September 5th (Fish Fry Membership Drive & Induction of Officers (Cmdr Barb Ebersole and Adj. Terry Beasley) --- The annual membership drive Fish Fry had approximately 100 in attendance. The cooks were recognized and thanked. --- Installation of Officers: Past Department Commander Marvin Harper was introduced and inducted the following officers: Commander Barb Ebersole, Adjutant Terry Beasley, Finance Officer Tim Williams, and Chaplain Jerry Fischer. The officers then resumed their positions to conduct the regular meeting. Absent tonight for induction were: 1st Vice Commander John B. Miller and Sergeant-at-Arms Leonard Dalbey. American Legion Riders (ALR): Cameron V.A. Nursing Home Ride: The Riders received a great reception. The residents enjoyed visiting with them and hated to see them leave. The residents were especially grateful for the blankets, as well as the other donated warm clothing items. Left over donated materials will be given to the Leavenworth V.A. Hospital. Commander Ebersole added they got to visit with 5 female veterans there as well. ***

September 19, 2012: (Cmdr Barb Ebersole and Adj. Terry Beasley) --- American Legion Riders (ALR): Donated school supplies have been separated and prepared for delivery. They will be divided between: Helena, Minnie Cline, John Glenn and the High School. Craig-fest Parade this Saturday a.m. Missouri Fallen Soldiers Memorial Wall organization is seeking sponsorships for getting the wall to Saint Joseph for display around the 1st week of December. Area Veteran Service Organizations (VSOs) are being sought for donations. A motion was made, seconded, and passed for Post 287 to donate $100 towards the $800 needed to get the wall to Saint Joseph. The $100 donation will be divided between the SAL, Legion Riders and Post 287 Legion. Legionnaire Stubblefield committed an additional matching $100 donation. --- Sons of the American Legion (SAL)- SAL is “over-the-top” for 2013 membership. --- Commander Ebersole attended the Missouri Women Veterans Conference in Warrensburg on September 14th. The conference had an attendance of 20 women veterans. They did a Wall of Honor Memorial Service. The state of Missouri has approximately 39,000 women veterans. --- Commander Ebersole handed out Certificates of Appreciation: Marvin Harper from Post 102 for doing the Post 287 induction of 2013 Officers. Fish Fry Volunteers: Edner Rudolph, Gene McAfee, Gary Howard, Bill McPike, John McLarney, Jake Gentry, and Michelle Phelps (Saint Joseph New Press). --- 6th Congressional District Veterans Discussion Group: Commander Ebersole and Legionnaire Billy Kretzer met with Chad Higdon from Sam Graves Saint Joseph office. The issues covered included: Slow V.A. responses, V.A. Hospitals, Troops deployed to Afghanistan needing uniform items, without having to seek donations from us at home via care packages. Adopt-A-Soldier relief efforts. --- Resolution for Legionnaire of the Year- Post 287 nominated Billy F. Kretzer. The resolution will be submitted at the December 4th District meeting. ***

October 3, 2012: (Cmdr Barb Ebersole and Adj. Terry Beasley) --- American Legion Riders (ALR): The citizens of Craig, Missouri were ecstatic having the Legion Rider participants in their Craig-fest parade. There were a total of 13 bikes and 18 Riders in the parade. The area schools greatly appreciated being thought of and getting the supply donations. The next breakfast will be October 13th. This event may draw extra people since the new Andrew County Law Enforcement Center will have an open house and tours going on at the same time. A recruiting trip was made to the Ralph Greer Post 49 in Rock Port by Riders Jim Bliley, Doug Moore and Tim Williams. They went to correct some previous misunderstandings and miscommunications. Their efforts paid off with the regaining of some membership renewals, and possible future meeting events to this northern area Post. --- Five volunteers are needed for a color guard detail at the Dedication for the Andrew County Law Enforcement Center. ***

October 17, 2012: (Cmdr Barb Ebersole and Adj. Terry Beasley) --- Chaplain Fischer briefed the membership on the Andrew County RSVP Volunteerism. Documenting our hours is vitally important for this program. The involvement and impact we have in the community helps the Senior Center get points, and potential future grant funding. --- Savannah Homecoming Parade Post 287 to provide the Color Guard. (Right now we have: Barb, Billy, & Bill Phillips) --- Veteran’s Day/Weekend Activities and Flag Folding Ceremonies: Minnie Cline Flag Folding, Senior Center Luncheon, Amazonia Flag Folding, Shady Lawn visitation, and LaVerna Village visitation. --- Commander Ebersole thanks all those who participated in the Andrew County Law Enforcement Dedication ceremony. A picture of Legionnaires made it into the Saint Joseph News-Press. ***

November 7, 2012: (Cmdr Barb Ebersole and Adj. Terry Beasley) --- Retired American Flag Stars program- a huge success! Distribute the stars as needed. ***

November 21st meeting cancelled since it was on the eve of Thanksgiving ***

December 5, 2012: (Cmdr Barb Ebersole and Adj. Terry Beasley) --- Guest Speakers: 4th District Commander Jerome Goolsby. Commander Goolsby thanked Post 287: For doing the military honors at his uncle’s funeral earlier in the year. His aunt and other family members greatly appreciated the ceremony. His uncle was a retired Navy veteran. For staying ahead with the membership goals. --- Seconded Guest Speaker: Master Carpenter Jeff Esely: Consulted by the County Commissioners and Post 287 for adding another Veteran’s Display Case at the Courthouse. The case is needed to recognize those veterans who joined the military from Andrew County since the Vietnam War era. The case will be placed on the West side hallway. Mr. Esely needs to know approximately how many name tag spaces are needed for the new cabinet. --- American Legion Riders (ALR): Membership over 200% with 30 members. --- Sons of the American Legion (SAL) Membership over 200% with 30 members. --- Veteran’s Administration Hospital Christmas Shop: Debbie, Tim, Judy Glauser, Bonnie, Edner, and Barb delivered $2,997 worth of gifts and donations. They assisted numerous veterans at the gift shop. --- Flags will be placed around the courthouse and Post by Legionnaire Kretzer on Dec 7th. ***

December 19, 2012: (Cmdr Barb Ebersole and Adj. Terry Beasley) --- Commander Ebersole conducted a “Moment of Silence” for our departed comrades and those who lost their life with the Connecticut school mass shooting. --- Last Legion Rider Breakfast had a crowd of 144! --- A motion was made, seconded, discussed, and approved to look at buying a commercial grade gas range and vent hooding for the kitchen to meet the increased demand of the charity dinner events. --- Veteran’s Day “Thank You’s from the Minnie Cline Gifted Class,” display case made by Legionnaire Rudolph. --- Post 287 received a citation and plaque at the December 4th District meeting for our 2011-2012 Americanism activities. --- Commander Ebersole worked with a local business in regards to the Tattered Flag Resolution and Post Card service. ***

50 & 60 Year Members Recognized: Leo Wilmes 50-Year Member ***

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