July 21, 2010 (Cmdr Lori Burns & Legionnaire Steve Sullender) --- Motion was made to take money from the Gertsema Investment Account to pay for the heating & air conditioning unit replacements. Motion passed. Vote to replace the units passed as well. --- Motion made for Tim Williams to assume the Finance Officer position. Motion passed. --- Motion made for installation of officers on the 3rd Wednesday of August. Motion passed. --- 1st September will be the Fish Fry. ***
August 18, 2010 (Commander Burns & Adj. Steve Sullender) --- Installation of Officers by Zone 2 Commander George E. Scarborough. --- American Legion Riders: Raised $143.00 for school supplies. Raised $105.00 collected for cancer patient on Iowa Run. Raised $300.00, during pancake breakfast. $300.00 check donated anonymously for Legacy Run. Legacy Run will be in Kansas City, Monday the 23rd of August. Commander Burns and Legionnaire Curnutt plan to attend. --- Barnard Picnic on 21 August. Requested Colors, volunteers needed. ***
September 1, 2010 (Commander Burns & Adj. Steve Sullender) --- New furnace and air conditioning equipment has been installed. --- Craig, Brian, and Stan will come in to do the flags for Labor Day. --- September 11th the local churches will ring bells. The last ring at 12 o’clock, noon. --- Memorial of September 11th at Gazebo on the Courthouse Square at 11:45 hours. --- 24 September- North Andrew Homecoming Parade in Fillmore at 2 p.m. --- 1 October- Savannah Homecoming Parade at 2 p.m. --- Schools calling for Post 287 to do Flags on Veteran’s Day. --- National Convention reported by Legionnaire Stan Stubblefield, Post 287 Colors were in the Parade again, along with Post 287 from Rantoul, Illinois. ***
September 15, 2010 (Commander Burns & Adj. Steve Sullender) --- American Legion Riders will go see the “moving wall” in Lamoni, Iowa on 19 September. --- Legionnaire McLarney reported a couple of monuments in Flanders Field were loose, POW/MIA stone and Walter Kaspendiek stone. Repaired on 7 September by Clinton L. Allen Monuments, Inc. No charge! ***
October 6, 2010 (Commander Burns & Adj. Steve Sullender) --- Guest: 4th District Commander Jo King. --- Commander Burns is going to take a break. She would like to remain as Commander at least until Veteran’s Day. ***
October 21, 2010 (1st Vice Cmdr. Barb Ebersole and Adj. Sullender) --- Election Day, 2 November, place flags out at Courthouse. --- Gifts are needed for the Leavenworth V.A. Gift Shop. Donated items are picked out as Christmas Gifts for the veterans at Leavenworth to go to their families. --- 8 November, Auxiliary putting on dinner for Veterans. ***
November 3, 2010 (1st Vice Cmdr. Barb Ebersole and Adj. Sullender) --- Veteran’s Day Plans: 0630- Put flags out, 0800- Savannah Middle School, 1130- Senior Center Lunch, 1400- LaVerna Village, and 1400- Saint Joseph Parade. --- Post 287 received 5th Place Americanism Plaque ***
November 17, 2010 (1st Vice Cmdr. Ebersole and Adj. Sullender) - American Legion Riders: 2 new members, and one new member for Post 287. --- Toys for Tots ride to be discussed ***
December 1, 2010 (1st Vice Cmdr. Ebersole and Adj. Sullender) --- Benefit for Commander Lori Burns on 19 December. Benefit will be hosted by the Marine Corps League at Post 287. ***
December 15, 2010 (Commander Burns & Adj. Steve Sullender) --- American Legion Riders: Going to Conception Junction to do PC Breakfast in January. --- Post 287 will have 3 months of internet and cable. The building will be a Wi-Fi hot spot. --- Post 287 and American Legion Riders each made a $150 donation to Lori Burns Benefit by the Marine Corps League ***