February 16, 2011 (Cmdr. Lori Burns and Adj. Steve Sullender) --- Valentine’s Dinner was a success. --- Pancake Breakfast planned for 2nd Saturday in March. --- March 3rd will be Andrew County Government Day. Help needed. --- Commander Burns gave her resignation effective March 16, 2011. --- Legion Birthday Dinner March 14th. --- April 12th help needed to take youth to the State Government Day. Stan & Wilton will get the Soda Pop. --- Legionnaire Brian Stackhouse updated the membership on Troop 60 activities ***
March 2, 2011 (Cmdr. Lori Burns and Adj. Steve Sullender) --- Motion made and carried to make the annual $1,000.00 donation to Auxiliary. --- Legionnaire Anita Uehlin proposed having a raffle for $1,000.00. The drawing would take place on Armed Forces Day. If sales do not cover, she will pay the remainder herself. --- Legion Riders will be meeting at 6 p.m. starting the next meeting. --- Legionnaire Wendell Hale has donated his electric chair. --- March 1, 2011 World War I Veteran Don Buckles died. He was 110 years old, and our nations last remaining U.S. WWI Veteran. ***
March 16, 2011 (Cmdr Barb Ebersole and Adj. Steve Sullender) --- Boys State: Post 287 to sponsor 2 candidates and American Legion Riders will fund 1 ***
April 6, 2011 (Commander Barb Ebersole and Adj. Steve Sullender) --- American Legion Riders: Legacy Run still up in air; First Ride April 16th, route to be determined; and Will have a ride to WWI Memorial/Museum sometime this year. --- Boys State- at least 5 sponsored from Savannah area --- Apple Blossom Parade 7 May --- Memorial Day Ceremony 30 May. Cristy Miller is our speaker --- April 25th – Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) program about National Defense --- Kyle Wilaby sent a DVD back from Afghanistan about the war. He is a relative of the Schweitzer family. May 4th will be the tentative showing date. --- Legionnaire Stan Stubblefield was recognized by Savannah High School for his flag donation. --- Legionnaire Anita Uehlin mentioned the availability of a marquee sign for sale. --- Legionnaire Anita Uehlin made a motion to let the DAV set-up a drop box. Motion carried. ***
April 20, 2011 (Commander Barb Ebersole and Adj. Steve Sullender) --- Raines brothers donated $106.00 to the Post --- American Legion Riders: May 6th- Dinner run to King City (steak); May 15th- Meet at Ihop at 0730, then start ride at Military Heritage Museum at 1000 hours and go to Veteran’s Home in Cameron --- May 7th- jeep entered in Apple Blossom parade, everyone is invited to go ***
May 4, 2011 (Commander Barb Ebersole and Adj. Steve Sullender) --- May 11th- Commander Ebersole attended the Savannah High School honors night to present the sponsored Boys State Certificates. --- Commander Ebersole will also go to North Andrew High School on May 12th to present a Boys State Certificate to one candidate there. --- 14 June- Flags out for Flag Day --- DAV has placed a donation container on the parking lot --- 4-H dance on the Post 287 parking lot went well --- Commander Ebersole is sending the monthly events calendar via e-mails, and checking on getting a website ***
May 18, 2011 (Cmdr Barb Ebersole and Adj. Steve Sullender) --- Post 287 now has an e-mail address. --- Thanks to Debbie & Tim Williams for re-doing the Post 287 office ***
June 15, 2011 (Cmdr Barb Ebersole and Adj. Steve Sullender) --- new Post e-mail address is americanlegionpost287@aol.com --- Possible July Breakfast with profits going to Post 13 damaged in the Joplin tornado --- New items in the kitchen and bathroom. Cost to put in, but in the long term will save the Legion money ***