(Pictured is the beginning demolition of the old Legion Building, built in the 1950's.)
January 5, 2005 meeting cancelled due to inclement weather *** January 19, 2005 (Cmdr. Norman Brosi and Adj. Craig Curnutt) --- Legionnaire Edner Rudolph reported on the upcoming Valentine’s Day Dinner. So far he has received 32 reservations. Edner asked if the Post was tax exempt. The Post is not tax exempt. Suggestion was made for the POW/MIA Ceremony to be done at the dinner. Membership approved. Suggestion also made to have Jacob Sherlock speak at the dinner. Commander Brosi will contact. --- Adjutant Craig Curnutt reported that the pancake breakfast held on December 18, 2004 was a success. Over $200.00 was raised for the Post. Next breakfast will be on February 26, 2005. --- 4th District Commander Stan Stubblefield, District Adjutant Terry Beasley, and Legionnaire Mike Feurt attended the Inauguration Parade and Inauguration of Missouri Governor Matt Blunt in Jefferson City, Missouri on January 10, 2005. --- Legionnaire Brian Stackhouse informed the members that February 6-12th is Boy Scout Anniversary week. Events scheduled are Scout Recognition 6th February, Flag Raising at the Savannah Middle School, and Court of Honor on February 13th. Legion members are encouraged to attend. --- Commander Brosi thanked the volunteers who helped with the pancake breakfast: Norm Brosi, Edner Rudolph, John B. Miller, Herb Clizer, Bob Dunn, Billy Kretzer, and Craig Curnutt. *** February 2, 2005 (Cmdr. Norman Brosi and Adj. Craig Curnutt) --- Steak Fry dinners to start back up March 2, 2005. Legionnaire John McLarney to contact the cooks. *** February 16, 2005 (4th Dist. Adj. Beasley and Adj. Craig Curnutt) --- Legionnaire Edner Rudolph reported on the Valentine’s Day Dinner. So far he has received positive feedback, and some people already asked him about next year. After expenses, the Post took in approximately $90.00. Some money was donated to the Bobbie Jo Stenitt Family Memorial Fund. --- 4th District Commander Stan Stubblefield wants to honor citizens with a Certificate of Appreciation for their flying of the American Flag. --- Past District Commander Ralph Bliley briefed the membership on the importance of supporting County Government Day. *** March 16, 2005 (Cmdr. Norman Brosi and Adj. Craig Curnutt) --- Legionnaire John McLarney reported that there are 5 candidates for Boys State from our Post. Four candidates will be sponsored, the other candidate will be sponsored by another Post due to lack of candidates at their area. --- Legionnaire John McLarney was named Zone 2 Legionnaire of the Year. He will receive the award at the upcoming Department Convention on July 8, 2005 in Springfield, MO. *** April 6, 2005 (Cmdr. Norman Brosi and Adj. Craig Curnutt) --- Boys State Candidates this year are: Brock Houston, Jesse Bunse, Chris Kozminski, and T.J. McManus. Zack Kerner is the alternate. *** April 20, 2005 (Acting Cmdr. Beasley and Adj. Craig Curnutt) --- Legionnaire Mike Feurt reported on the V.A. Service and CARES program. --- Adjutant Craig Curnutt reported the last pancake breakfast made over $200.00. --- Andrew County Government Day will be 22 April 2005 at the Courthouse at 0900 hours. --- Motion was made and passed to donate $25.00 to the U.S.O. ***