• May 6, 2015
o Commander Stan Aspey called Post 287 to order at 1900 hours. Legionnaire Tim Williams gave the opening prayer. A quorum was established with 11 members present.
o Sick Call: John McLarney (hospitalization) & Jacinta Rupp- undergoing chemotherapy
o Residents for Nursing Home Visitation:
Abbey Woods- Mike Kelly
Shady Lawn- Mr. & Mrs. Keith Stanton
LaVerna Village- Irvin Sweet, Robert Sticken (PUFL), & Mrs. Hegeman
o The Honor Flight program will soon be opened up to Vietnam Veterans.
o Commander Aspey adjourned the meeting at 1930 hours. Legionnaire Williams gave the closing prayer. The next meeting will be May 20th at 1900 hours.
May 20, 2015
o Commander Stan Aspey called Post 287 to order at 1900 hours. Legionnaire Billy Kretzer gave the opening prayer. A quorum was established with 12 members present.
o Sick Call: Jacinta Rupp- undergoing chemotherapy & Bonnie Rudolph is at Living Community
o Post Everlasting: Michael Kelly
o Sons of the American Legion (SAL) Squadron 287, Commander Mike Walter:
Squadron Everlasting Ceremony was held earlier this evening honoring Mark E. Baker.
Current Membership = 49, but we will be losing 6 members soon, who are transferring to the newly formed Squadron 464 in Conception Junction.
Squad 287 recently went to Tarkio and helped Squad 199 with their Veterans Benefit Fair on April 25th.
Squadron 287 will help with this year’s Memorial Day Parade/Ceremony.
o 4th District American Legion Riders (ALR), 4th District Director Timmy Williams:
9 riders are doing the June 25-28th Missouri Legacy Scholarship Ride.
Legion Riders will help with this year’s Memorial Day Parade/Ceremony.
Riders will have a Dinner Ride to Plattsburg on June 6th
Riders will help with Camp Quality on June 7th.
o Avenue City School has invited Post 287 to perform a Flag Folding Ceremony on July 20th.
o Post 287 Baseball Team: Coach Shoemaker was unable to get enough players to field a team this year. Project closed.
o 2015-2016 Officers were elected by acclimation.
o Commander Aspey adjourned the meeting at 2000 hours. Legionnaire Kretzer gave the closing prayer. The next meeting will be June 3rd, at 1900 hours.
• June 3, 2015
o Commander Stan Aspey called Post 287 to order at 1900 hours. Legionnaire Billy Kretzer gave the opening prayer. A quorum was established with 11 members present.
o Post Everlasting: Bonnie Rudolph
o LaVerna Village has invited Post 287 for an American Flag ceremony on 2 July at 7 p.m.
o Legionnaire Edner Rudolph thanked everyone from the Legion Family for the support he received with the passing of Bonnie. Over $700 has been donated to the Post in her memory.
o Thanks to Cindy and Bill Phillips. They are maintaining Flanders’s Field this year. Legionnaire Phillips has also been weeding and cleaning the Legion grounds.
o Commander Aspey adjourned the meeting at 1930 hours. Legionnaire Kretzer gave the closing prayer.
• June 17, 2015
o Commander Stan Aspey called Post 287 to order at 1900 hours. Legionnaire Billy Kretzer gave the opening prayer. A quorum was established with 12 members present.
o New Members Present: Cristi and Dan Hartman (who joined this evening). Cristi served in the Army and Air Force. Dan served in the Air Force and is currently with the Missouri Air National Guard.
Cristi and Dan Hartman- briefed the membership on the Soldiers’ Angels charity organization. The program is currently helping veterans with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), and taking care of the caregivers of veterans. This help is mainly concentrated at major military medical centers. For financial donations to the organization, the Nodaway Valle Bank is serving as the donation center. Any monetary donation would be grateful. The organization does recognize donors who contribute in amounts of $100, $500, or $1,000 as Red, White, or Blue donors. Non-monetary forms of help are also needed such as Letter Writing Teams, etc.
o 4th District American Legion Riders (ALR), 4th District Director Timmy Williams:
2015-2016 Officers have been selected. Mike Grimm will be the next Director.
Missouri Legacy Scholarship Ride- 8 going from Chapter 287
o June 13th Legion breakfast served 215 people. Thanks to all of the volunteers who came out. Several new volunteers helped make the event a success.
o Commander Aspey adjourned the meeting at 1950 hours. Legionnaire Kretzer gave the closing prayer.