• September 4, 2013
o Regular Meeting-
Commander Barb Ebersole called Post 287 to order at 1900 hours. A quorum was established with 20 members present. Chaplain Stan Stubblefield gave the opening prayer. The installation of officers was immediately carried out by the Installing Officer Marvin Harper.
o The regular meeting was resumed
o Guests Present:
Michael Black and Bill White, new members
Marvin Harper- Past Department & 4th District Commander
David Voyles- Past National Vice Commander, Past NEC, Past Department & 4th District Commander
o 2013 Constitution & Bylaws- 1st Vice Commander Aspey made a motion to approve the constitution and bylaws as newly revised. Chaplain Stubblefield seconded. After no further discussion the members present voted. Motion carried.
o Legionnaire Stubblefield stated Moffet Nursery will provide a trailer for transporting the pool table when needed.
o Legionnaire Voyles commented:
Post 359 is forming a Legion Riders group. He will discuss the plans with and seek the help of ALR Director Williams after the meeting.
Post 359 is hosting a Patriots Day event on September 11th. Everyone is welcomed to attend. They hope to have some Department Service Officers there as well to assist with veteran’s issues.
o Court of Honor- Troop 60 will have the event here at the Post on September 10th at 6 p.m. Everyone is welcomed to attend. Post 287 continues to be a sponsor for Troop 60, Pack 60 and Crew 60.
o Flags are to be flown at half-staff on September 5th in honor of Missourian Private First Class Jonathon M.D. Hostetter who died while serving his country in Afghanistan.
• September 18, 2013
o Regular Meeting- Commander Barb Ebersole called Post 287 to order with 10 members present. 2nd Vice Commander Billy Kretzer gave the opening prayer.
o Post Everlasting: Raymond Wall
o American Legion Riders (ALR): Director Williams reported:
Ride to the Vietnam Memorial Moving Wall had 19 bikes/25 riders
New member joined tonight: Chip Johnson
Upcoming Rides: Camp Quality on September 28th and Tarkio to the Veterans Memorial Sidewalk and Black Iron Skillet on October 5th.
o Oratorical Chairperson for the Post. 2nd Vice Commander Billy Kretzer volunteered to take the position.
o Auxiliary Medical Supply Sign-Out Process- the new instructions are posted on the closet door on the bright pink paper. Maximum time limit for borrowing equipment is 6-8 weeks. For longer rentals special arrangements need to be made with the Auxiliary.
o Savannah Homecoming Parade- October 11th.
o 4th District meeting hosted by Post 287- 1st Vice Commander Aspey recognized and thanked the Auxiliary for the great food and hospitality. The meeting was a great success.
o Court of Honor- Legionnaire Stackhouse stated there were 73 in attendance at the last Court of Honor. Troop 60 will have their next ceremony on December 10th. Mark Hummer is the new Scout Master.