August 5, 2009 (Cmdr. Terry Beasley and Adj. Donald Dillman) --- Legionnaire Craig Curnutt reported the Legion Riders now have five (5) members, and they will begin the chartering process. --- Cosby Parade organizers requested the Post bring the jeep. Their parade will be August 8th. --- August 19th meeting will be held at Rosecrans Field at 1700 hours. There will be a tour and a short meeting. Legionnaires Brosi and Stackhouse are facilitating the outing. --- Post Commander Beasley and Legionnaire Stubblefield will attend the National Convention. --- Legionnaire Joe Napier reported that his grandson received the package from Post 287. --- Beginning in January there will be new health requirements for food service. As the new guidelines become known the Post will be updated. --- At the first meeting in October, the young men that attended Boys State and the Cadet Patrol programs will be invited as guests of the Post. ***
September 16, 2009 1st Vice Cmdr Barb Ebersole and Adj. Dillman) - 1st Vice Commander Ebersole conducted the POW-MIA Remembrance Ceremony in honor of the POW-MIA Day coming up on September 18th. --- Volunteers needed for the following events: September 25th- Savannah High School Homecoming Parade; September 26th- Amazonia Fall Festival; and September 29th- Savannah Middle School. --- Post 287 Auxiliary Christmas Donation Drive. 1st Vice Commander Ebersole briefed the membership. The Auxiliary needs items for the Leavenworth Veterans Hospital Store. The donations are used by the Veteran’s as their Christmas gifts to send to their family members or friends. Gifts and monetary donations are greatly needed and appreciated. On all donations, please leave the price tag on the item. The items collected will be delivered to Leavenworth by the middle of December. ***
50 & 60 Year Members Recognized: 60-Year Member Irvin Sweet, and 50-Year Member Edner Rudolph ***
October 7, 2009 (Commander Lori Burns and Adj. Don Dillman) --- Commander Burns presented a request by Legionnaire Kretzer to use the Post building on Thanksgiving to serve dinners to anyone that does not have a place to go. Motion carried. --- 1st Vice Commander Barb Ebersole has forms for replacing medals that were received while on active duty. --- Commander Burns gave a briefing listing the Veteran’s Day Activities: Minnie Cline at 0830 and 1330 hours; LaVerna Village at 1100 hours; Andrew County Senior Center at 1300 hours; and Shady Lawn at 1400 hours. ***