• August 6, 2014
o Commander Barb Ebersole called Post 287 to order at 1900 hours. A quorum was established with 7 members present. Chaplain Stubblefield gave the opening prayer. The POW-MIA Resolution 288 was read followed by the Pledge of Allegiance and the recital of the Preamble to the Constitution of the American Legion.
o Current Membership: 134
o American Legion Riders (ALR): Director Tim Williams:
Some of the Riders are going to the Post 464 Breakfast on Sunday, then plan to go back to the Armory in Saint Joseph to help with the Family Fun Day.
o Sons of the American Legion (SAL): SAL Commander Mark Brock:
Commander Brock gave the update for the Fish Fry plans and the supplies needed.
o New Business:
Annual Fish Fry Planning:
• Legionnaire Kretzer is planning on having a card, certificate, and other memorabilia items to recognize Gene McAfee for all of his years in putting on the traditional Fish Fry.
• Legionnaire Aspey briefed the membership on the expense of having chicken available for members who do not like to eat fish.
• Another fish discussed for the fry included having carp.
• Legionnaire McAfee would bring 150 lbs. of fish for the fish fry.
• Currently planning on getting 96 pieces of chicken, 75 lbs. of catfish and 25 lbs. of carp.
o Commander Ebersole adjourned the meeting at 1930 hours. Chaplain Stubblefield gave the closing prayer. The next meeting will be August 20th, at 1900 hours.
• August 20, 2014
o Commander Barb Ebersole called Post 287 to order at 1900 hours. A quorum was established with 11 members present. Adjutant Beasley gave the opening prayer. The POW-MIA Resolution 288 was read followed by the Pledge of Allegiance and the recital of the Preamble to the Constitution of the American Legion.
o Post Everlasting:
Lawrence McAfee
Jim Arnold
Don Hegeman
o Current Membership = 158
o American Legion Riders (ALR): Director Tim Williams:
Donating $1,500 to the Legacy Scholarship Fund this year.
Have over $800 in school supplies collected to be distributed to 7 different schools. The supplies will be delivered on 28 August.
o Sons of the American Legion (SAL): SAL Commander Mark Brock:
Donating $500 to the Legacy Scholarship Fund this year.
Commander Brock will visit with Post 464 to help them with their Charter application to form another SAL Squadron within the 4th District.
o New Business:
Legionnaire Stackhouse provided a Boy Scout Troop 60 Update:
• Michael Hummer for his Eagle Scout project will do some ground leveling and cement work for the LaVerna Village Sisters. Volunteers are welcomed to come and help.
• Popcorn sales will start in September. Proceeds from the sales go directly back to the individual scouts to help them fund their trips, camps, and other activities.
Leavenworth Christmas Gift Shop- donations program remains ongoing. Any new items will be greatly appreciated. The veterans will choose these items to give away as gifts to their families. The donations will be collected at the Legion Building and will be delivered the week before Thanksgiving.
Post Web Page: www.amlegionpost287.org as of 11 August had almost 1,400 visits to the web site.
Letter of Appreciation Card was being signed by the members present. The card will be given to Gene McAfee.
New parade banners have been received for the jeep thanks to Tim & Debbie Williams.
Savannah Homecoming Parade will be 17 October.
o Commander Ebersole adjourned the meeting at 1940 hours. Adjutant Beasley gave the closing prayer. The next meeting will be September 3rd, at 1900 hours.