• April 3, 2013
o Regular Meeting- Commander Barbara Ebersole called Post 287 to order with 10 members present. Chaplain Jerry Fisher gave the opening prayer.
o Membership = 231
o Pool table up for sale: original price was $1,278 on October 25, 2000. Put ads in the Saint Joseph paper, and possibly Craig’s list. No ideas on what to do with the remaining parts of the snooker table.
o A motion was made and seconded to purchase additional kitchen cabinets. Approximate costs will be $264.00. Legionnaire Stubblefield donated $100 for them.
o Operation Homecoming for Jordan Greer was a success on 24 March. Approximately 60 people attended.
o Veterans Administration representative will be at Post 359, at 7 p.m. on the April 9th.
o April 6th there will be a gun safety course presented at the Legion building.
o April 21st there will be a Trike-a-thon on the Legion grounds to raise money for Saint Jude’s.
o Flag disposal was recently completed.
• April 17, 2013
o Regular Meeting- Commander Barbara Ebersole called Post 287 to order with 9 members present. Adjutant Beasley gave the opening prayer.
o American Legion Riders (ALR): Director Williams:
Plan to have a future meeting in Rock Port at the Iron Skillet. This will make it easier for the members in that area to attend and this will combine a ride with a dinner.
o Sons of the American Legion (SAL)- Commander Brock: Thank you card from Gold Star Mother Cathie Kelley was read to the group.
o A set of kitchen cabinets have been installed.
o Memorial Day. Legionnaire Stackhouse updated the members. The Legion has invited Dr. Mark Corsum to be the guest speaker. Volunteers will be needed to fill the numerous ceremonial roles. Commander Ebersole will seek a public address system. Legionnaire Dillman will be the Master of Ceremonies, Legionnaire Kretzer will form a flag folding team. The event will also have a color guard and firing party. The Band Director has been notified. Plans also call for a Hot Dot and chips meal served at the Legion Building afterwards.
o Andrew County Government Day was held on April 15th. There were over 130 North Andrew and Savannah High School freshman. A flag folding ceremony was held along with the county office tours. The Auxiliary provided at hot dog, chips, and cookies lunch.