• January 15, 2014
o Regular meeting called to order by Commander Ebersole at 1900 hours with a quorum of 13 members. Chaplain Stan Stubblefield gave the opening prayer.
o Current membership = 222
o Post Everlasting- Curtis Wandfluh
o Guest Speaker: Mark Hummer, Troop 60 Scout Master & Post 287 member
Post 287 was thanked for the continuous support and re-chartering sponsorship
Troop 60 had 42 Boy Scouts and 40 adult members, plus the younger children involved with the Cub Scout levels and Girl Scouts
This year 36 attended summer camp and 5 adults
8 attended the Mic-O-Say
Popcorn sales were phenomenal ($22,000). The proceeds from this project pay for the scout’s camps and other activities.
340 merit badges were awarded
3 Eagle Scouts, with 4 others in the process of obtaining the award
May 26th the Scouts will help with Memorial Day
Troop 60 is very involved and has a positive impact within the Pony Express Council
o American Legion Riders (ALR): Director Williams reported:
Cameron Veteran’s Home visit has been moved to January 25th.
Breakfast event is going strong. 132 were served last Saturday.
o Sons of the American Legion (SAL) - Commander Brock reported:
Membership at 38.
Ham-n-Bean Dinner will be Friday, January 17th
Annual Corned Beef and Cabbage dinner in March
o New Business:
Jan 20th, Flags Out for Martin Luther King Observance
4 Chaplains, Sunday February 2nd at 1 p.m.
Valentine’s Dinner, Friday February 14th. Live entertainment this year.
Andrew County Government Day will be March 27th on a Thursday.
Legionnaire Kretzer made a motion to increase the breakfast recommended donation from $6.00 to $7.00. Motion passed.
o For the Good of the American Legion:
Oratorical Contest- there were 2 candidates from the 4th District this year. Both are from Nodaway County. One student is from South Nodaway High School and the 2nd is from Maryville High School. There will be a County Contest to select the one student to go onto the Zone Contest to be held in Concordia.
o Commander Ebersole adjourned the meeting at 1930 hours. Chaplain Stubblefield gave the closing prayer.
• February 19, 2014
o Regular meeting called to order by Commander Ebersole at 1900 hours with a quorum of 10 members. Chaplain Stan Stubblefield gave the opening prayer.
o Current membership = 228
o Guests Present:
Marvin Harper, Past Department Commander
Ted Parker, Post 102
o Post Everlasting: Don Vilven, Past Post Commander (1982)
o Guest Speaker: Past Department Commander Harper
Cadet Patrol: the program will be from June 1st – 6th. The 4th District has 5 candidates at present. The District is allocated to send 2 students. The others will be considered as alternates. Cost of the program is $450. If your candidate does not attend, you are given a refund of your donation.
Oratorical Contest: All of the high schools within the District were visited. The Zone winner was a Kansas City student.
The next 4th District meeting will be in Parnell on March 9th. The meeting starts at 1:30 p.m.
The 4th District is in need of new officers and chairpersons. Please consider running.
“Stress” the American Legion. Let people know, you are the ones sponsoring events.
o American Legion Riders (ALR): Director Williams reported:
The February breakfast served 115 people. Great community and Rider support.
The Riders will sponsor one student to this year’s Missouri Boys State.
The Riders approved purchasing 2 fryers to be used for the Chicken Dinner and Fish Fry event during the Andrew County Fair in June.
Upcoming Rides:
• Rolling Thunder
• Legacy Scholarship
• More to be announced
o Sons of the American Legion (SAL) - Commander Brock reported:
Membership at 39. Pastor Dan Mefford is our newest member.
Annual Corned Beef and Cabbage will be March 15th from 4:30 – 7 p.m. The suggested donation is $8.00. There will be door prizes and a 50/50 drawing.
Chicken Dinner and Fish Fry fundraising event will be on the evening of June 13th. This will coincide with the Andrew County Fair opening day. The SAL will also purchase 2 5-quart fryers for this and future fundraising dinners.
The Squadron will sponsor 2 Boys State students with the possibility of funding a third candidate.
o New Business:
Cadet Patrol program. A motion was made to donate ½ of the tuition costs to sponsor a candidate. The other half of the donation will come from an anonymous Post.
Andrew County Government Day will be March 27th. North Andrew and Savannah High School freshman will tour the Andrew County Law Enforcement Center first, and then will be bussed to the Court House. Volunteers are needed to take groups of students through the different offices. The Auxiliary will take care of lunch. We will need to furnish drinks and ice.
A motion was made and passed to donate money towards the purchase of two 5-quart fryers. The fryers will be needed for the Chicken Dinner and Fish Fry fundraising event being planned for June 13th.
Volunteers and nominations will be needed soon for next year’s Slate of Officers and Chairpersons. All positions are available.
o For the Good of the American Legion
Valentine’s Dinner had 73 in attendance. Kudos to Debbie Williams who decorated the Post, and invited the guest singer. Reoccurring compliments for the dinner were, “very relaxing, enjoyable evening.”
Missouri Girls State- Post 287 Auxiliary are sponsoring 5 students!
Legion Birthday Dinner will be sponsored by the Auxiliary. The function will be March 10th starting at 6 p.m. Meats, drinks, and desserts will be furnished. Bring a covered dish.
The Marines Corp League made a monetary donation to Post 287 for the use of our building during the year and the storage of their Military Honors rifles.
Legionnaire Don Dillman received an honorable mention for all his volunteer time and work with the Zone II Oratorical Contest.
Check out Post 287’s History and other information on the internet site, http://centennial.legion.org/histories/missouri
Legionnaire Kretzer complimented the organization and hard work of our volunteers, creating the success of the Post 287 events and programs.
Thank You letters and generous donations were received from the DeSpain and Knorr families.
o Commander Ebersole adjourned the meeting at 1945 hours. Chaplain Stubblefield gave the closing prayer. The next meeting will be March 5th, at 1900 hours.