• January 2, 2013
o Regular meeting called to order by Commander Ebersole at 1900 hours with a quorum of 15 members.
o Current membership = 220
o The Sons of the American Legion (SAL) had a chili and 3-soup fundraiser dinner, prior to the meeting
o New Business:
Legionnaire Stubblefield motioned to make the annual $1,000 donation to the Post 287 Auxiliary. Motion carried.
Plans are in the works for the Valentine’s dinner.
o For the Good of the American Legion:
Commander Ebersole Comments: This past year was a great year. Legion Riders and Sons of the American Legion exceeded 200% in membership. They have both greatly contributed to all of the Legion Programs and fundraisers. We have done a lot of Military Funerals this past year. Thanks to all who at the last minute helped with this, especially Terry who gets this together. Hopefully this will be another great year. It takes a lot of people, time, and energy to get all of this done.
2012 Post 287 Volunteerism – membership contributed:
• Over 3,995 in hours, and
• Over 10,600 in mileage driven
• January 16, 2013
o Regular meeting with 12 members present
o Guest Speaker: Troop 60 Scout Mater Gordon Meyer. His upcoming annual report included:
He first thanked Post 287 for over 75 years of continuous support. Troop 60 has over 60 youth involved along with all their advisors and supporters. Troop 60 captures a large group of youth from the surrounding area. The scouts recently earned and were awarded 336 merit badges. Annual activities and events: include
Winter: Camp out at Mozingo, winter sports at Snow Creek, Scout Sunday, Merit Badge College at Missouri Western State University, and the annual Benefit Auction. Additional Note: The Benefit Auction is the only fund raiser Troop 60 uses to raise funds for the administration of the Troop itself, besides the collection of registration fees. All other fund raisers go to the individual scouts to pay for their activities.
Spring: Spring Camporee, Memorial Day Parade and Cemetery Observances, and the Camp Geiger Jamboree, which is the highlight of the year. Some of the scouts will get tapped into the Mic-O-Says there.
Summer: Canoe Family Trip, National Jamboree (this year in West Virginia). 8 Scouts are now planning to attend the National Jamboree (not an easy feat).
Fall: Fall Camporee, Color Guard for the Senior High School Home Football Games, and an Overnight Campout at the Omaha Zoo.
Troop 60 continues to have Quarterly Courts of Honor at the Post. Legionnaires are invited and encouraged to attend.
Post Everlasting: Frank Flesher, Past 4th District Historian and Past Commander Post 11
Bob Davis, Past 4th District Commander, and Past Commander Post 102
o American Legion Riders (ALR):
The ALR is always exciting. We are planning more riding events for 2013. We will continue to do programs for the benefit of the American Legion and the community.
Had 107 at the last breakfast. Next breakfast is Saturday, 9 February
Commander Ebersole has been named as an honorary Legion Rider with leather jacket.
Gas Stove and Exhaust Fan: a convection oven is being looked at. The costs will be approximately $890. The SAL, ALR and Legion will split the final costs equaling about $300 each. Legionnaire Stubblefield made a motion for the Legion to donate $300, seconded by Legionnaire Dillman. Motion carried.
Boys State: The ALR will sponsor one citizen to Boys State
o Sons of the American Legion (SAL)-
Commander Brock reported the Corn Beef & Cabbage fund raiser will be Saturday afternoon/evening on March 16th from 4:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. or later as needed. 100% of the proceeds will go to the Gold Star Mother’s program based out of Cameron, Missouri.
Boys State: The SAL will sponsor one citizen to Boys State this year, with the option for sponsoring a second student if possible.
o 2012 Legionnaire of the Year Award was given jointly to the American Legion Riders and the Sons of the American Legion. Both groups attained over 200% in their membership goals. Both groups have been active contributors to American Legion Programs breakfast/dinner fund raisers, Cameron and Leavenworth V.A. Hospital visitations & donation drives, Camp Quality, school supply drive, Legacy Scholarship, Boys State, and other key events. In fact the SAL and ALR, were key volunteers in Post 287’s 2012 Volunteerism of over 4,000 hours and 10,000 miles in travel!
o Memorial Day: Legionnaire Stackhouse briefed the membership on the current plans. Singer Harold Walker has been invited. Legionnaire Stackhouse is pursuing General Mark Corson from Northwest Missouri State University as the guest speaker. Plans are ongoing.
o By-laws update. The by-laws have not been updated since 1988. A committee was formed to review and propose updates to the by-laws. By-laws Review Committee members are: Commander Barb Ebersole, Past Commander Stan Stubblefield, Legionnaire Don Dillman, Finance Officer Tim Williams, and Adjutant Terry Beasley.
o Boys State: the Savannah Lion’s Club is committed to sponsoring one citizen. Post 287 will continue to sponsor two candidates.
o 4th District Per Capita letter: There was discussion on the raising of the per capita from 60¢ to $1.00. Membership had no objections to the raise at the upcoming vote during the March 4th District meeting.