• February 6, 2013
o Regular Meeting- Commander Barbara Ebersole called Post 287 to order with 11 members present. Chaplain Fischer gave the opening prayer.
o Post Everlasting: Francis Turner, a 65-year member
o Membership = 225 (95%)
o American Legion Riders:
Valentine’s Dinner update: 54 RSVP’s. Dinner will be from 6-8 p.m., with door-prize drawings.
Next breakfast is Saturday, 9 February
o Sons of the American Legion (SAL)- Corn Beef & Cabbage fund raiser plans ongoing. March 16th, 4:30 – 7:00 p.m., and a suggested donation of $8.00.
o County Government Day will be April 15th. Help needed!
o Four Chaplains attendance and participation at the Tri-C Memorial Post 464 in Conception Junction. Several Post 287 members were there. The function was very nice. Post 287 has volunteered to do the ceremony next year.
o Legionnaire Don Dillman reported on the National Military Heritage Society and Museum. The museum is re-instituting their annual membership drive. Membership is at $25.00.
o Legionnaire Kretzer reported the National Military Heritage Society and Museum discovered a World War I plaque for William Harold Harrod Wright. Veteran Wright was a black soldier. His remains were buried at Potter’s Field of Savannah in 1955. Memorial ceremony plans are in the works. Details to follow.
o Post 315 in Burlington Junction building collapsed. No assistance needed at this time.
o Convection oven has been purchased and installed.
• February 20, 2013
o Regular Meeting- Commander Barbara Ebersole called Post 287 to order with 9 members present. Chaplain Fischer gave the opening prayer.
o Post Everlasting: Donald Bowland, a 65-year member
o American Legion Riders (ALR): Director Williams
Valentine’s Dinner was a success. Had 78 guests. Director Williams thanked everyone for helping and coming out to support the event.
Ride Schedule- “Kickstands up season will be soon. Rides being planned: monthly excursions, Camp Quality, Fischer House, New Orleans, South Dakota, and Rolling Thunder.
Patriot Guard: If you are interested in membership, go to their internet site. If you do not have internet capability, see Tim.
Boys State- the Legion Riders will sponsor one student.
Next breakfast is Saturday, 9 March
o Sons of the American Legion (SAL)- Commander Brock
Corn Beef & Cabbage fund raiser- 100% of the proceeds will go to the Gold Star Mother’s program based out of Cameron, Missouri.
Commander Brock has secured Johnson Control corporate sponsorship for 2 students. Funding for the 3rd student will still be sought. At present, Squadron 287 has received 3 applications from North Andrew High School.
Johnson Controls is donating a brand new meat slicer to our kitchen.
o By-laws update- ongoing, the Executive Committee will meet soon to finalize. The recommendations will be presented to the membership by August and voted on the first meeting in September.
o Boys State:
9 applications have been received. 6 from Savannah Senior High School and 3 from North Andrew High School
The Post has commitments to sponsor 7 students. (3-Post 287, 2-SAL Squadron 287, 1-Legion Riders, 1-Savannah Lion’s Club)
2 of the applications will be forwarded as unfunded.
Membership reviewed and ranked the applications in order of sponsorship.
o Cadet Patrol- Post 287 has sponsored Ava Peterson to attend. She was a very qualified, last minute candidate.
o Post 287 has received the 2012 National Convention Parade Flag Pole Band. Legionnaire Stubblefield has placed it on our display.