• June 5, 2013
o Regular Meeting- Commander Barbara Ebersole called Post 287 to order with 13 members present. Chaplain Stan Stubblefield gave the opening prayer.
o Sons of the American Legion (SAL)- Commander Brock: SAL will donate $150 to Camp Quality, and the dinner tonight had approximately 30-35 people attend.
o Flags out on Flag Day, June 14th.
o Andrew County Fair Parade, Saturday June 15th.
o 2013 Children and Youth Narrative Report was completed and sent to the Department Chairman.
• June 19, 2013
o Regular Meeting- 1st Vice Commander Stan Aspey called Post 287 to order with 12 members present. Chaplain Stan Stubblefield gave the opening prayer.
o Membership = 234 (96%)
o American Legion Riders (ALR):
$4,500 donated to Camp Quality. 28 riders volunteered for the program providing an escort motorcade, rides, and donation items.
Legacy Run Scholarship- will donate $1,500 this year
Upcoming Rides: Allendale- July 4th and Freedom Rock- July 20th.
Time to start collecting for school supplies this year. Last year $500 in supplies was collected and donated to 5 local schools.
o Sons of the American Legion (SAL)- Commander Brock
Legacy Run Scholarship- will donate $500 this year
Squad 287 will promote helping the northwest Missouri Special Olympics programs. Special Olympics is a key charity for the National SAL organization. Ann Roberts has solicited our help, and we will contact her. Ann is a coach for the “Shooting Stars” in Tarkio, and she is also the 4th District Service Officer. Special Olympics needs help with transportation and escorts.
o Missouri Legionnaire Quarterly Newspaper, June 2013 highlights
2013 Distinguished Legionnaire of the Year – Billy F. Kretzer
“History of Parade Rings – Post 287”
• July 3, 2013
o Regular Meeting- Commander Barb Ebersole called Post 287 to order with 15 members present. Chaplain Stan Stubblefield gave the opening prayer.
o Annual Fish Fry/Membership Night on September 4th: Gene McAfee will do the Fish Fry. Invitation post cards will need to be prepared soon.
o Funeral Honors Team Uniforms: We will change over the next 2 years to a white shirt, Navy blue tie, and Navy Blue pants. Rationale: We will have more SAL team members, and the SAL has only one official shirt. Their shirts are white and this will allow us all to look uniformed.
o A small copier has been purchased and placed in the office for official Post/Legion usage.
o Past Department Commander Marvin Harper will install the Post 287 Officers in September.
o The September 8th 4th District meeting will be held here at Post 287 starting at 1:30 p.m. The Auxiliary have offered to provide the lunch meal.
• July 17, 2013
o Regular Meeting- Commander Barb Ebersole called Post 287 to order with 13 members present. Chaplain Stan Stubblefield gave the opening prayer.
o Guest Present: Ann Roberts, 4th District Service Officer and Tarkio Shining Stars Special Olympics Coach
o New Member: Bill White
o Guest Presentation: Special Olympics in Northwest Missouri
The Shining Stars Special Olympics team from Tarkio has the agency # 88.058 for any donations
They have 24 athletes ranging from ages 10-67
The Missouri organization is known as SOMO (Special Olympics Missouri)
Sports activities can range from bowling, softball, basketball, track & field, golf, bocce, and flag football
Special Olympics is part of the “Fourth Pillar” of the American Legion
o Sons of the American Legion (SAL)- Commander Brock- Squad 287 sponsoring the purchase of flag football equipment for the Shining Stars Special Olympic team in Tarkio.
o Motion made, seconded and approved to vote on the revised constitution and by-laws on September 4th. The membership will be notified of the vote via the Fish Fry invitation cards.
o American Legion Riders (ALR): Director Timmy Williams reported:
Allendale-completed on July 4th. The town’s population is 53. The riders were greeted by over 500 spectators. Reception was fantastic.
Upcoming Rides: Freedom Rock- July 20th, and Ride to Concordia to see the Moving Vietnam War Memorial Wall.