proceed with these plans.
o Jeep Trailer Banners- the Emblem sales order for these replacement banners has been received. The banners will have Velcro and snaps sewn on, and readied for the jeep trailer.
o Veteran’s Day Activities/Events:
Monday, November 9th: LaVerna Village Veterans Recognition sponsored by Mosaic Hospice will be at 2 p.m., and Veteran’s Supper sponsored by the Auxiliary at 6 p.m.
Wednesday, November 11th: Flags out at 7 a.m., Savannah Middle School Assembly at 8 a.m., Amazonia School Assembly at 10 a.m., Veteran’s Day Parade in Saint Joseph at 2 p.m., LaVerna Village Veteran’s Recognition at 2 p.m., Flags retrieved at 5 p.m., Return of Honor Flight Veterans at KCI, leave for the airport at 7:30 p.m.
Thursday, November 12th- Andrew County Senior Center Luncheon for Veterans at 11 a.m.
o Commander Aspey adjourned the meeting at 1950 hours. Chaplain Hehn gave the closing prayer.
• November 18, 2015
o Commander Stan Aspey called Post 287 to order at 1900 hours. Chaplain Dave Hehn gave the opening prayer. A quorum was established with 13 members present.
o Guest Present: Marvin Harper, Past Department Commander, and Past 4th District Commander
o American Legion Riders- Chapter Director Mike Grimm. 13 Riders were present for tonight’s meeting. Working on next year’s ride schedule. We want to improve our ALR brand. Twice this year during parades we were asked if we were “VFW?”
o Sons of the American Legion- Senior Vice Commander Mark Brock- he is consulting Post 33 in Cameron of the 3rd District on forming an SAL squadron and applying for an SAL Charter. All is going well. Their next meeting will be on December 8th in Cameron. They should be chartered during the beginning of next year.
o Post Everlasting: Robert Sticken
o Legionnaire Jerry Fischer has volunteered to be the Post Service Officer.
o Cameron Veterans Home Christmas Gifts- this will take place on Wednesday, December 9th. Meet at Menards at 9:30 a.m. to carpool.
o “The Next Big Thing”- a motion was made, seconded and approved to sponsor the licensure registration for the vehicle being donated by Collision Repair in Saint Joseph for a family in need of better transportation. The event will be on December 18th.
o Andrew County Ministries- after paying $400 in breakfast supply expenses, $1,074 was collected for donation to the Andrew County Ministries.
o Annual Boy Scout Charter Sponsorship. A motion was made, seconded, and approved to sponsor the annual $25.00 Boy Scout Chartering fee.
o Guest Comments: Legionnaire Harper:
Monday (Nov 23rd) evening at Post 102 in Barnard there will be a practice run for the Nodaway County Oratorical contestant. You are invited to attend. Session will be at 7 p.m.
The Nodaway County contest will then be here at Post 287 on December 13th before the regularly scheduled 4th District meeting. Contest at 1:30 p.m. Volunteers at present include: timekeepers (Mary Harper & Barb Ebersole), judges (Danny Simon, Luke Case, & Commander Aspey). Two escorts will be required.
The 4th District and the Zone 2 oratorical contests will be at the United Electric Cooperative. These contests will also start at 1:30 p.m. 4th District Contest volunteers: judges (Brian Stackhouse & Don Dillman), 5 judges are required for the District contest. Zone will require volunteers who have greater experience. Volunteers include: judges (Joe Baumli, and Mrs. Bond). I would also like to have 2 ministers from the Savannah area to serve as judges.
o Post 287 was also recognized for supporting the Post 102 Saturday breakfast fundraisers.
o Thanks to everyone for all the great things our Post has accomplished recently from the Veteran’s Day Parade, and Veteran’s Day events/ceremonies. This was one hectic week.
o Presentation: The First Christian Church has donated 4 military service plaques to Post 287. The church would like to borrow the plaques back from time to time.
o Several Savannah citizens and Post 287 Legionnaires went to KCI on Veterans Day to welcome back the Honor Flight veterans. It was a very special and moving experience.
o Commander Aspey adjourned the meeting at 2000 hours. Chaplain Hehn gave the closing prayer.
• December 2, 2015
o 1st Vice Commander Barb Ebersole called Post 287 to order at 1900 hours. Chaplain Dave Hehn gave the opening prayer. The meeting was declared regularly convened. A quorum was established with 14 members present.
o Guest Present: Marvin Harper, 4th District Oratorical Chairman, Past Department Commander, and Past 4th District Commander
o Membership: 2016 = 220 (89%)
o Sons of the American Legion- Commander Mike Walter:
• Membership = 33 (82%)
• Delivered the American Legion Family Post 287 donation of $1,074 to the Andrew County Ministries. They were “floored” by the generosity.
• Squad 287 members helped with the numerous Veteran’s Day Ceremonies and Events.
• Squad 287 members were encouraged to show a strong presence at the upcoming 4th District meeting being hosted by Post 287.
• Squad 287 is formulating ideas for goals and projects for 2016. Ideas are welcomed.
SAL Senior Vice Commander Mark Brock:
• Update on the charter application for Squadron 33 in Cameron (3rd District) - the officers have been selected and will be installed at a later time. The Squadron will be ready to finalize their Charter Application during the December 8th meeting. This group will be a real asset to the American Legion they are “movers and getters.”
• SAL Detachment Vice Commander (West) Bryan Bradford has been invited to the 4th District December meeting. Vice Commander Bradford will try to attend, weather permitting. Vice Commander Bradford will also bring a couple of Josh Dog kits for donation to Squadron 287.
• SAL Detachment Vice Commander (West) Bryan Bradford has really appreciated all of the help Senior Vice Commander Brock has provided for the 3rd and 4th District area Squadrons, and will continue to call upon him in the future.
o Post Everlasting: John McLarney
o New Business:
Department Commander Scarborough and Department Senior Vice Commander Gonzales are tasking all Legion Posts to call all members who have not renewed their 2016 membership dues yet. Reports are then to be generated from the Legion Post to District Vice Commander to District Commander to Zone Commander to Department Senior Vice Commander To Department Commander. Post 287 has recently contacted all 40 members who have not renewed to date. The response has been 4 renewals, plus we have had one Post 1000 transfer in. We have gone from 215 members to 220.
Damaged Marquee- the sign has been totaled. We are awaiting estimates from the insurance agent, and then we will research obtaining new signage.
Cameron Veterans Home Christmas Gifts- this will take place on Wednesday, December 9th. Meet at Menards at 9:30 a.m. to carpool.
“The Next Big Thing”- this event will be on December 18th at 2 p.m.
Cellular phone signal amplifier has arrived. Installation will be done by SAL Chaplain Bobby Combs and Legionnaire Steve Crockett.
o Guest Comments: Legionnaire Harper
Nodaway County Oratorical Contest- the event will be held on Sunday, December 13th at 1:30 p.m. This will be conducted prior to the starting of the 4th District meeting. Legionnaire Billy Kretzer and SAL Commander Mike Walter will be escorts. Legionnaire Barb Ebersole and Post 102 Auxiliary Member Mary Harper will be the timekeepers. 4th District Commander Ron Jones, Ms. Lori Sneed, and 4th District Northern Vice Commander Marlin Slagle will be the tabulators. Judges will be Legionnaire Luke Case, Legion Rider Danny Simon, and Post 287 Commander Stan Aspey.
4th District Revitalization- Legionnaire Harper was one of three 4th District members to observe the revitalization conducted at Post 21 in the 3rd District. He reiterated the people called during the revitalization were Post 1000 members being asked to transfer to a local Post of their choice. There is no real net gain of new members to The American Legion overall.
o For the Good of the American Legion:
Legionnaire Rudolph shared his ideas for charity organizations. He has frequently donated to the Adopt-a-Family program, but not all of the experiences have gone well. This year he will be sponsoring a veteran for the Honor’s Flight Program. The cost to send one escort to go with veteran is $625.
o 1st Vice Commander Ebersole adjourned the meeting at 1945 hours. Chaplain Hehn gave the closing prayer. The next meeting will be December 16th, at 1900 hours.
• Regular Meeting December 16, 2015
o Commander Stan Aspey called Post 287 to order at 1900 hours. Chaplain Dave Hehn gave the opening prayer. The POW-MIA Resolution 288 was read followed by the Pledge of Allegiance and the recital of the Preamble to the Constitution of the American Legion. The meeting was declared regularly convened. A quorum was established with 7 members present.
o Committee Reports:
Membership: 2016 = 228 (92%)
Finance Report- deferred to the mid-January 2016 meeting
American Legion Riders- report deferred to the mid-January 2016 meeting
Sons of the American Legion- deferred to the next meeting
o Sick Call: Mike Grimm, recent hospitalization for a medical procedure, and Richard Duncan, failing health
o Post Everlasting: Ron Ueligger
o Residents for Nursing Home Visitation:
LaVerna Village- Irvin Sweet and Norris Johnson
Shady Lawn- Mr. & Mrs. Keith Stanton
o New Business:
Roger Latham has accepted the Post Service Officer position.
Revitalization will be at Post 287 on January 21-23rd. The times on Thursday and Friday will be from 0900 – 1500 hours. Saturday times will be 0900 – 1200. Bring your cell phone and a recharger cord. Legionnaire Jerome Goolsby will be the point of contact for the 4th District. Legionnaire Goolsby will send out volunteer notification letters soon.
o Un-finished Business:
Damaged Marquee- the insurance agent has written a check for the damaged sign. Tim and Debbie Williams are researching replacement signage options.
Cellular phone signal amplifier- no updates this reporting period.
o For the Good of the American Legion:
Legionnaire Edner Rudolph’s family is sponsoring one escort ($625) to go with a veteran on the Honor Flight Program. Their donation is marked for an escort to accompany Vietnam War Veteran Timmy Williams when he gets accepted for a flight.
Legionnaire Timmy Williams is the 4th District candidate for the Department of Missouri Legionnaire of the Year award. The selection for this award will be done during the Department’s Spring Conference held in February.
The Morris family has donated a computer projector to the Post.
SAL Vice Commander (West) Bryan Bradford donated 2 Josh Dog kits to the Post. These kits are given to the children of deployed soldiers.
o Commander Aspey adjourned the meeting at 1930 hours. Chaplain Hehn gave the closing prayer. The next meeting will be January 6th, at 1900 hours.