• July 1, 2015
o Commander Stan Aspey called Post 287 to order at 1900 hours. Legionnaire Billy Kretzer gave the opening prayer. A quorum was established with 9 members present.
o Guest Present: Marvin Harper, Past Department Commander, Past 4th District Commander. Legionnaire Harper briefed the members present on this year’s Boys State & Cadet Patrol programs.
o Legionnaire Harper also stated Post 102 in Barnard will donate $50 towards the Legacy Scholarship Fund.
o Sons of the American Legion Squadron 287- Senior Vice Commander Mark Brock stated the 1st Annual Spring & Chicken Fry served 126 people. $160.94 was raised after event expenses were paid.
o American Legion Riders- 4th District Director Timmy Williams reported the 1st ever Missouri Legacy Scholarship Ride was a great success! The route travelled over 850 miles, and raised $40,000.
o Commander Aspey adjourned the meeting at 1945 hours. Legionnaire Kretzer gave the closing prayer.
• July 15, 2015
o Commander Stan Aspey called Post 287 to order at 1900 hours. Legionnaire Edner Rudolph gave the opening prayer. A quorum was established with 12 members present.
o Leavenworth Christmas Shop drive is starting now. The donated items will be delivered to the Leavenworth VA Hospital a week before Thanksgiving. Please consider donation items for this project along with the annual School Supply drive.
o Boy Scout update by Legionnaire Stackhouse. Post 287 is the sponsor for Troop 60, Pack 60 and Crew 60 here in Savannah. The Boy Scout Commissioner contacted Legionnaire Stackhouse on the issue of the Boy Scouts of America now allowing homosexuals in becoming adult members of the Boy Scouts. Legionnaire Stackhouse brings this issue to our attention as the Charter Organization for Troop 60. The Boy Scouts of America knows some sponsorships will be lost due to this issue and policy. Some of the organizations throughout the country are churches and other groups in opposition to these beliefs. With the issue out in the open, Legionnaire Stackhouse made a motion for Post 287 to continue its charter sponsorship and support of our scouts in Savannah and Troop 60. The motion was seconded and carried.
o Membership- Legionnaire Stackhouse developed and printed up the “Commander’s Invitation” cards to be handed out to prospective new members.
o American Legion Legacy Scholarship- so far $2,150 ($1,500 from the Riders, $500 from the SAL, $100 from the Auxiliary, and $50 from Post 102 in Barnard) has been collected, and will be sent to the August National Convention for donation. Legionnaire Williams motioned for the Post to donate $100 to the Legacy Scholarship fund. The motion was seconded and carried.
o School Supply drive- in the past each entity of the Post 287 family has donated $100 apiece. The donations are also supplemented another $300-400 in donations of supplies and money from individuals. This allows us to donate up to $800 a year going to 7 different Andrew County schools. Legionnaire Williams made a motion for the Post to contribute $100 for the School Supply drive. Motion was seconded and carried.
o Commander Aspey adjourned the meeting at 1945 hours. Legionnaire Rudolph gave the closing prayer.
• August 5, 2015
o Commander Stan Aspey called Post 287 to order at 1900 hours. Legionnaire Billy Kretzer gave the opening prayer. A quorum was established with 11 members present.
o Guests/Prospective New Members Present:
Marlin Slagle – Department Zone 2 Vice Commander, 4th District Northern Vice Commander, and 4th District Finance Officer
Ron Jones- 4th District Commander
Marvin Harper- Past Department Commander
Bill Young- Post 100 Commander
o Sick Call: Jerry Fischer- recovering from quadruple coronary artery bypass graft surgery
o Post Everlasting Albert Ricket
o Guest Presentations:
Zone 2 & Northern Vice Commander Slagle- Re-iterated the Zone Commander & Vice Commander’s job are membership.
Post 100 Commander Young- appreciated being at the Post 287 meeting tonight, to get an understanding on how to properly conduct a Post meeting.
Legionnaire Harper- reminded us of the District and Zone 2 Oratorical contests will be held in Savannah this coming year. Dates to be announced.
o Post 287 will be the Host Post for the 4 October National Commander Evening Dinner Visit.
o Membership and the latest uses for the “Commander’s Invitation for a Free Breakfast” cards:
Commander Aspey- hands them out to people wearing a “veterans” ball cap, such as during his appointments at the Saint Joseph V.A. Clinic
Legionnaire Crocket- handed one out at the local Chevrolet dealership
Legionnaire Stackhouse- handed one out to a veteran who worked at Mann’s Nursery
o Commander Aspey adjourned the meeting at 1930 hours. Legionnaire Kretzer gave the closing prayer.
• August 19, 2015
o Commander Stan Aspey called Post 287 to order at 1900 hours. Legionnaire Billy Kretzer gave the opening prayer. The meeting was declared regularly convened. A quorum was established with 11 members present.
o Guests/Prospective New Members Present:
Jack Kessinger (United States Army, 82nd Airborne) - new member, recruited by Billy Kretzer
Aaron Gnuscheke- new SAL and ALR member, recruited by Brett Spitzer
o American Legion Riders- Director Mike Grimm:
Several rides are planned. (4-wheelers are welcomed to come as well).
Legacy Scholarship donations: American Legion Riders- $1,500, Legion Post 102 (Barnard)- $50, Legion Post 287- $100, Auxiliary Unit 287- $100, and SAL Squadron 287- $500. Total = $2,250!
Introduced new Rider Aaron Gnuschke
o Sons of the American Legion- Commander Mike Walter
Announced Bobby Combs was elected to be the Squadron Chaplain
Introduced new member Aaron Gnuschke
o Annual Post Colors going to the National Convention Parade:
Legionnaire Kretzer acknowledged the 20 years of Legionnaire Stubblefield going to the National Convention Parade. Legionnaire Stubblefield often did this without re-imbursement from the Post for his travels. Post budgeting allows for sponsoring up to the one-way travel mileage of 50¢ per mile. Legionnaire Kretzer motioned for the mileage sponsorship to be both the travel to the convention and the return trip (mileage both ways) at the rate of 50¢ per mile. The motion was seconded. Motion carried. The sponsorship for this year is already covered. Legionnaire Beasley was given $350 to off-set expenses for this year’s convention to be held in Baltimore, Maryland.
o Commander Aspey adjourned the meeting at 1950 hours. Legionnaire Kretzer gave the closing prayer.