• June 4, 2014
o 1st Vice Commander Stan Aspey called Post 287 to order at 1900 hours. A quorum was established with 11 members present. Chaplain Stan Stubblefield gave the opening prayer.
o American Legion Riders (ALR): Director Tim Williams:
 June Breakfast some of the Riders will need to leave early to participate in the Knights of Columbus Poker Run
 Some of the Legionnaires will leave early to participate in the Andrew County Fair Parade
 June 14th is also Flag Day. Volunteers will put flags out around the Courthouse and down Main Street starting at 6 a.m.
o Sons of the American Legion (SAL): Commander Mark Brock
 Fish Fry on June 13th from 4:30 – 7 p.m. at the Senior Center is still a go.
 Approximately 10-12 volunteers for the dinner and the breakfast on the next day.
 Gene McAfee is donating his fryer for use.
o For the Good of the American Legion:
 4th District Meeting will be June 8th at Post 359 in Saint Joseph
 Legionnaire Williams thanked the Funerals Honors Team for recently performing 3 military honor services in one day.
 Comments on our Memorial Day Service:
• Positive Comments included:
o Many accolades were received for the small town atmosphere and feel
o Appreciated being outside for the event instead of inside like a gym, etc.
• Areas for Improvement:
o We should consider keeping the Memorial Day service a little shorter, due to the number of people who must stand the whole time. This year’s event lasted approximately an hour.
o 1st Vice Commander Aspey adjourned the meeting at 1925 hours. Chaplain Stubblefield gave the closing prayer. The next meeting will be June 18th, at 1900 hours.

• June 18, 2014
o Commander Barb Ebersole called Post 287 to order at 1900 hours. A quorum was established with 11 members present. Chaplain Stan Stubblefield gave the opening prayer.
o Guest Present: Joseph E. Welch, Licensed Clinical Social Worker from the Vet Center
o Legionnaire Edner Rudolph reported John Newhart on Sick Call. Legionnaire Newhart is a long-standing member of Post 287. He had a brother killed in action during D-Day. Legionnaire Newhart, at age 93 made the trip to Europe for the 60th Anniversary of the D-Day invasion. Legionnaire Newhart wanted to visit the gravesite of his brother at the Normandy American Cemetery at Colleville-sur-Mer, France. Prior to the trip, Legionnaire Newhart required the surgical placement an internal cardiac defibrillator. While traveling to Europe, the defibrillator malfunctioned, requiring Legionnaire Newhart to be hospitalized once he arrived in France. Legionnaire Newhart’s son and granddaughter were able to visit the gravesite of his brother. Legionnaire Newhart has since returned home and is convalescing in a local nursing home. Legionnaire Newhart hopes to be discharged home soon, after the arrangement of home health services.
o American Legion Riders (ALR): Director Tim Williams:
 Fish Fry event during the Andrew County Fair had 132 patrons served. The Legion Breakfast on the following morning served over 150.
 2014-2015 Election of Officers. Mike Schweder will be the next Director. Tim Williams will be the Assistant Director, and he will also remain as the 4th District ALR Director.
 Sunday, June 22nd will be the next ALR ride. The group is going to DeKalb.
 July 5th Ride to Cameron for a Veteran’s event.
 School Supply drive has started. Last year the group provided supplies to 7 local schools.
o Sons of the American Legion (SAL): SAL Member Mark Brock
 2014-2015 Election of Officers. Mike Walter will be the next Squadron Commander. Mark Brock will fill the Senior Vice Commander position.
 Mike Walter offered the use of his sound system equipment for future events as needed, such as the Memorial Day Ceremony. Low volume will not be an issue.
o New Business:
 New 4th District Officers include: Ron Jones (Post 100, Maryville) will be the next Commander. Stan Stubblefield will be the Southern Vice Commander, and Billy Kretzer will fill the Sergeant-at-Arms position.
 Post 287 will host the December 2014 4th District meeting.
 2015 Certification of Post Officials has been mailed to the Department.
o For the Good of the American Legon
 Blood drive at Post 287 on 15 June
 Post Web Page: www.amlegionpost287.org
 LaVerna Village Flag Ceremony- Post 287 has been requested to retire the current flag and raise a new flag for LaVerna Village on 2 July at 7:30 p.m.
 Commander Ebersole asked for Legionnaires to help with Poppy sales next year. An auxiliary member experienced a rare, but scary and unfortunate incident, where the Auxiliary member was verbally harassed by an irrational public member claiming injustices from the military and the V.A. Legionnaires helping the Auxiliary may ward off any potential volatile acts in the future, and increase the safety of our Auxiliary members as they raise money for assisting veteran’s.
 Legionnaire Williams announced the purchase and placement of a new gun safe for the funeral honors team equipment. Special thanks to the Andrew County Deputies who helped to move the safe into the office.
o Guest Speaker Mr. Joseph Welch, Licensed Clinical Social Worker from the Vet Center of Kansas City. Topics Discussed:
 The Vet Center will see:
• Combat Veterans
• They also will see for a limited number of appointments non-combat veterans
• Military Sexual Trauma Victims
 They help veterans with such things as:
• Obtaining DD 214’s
• Assist in obtaining benefits
• Job Seeking
 They provide Outreach Counseling via:
• Mobile Vet Center
• Outer annex facility at the V.A. Medical Center
o Commander Ebersole adjourned the meeting at 1940 hours. Chaplain Stubblefield gave the closing prayer. The next meeting will be July 2nd, at 1900 hours.

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