• May 1, 2013
o Regular Meeting- Commander Barbara Ebersole called Post 287 to order with 12 members present.
o Post Everlasting: Fabian Cobb
o 2014 Election of Officers. Ballot read. Motion made and seconded to approve as read. Motion carried. Legionnaire Stubblefield volunteered to be Chaplain.
o The Missouri Oratorical contestant won Nationals! Agnes Rieger sponsored by Post 95 from Kansas City was the 2013 – 76th National Oratorical Champion. Past Department of Missouri National Champions include: 2011 – Anisha Gururaj, and in 1949 – Paul T. Heyne.
• May 15, 2013
o Regular Meeting- Commander Barbara Ebersole called Post 287 to order with 14 members present. Chaplain Stan Stubblefield gave the opening prayer.
o Guests Present: John Grimes- National Military Heritage Museum Board Member, and Marvin Harper- Past Department Commander
o American Legion Riders (ALR): Director Williams: 2013-2014 Officers elected, New Orleans ride was cancelled, and ALR will donate $100 to Camp Quality this year
o Post 287 also matched the $100 donation to Camp Quality
o There will be a blood drive at the Legion Building on June 25th.
o Guest Speaker Comments:
National Military Heritage Museum Board Member John Grimes- invited Post 287 members to help with a Color Guard and a Rifle Firing Team to perform Military Funeral Honors for William H. H. Wright. Mr. Wright was a WWI veteran, who died in 1955, and was buried in Potters Field in the Savannah Cemetery. A donated bronze plaque honoring Veteran Wright was found and donated to the museum. Van Vickle Monument generously donated a headstone and mounted the plaque. The headstone has since been placed at Potter’s Field. The ceremony will be Saturday at 2 p.m. Meet at the Post at 1:30. So far volunteers included: Billy Kretzer, Stan Aspey, Tim Williams, and Jerry Kretzer.
Past Department Commander Marvin Harper briefed the membership on 3 issues to be discussed and voted upon at the June 4th District meeting and then at the July Department Convention: Department District Reorganization, LIT versus SAA accidental death insurances offerings to Legionnaires, and Boys State Tours