January 7, 2009 (Cmdr. Terry Beasley and Adj. Donald Dillman) --- 4 Chaplains Memorial Service- plans remain ongoing for February 1st. Legionnaire Joe Napier’s granddaughter will get 4 ROTC students from Benton High School to represent the Chaplains. --- Legionnaire Edner Rudolph received the menu from the Country Bistro for the 2009 Dine Out on February 14th. The cost will remain $17.50 per person, and reservations will be limited to 80. ***
February 4, 2009 (Cmdr. Terry Beasley and Adj. Donald Dillman) --- Boys State will be coming up soon. The Post will sponsor 2 candidates. --- Legion Birthday Dinner will be March 9th. ***
March 4, 2009 (Cmdr. Terry Beasley and Adj. Donald Dillman) --- Monthly Dinner Night: March Dinner- had approximately 25 guests; April Dinner- we will plan for a “Steak Fry” in April; Legionnaire Stackhouse will invite a guest speaker from Heartland Regional Medical Center’s Informatics Department. --- Andrew County Government Day will be April 15th. --- Boys State Nominations: 4 applications were received. The membership will select 3 sponsored packages next week. The Savannah Lions Club has donated $350 to sponsor one candidate. Post 287 will donate $700 to sponsor 2 others. --- Missouri Cadet Patrol Academy: One application was received. There currently is no sponsorship funding or donations. ***
March 18, 2009 (Cmdr. Terry Beasley and Adj. Donald Dillman) --- The Pancake Breakfast held on February 21st had 110 in attendance. --- Legionnaire Craig Curnutt is starting an American Legion Riders Group with Post 287 as the hub for the 4th District. --- Post 287 will sponsor a candidate for the Highway Patrol Academy, Jordan Greer’s fees will be paid by the Post. ***
April 15, 2009 (Cmdr. Terry Beasley and Adj. Donald Dillman) --- Finance Officer Jim Jones reported Tax Form 990ez has been completed for 2008. --- May Steak Fry will honor Irvin Sweet at 60-year member, and Edner Rudolph will have 50-years of continuous membership. --- Boys State- the Post raised enough funds to sponsor 3 candidates. The Lion’s Club will sponsor one. A total of 4 candidates will be sponsored. --- Andrew County Government Day was held 15 April. Legionnaire Wilton Adkins stated 115 students from Savannah and North Andrew High Schools attended. Several groups in the morning and afternoon sessions participated in the flag folding exercise. --- Legionnaire Lori Burns has been working on veteran’s affairs activities. Presentations have been made to: The grandson of Legionnaire Joe Napier and Danny Gabriel. There have been fund raisers for: Andrew County Ministries and Scott Thompson, who was injured in a motorcycle accident. --- Dani Burns, Junior Legion Auxiliary member, received a citation as the Post’s #1 Helper.
May 6, 2009 (Cmdr. Terry Beasley and Adj. Donald Dillman) --- The May 9th Pancake Breakfast was well attended with 85. The next scheduled breakfast will be in conjunction with the Savannah Alumni 100 Year Anniversary on June 13th. --- May 6th Steak Fry was well attended. Legionnaires Lori Burns and Jerry Fischer did a program on Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), and how it has affected their lives as well as many other active military and veterans. This was an emotional and enlightening program. --- Edner Rudolph was presented his 50-year certificate. --- Legionnaire Lori Burns is working on several veterans’ affairs activities: Fund raising for Scott Thompson, and Post 287 will post the colors for the annual presentation of Sam’s Club and Wal-Mart to community charities. ---
Legionnaire Lori Burns and Junior Auxiliary Member Dani Burns attended CWO Kelly’s Award Ceremony at Fort Leavenworth. ***
June 3, 2009 (Cmdr. Terry Beasley and Adj. Donald Dillman) --- 2009-2010 Slate of Officers for election: Commander Lori Burns, 1st Vice Commander Barb Ebersole, 2nd Vice Commander Richard Bennett, Finance Officer Jim Jones, Adjutant Donald Dillman, Chaplain Jerry Fischer, Sergeant-at-Arms Mike Fisher, and Historian Ray Maxwell. The slate was presented three (3) times. A motion was made and carried accepting the slate of nominated officers. ***
July 1, 2009 (1st Vice Commander Lori Burns) --- 4th of July: Set flags out around the Courthouse and Main Street. 0900 leave for the Graham/Maitland/Skidmore Parade. --- Returning Air Guard Members: 2 groups of 20 troops. 9 July & 11 July ***
July 15, 2009 (Cmdr. Terry Beasley and Adj. Donald Dillman) --- 1st Vice Commander and Service Officer Lori Burns reported: The raffle for the quilt and Boy’s & Girl’s Bicycles brought in $487.00. Proceeds will go to help veteran’s with needs. Sales of the scooter did not cover the costs to generate a profit. Legionnaire Burns is working on making up the difference to help Scott Thompson to have some level of mobility. --- Upcoming Parades: Maryville- July 18th, and Barnard- August 15th. --- The Annual Fish Fry will be September 2nd. Legionnaire Lawrence “Gene” McAfee will do the fish fry. Post cards will be mailed out. -- Commander Beasley reminded the membership that Post 287 is not exempt from paying a sales tax on items purchased. ***