• March 4, 2015
o Commander Stan Aspey called Post 287 to order at 1900 hours. Chaplain Stan Stubblefield gave the opening prayer. A quorum was established with 15 members present.
o Guest Presentation: 2016 Zone II Oratorical Contest- Chairperson Marvin Harper (Post 102)
The 4th District will be the host District for next year’s Zone II Oratorical Contest. Date: 14 January 2016, with a snow date of 31 January 2016 if needed. Multiple roles need to be filled with volunteers such as judges, time keepers, tabulators, escorts, and others.
o 4th District American Legion Riders (ALR): Legion Rider Williams - Camp Quality donation receipt was received.
o Squadron 287 Sons of the American Legion (SAL): Commander Mike Walter -
Squadron 287 is “Over-the-Top” by 113% with 45 members.
Ham-n-Bean and Soup supper was re-scheduled for this Saturday, March 7th.
Spring Charity Fundraiser Dinner Fry- the date will be May 2nd from 5-7 p.m. The cost will be $8.00. Chicken, Carp, and Catfish will be on the menu.
o Memorial Day Planning: Legionnaire Brian Stackhouse
Only a few meetings left until Memorial Day.
Possible guest speaker- retired United States Marine Corp veteran who is a teacher at Benton High School.
Volunteers needed
Will have some practice sessions, probably after the regular meetings.
Will have the traditional hot dogs and chips meal after the event.
o Good Recruiting Source- the local V.A. Clinic on the South Belt Highway in Saint Joseph. “Talk it Up!” Commander Aspey’s motto. He encourages Legionnaires with medical appointments at the V.A. clinic to get a conversation going with the veteran’s you are sitting with in the waiting room. Ask them, if they belong to the American Legion? Talk it up, and get them to join.
o Commander Aspey adjourned the meeting at 1940 hours. Chaplain Stubblefield gave the closing prayer.
• March 18, 2015
o Commander Stan Aspey called Post 287 to order at 1900 hours. Chaplain Stan Stubblefield gave the opening prayer. A quorum was established with 12 members present.
o Membership: current membership = 239 (98%)
o 4th District American Legion Riders (ALR): Legion Rider Williams -
ALR Chapter 287 received a plaque and pins for their significant 2013 donation to the Legacy Scholarship fund.
Plans remain ongoing to participate in the Missouri Four Corners Legacy Scholarship Motorcycle trip. Right now, there are 5-6 members planning on going.
o Squadron 287 Sons of the American Legion (SAL): Commander Mike Walter (Attachment #4) -
Squadron 287 is “Over-the-Top” by 122% with 49 members.
Significant donations made by Squadron 287 this year include: Legacy Scholarship- $500, Boys State- $400, Camp Quality- $100, Andrew County Ministries (Christmas)- $300, & Andrew County Ministries (Dinner fund raiser)- $276
4th District SAL Liaison Mark Brock updated the membership on his efforts in helping Squadron’s 199 and 464 obtain their charters. The charters should be received by each new squadron within a week, after the Department Commander’s signature is obtained.
SAL Squadron 287 will also volunteer to assist Squadron 199 with their lunch fundraiser occurring during the Veteran’s Benefit Fair being held in Tarkio on April 25th.
o Savannah High School Alumni Association: Members on this year’s reunion planning committee include: Billy Kretzer, Tim Kelly and Jan Glenn. Date: June 13th. This will be the same date as the monthly breakfast. Theme: “Salute to Veterans from Savannah, and all Veterans”
There will be a parade starting on 6th street and go to the High School
Veteran’s Dinner with Flag Folding ceremony & a speaker on the topic of Veteran’s Service Organizations (VSOs)
o Andrew County Fair- will follow one week after the Savannah High School Alumni weekend.
o March 28th- Zone II Leadership Training class hosted by Post 287.
o May 21st to 23rd- Poppy Days- Legionnaires are requested to make their presence known in support of the Auxiliary and for safety.
o American Legion Birthday dinner hosted by the Auxiliary was a success. There were 35 Legion Family Members in attendance this year.
o Continuous Membership Certificates were received for the following Legionnaires:
Rex Miller- 50 Year Certificate
Norman Nold- 50 Year Certificate
Caryl Rowe- 60 Year Certificate
Commander Aspey adjourned the meeting at 1940 hours. Chaplain Stubblefield gave the closing prayer.
• April 1, 2015
o Commander Stan Aspey called Post 287 to order at 1900 hours. Chaplain Stan Stubblefield gave the opening prayer. A quorum was established with 17 members present.
o Guests Present:
Tyler Shoemaker- American Legion Baseball Team Sponsorship Opportunity
Jan Glenn, Tim Kelly & Billy Kretzer- Savannah High School Reunion Committee
o Steven Goben – new member, who also signed up his son Nathan Goben. Nathan is in the United States Navy serving on the aircraft carrier USS George H. W. Bush (CVN 77). Nathan’s specialty is working with the nuclear reactor power plant for the ship. Home port is Norfolk, Virginia.
o Valeeeta Soltys & Eugene McNeal- transferring into Post 287.
o Guest Presentations:
Legionnaire Tim Kelly briefed the membership on the current plans for the “All Classes Savannah High School Reunion: weekend of June 13th, Theme- Honor Veterans. Activities: 5K Run/Walk, Golf Tournament, Classic Car Parade, Banquet. Dick Munkres Post was invited to help with: Parade Activities to include the jeep and Honor Guard and Banquet to provide- Honor Guard, Folding of the Flag, TAPs, and Words to Taps.
American Legion Baseball Post 287 Team: Mr. Tyler Shoemaker asked Post 287 if we could provide partial financial backing for a Junior-Level (17 and under) baseball team. Expenses are estimated at $3,500. Mr. Tyler can raise the first $2,000 and is asking the Post for our help with the remaining costs, approximately $1,500. Mr. Shoemaker was invited to the next meeting on the April 15th with our decision.
o Membership: current membership = 244 (100%)
o Battle Field Cross statuary- Legionnaire Williams made a motion to purchase and install the statue for placement near the flag and the “Lest we forget” monument.” After discussion a motion was made to purchase a Battle Field Cross statue for one side of the monument, and a second statue of the Battle Field Cross with the folded American Flag for the opposite side. Cost will be around $100. Motion was seconded and carried.
o Volunteers are needed to help support a 5K Run/Walk event to raise money for playground equipment at Minnie Cline Elementary School. The event will be on April 18th. Volunteers are asked to arrive at 8 a.m. to help with set-up prior to the run and marshalling duties during the run. Point of Contact: Shelia Dillman.
o Commander Aspey adjourned the meeting at 2000 hours. Chaplain Stubblefield gave the closing prayer.
• April 15, 2015
o Commander Stan Aspey called Post 287 to order at 1900 hours. Chaplain Stan Stubblefield gave the opening prayer. A quorum was established with 12 members present.
o Guests Present:
o Tyler Shoemaker- American Legion Baseball Team Sponsorship Opportunity
o Mr. Shoemaker returned to receive Post 287’s answer on the ability for our sponsorship of a (17 and under) baseball team.
o Commander Aspey was pleased to inform him, Post 287 would provide the upfront $1,500 to help sponsor an American Legion Baseball (ALB) Dick Munkres Post 287 Junior-level Baseball team.
Coach Shoemaker then answered further questions from the membership: additional monetary sponsorship was being sought from a couple of corporations, plus from the parents of the team’s players. Obtaining the additional $2,000 seems reasonably within reach. A bank account for the team’s donations will be opened up. An appointed secretary of the team will be involved in handling the funds and transactions. The initial expenses of team registration, insurance, and coach background checks will be done by the May 15th deadline. There are 9 youth signed up for the team’s roster. Coach Shoemaker has contacted Legionnaire Voyles for further advice on setting up an ALB team. Mr. Bodenhausen has been asked about the possibility of recruiting any additional team players from the Savannah area.
o Sons of the American Legion (SAL) Squadron 287: updates from Commander Mike Walter:
Current SAL membership is at 49 (Over-the-Top by 122%)
Spring Fish & Chicken Fry has been rescheduled for June 20th from 5-7 p.m. This will be the same weekend as the Andrew County Fair.
American Legion Baseball (ALB) Post 287 Team. The SAL will donate $500 towards the Post sponsorship of the Junior-Level (17 and under) team.
Veteran’s Benefit Fair in Tarkio on April 25th is still a “go.” Squadron 287 will help Squadron 199 to serve a lunch meal during the.
The SAL will donate $25 towards the sponsorship of a golf hole at the Rosecrans Chiefs Association annual charity golf tournament.
o 4th District American Legion Riders (ALR) 4th District Director Timmy Williams updates:
9 riders will do the Missouri Legacy Scholarship ride from June 26-28th.
The ALR will also donate $500 towards the ALB Post 287 team sponsorship.
The ALR will also donate $25 towards the sponsorship of a golf hole at the Rosecrans Chiefs Association annual charity golf tournament.
The riders have volunteered to help with both the 5k Fun Run/Walk for buying playground equipment for the Minnie Cline Elementary School, and the Special Olympics Car Show event held in Savannah this Saturday.
o 82 Years of Supporting the Boy Scout of Savannah- Boy Scout Liaison Brian Stackhouse gave a brief history of Post 287’s support of the Boy Scouts over the years. Our Post has not given any monetary help to the Troop for the last 10 years now. Dick Munkres Post 287 needs to get involved with a more consistent monetary commitment to the Boys Scouts. A motion was made, seconded and approved to provide $50/month in support.
o Memorial Day Planning: Legionnaire Brian Stackhouse:
Speaker has been obtained.
SAL Mike Walter will provide sound equipment.
Need someone to obtain the key for the cemetery grounds building as well as reserve the street barricades from the city.
Color Guard (4 members) - point of contact (POC) will be Steve Hampton
Firing Team (7 members) – POC will be Terry Beasley
Post Everlasting reader- Barb Ebersole will be available if Edner Rudolph cannot make it this year.
Service Flags (American Legion Riders)
Other Volunteers- needed for set-up, serving food after the event, and other functions.
Schedule of Events:
o Poppy Days (May 21-23rd) - the Auxiliary is requesting volunteers to help sell poppies with them at Green Hills and the Apple Market.
o Commander Aspey adjourned the meeting at 2000 hours. Chaplain Stubblefield gave the closing prayer.