May5, 2004 (Cmdr. Norm Brosi and Adj. Terry Beasley)- WWII Memorial Dedication (May 29th)- Legionnaire Feurt reported that Barbara Caldwell, Service Director at the Cameron V.A. Nursing Home will be the guest speaker. --- Nomination Committee reported by Ray Maxwell, the completed slate nominations of officers for 2005 will be: Commander Norman Brosi, 1st Vice Commander Brian Stackhouse, 2nd Vice Commander Phil Vogler, Adjutant Craig Curnutt, Finance Officer John B. Miller, Sergeant-at-Arms Steve Hampton, Historian Bob Dunn, and Chaplain Bob Dunn. --- Legionnaires Chuck Ward and Ray Maxwell recently received the State of Missouri Korean War Veteran recognition medals and certificates. ***

May 19, 2004 (Cmdr. Norm Brosi and Adj. Terry Beasley) --- Finance Officer John B. Miller reported the Post has procured a military vehicle. All has been paid for, except $100.00. $3,420 has been received in donations for the jeep, and additional promises for donations have been made. --- Military Vehicle report by Legionnaire Billy Kretzer: Plan on getting a historical licensing; Post will need to pay sales tax, since we are not a “not-for-profit” organization; Title papers are ready for the Commander’s signature; Legionnaire Craig Curnutt was recognized for his efforts in acquiring the jeep. Craig provided the trailer transport from Tennessee to the Post. --- Legionnaire Curnutt provide a little history: 1943 Ford WWII Jeep restored by a former army paratrooper for the 82nd Airborne. This individual also participated in the 1995 re-enactment in France, and was nearly killed in a sky diving accident in that event. The jeep is in excellent condition. He wanted the jeep to go to someone who would display it as our Post plans on doing, so he felt good about the jeep going to a good cause and good owners. The jeep came with an ammo trailer, new top, new engine, and the prior owner provided the original engine as well. ***

June 2, 2004 (Cmdr. Norm Brosi and Adj. Terry Beasley) --- Finance Officer John B. Miller reported the donations for the jeep totaled $4,900. Chuck Field donated labor costs for some initial jeep maintenance. --- WWII Memorial Dedication (May 29th) Breakfast Committee: Craig Curnutt reported all went well with the breakfast. Had to purchase more food during the event, because of the high turnout. Special thanks to: Edner Rudolph- mixer, John Miller & Herb Clizer- flippers, Mannuel Paxton- sausage fryer, Bob Dunn- Madre De, and Brian Stackhouse and the Troop 60 Boy Scouts for all the extra help. --- Military Jeep Acquisition- Bill Kretzer updated the membership. Repairs have been made by Chuck Field, pending a bill for the auto parts required. The labor costs were donated. Compliments have already been received by the general public, when the jeep was displayed during the World War II Memorial Dedication, and Memorial Day local events. Commander Brosi talked to Jeff Easley, a master cabinet maker. Mr. Easley offered to craft a bench for the trailer. The bench would be used to transport Veterans during parade events. Stan Stubblefield seconded the motion from Commander Brosi to have the bench built. John Miller seconded. The motion carried. --- World War II Memorial Dedication: Mike Feurt drafted a thank you letter for Barbara Caldwell who was the guest speaker at the event. The letter will be typed on Legion Letterhead and signed by the Commander. Mike Feurt will hand deliver the thank you. --- Executive Committee: The committee automatically includes the Past Commander, Current Commander, 1st Vice Commander and 2nd Vice Commander. The 3 appointed members for 2005 will be: John McLarney, Jim Arnold, and Mannuel Paxton. --- Keith Stanton has this year’s, plus numerous past years Memorial Day ceremonies of video tape for viewing. ***

June 16, 2004 (2nd Vice Cmdr. Craig Curnutt and Adj. Beasley) --- Historic License Plates for the Jeep. Bill Kretzer updated the membership. The trailer needs to be licensed. A title and letter of transfer will be obtained from the prior owner. Addendum: Larry Carr of NAPA has donated the jeep parts used during the recent maintenance repairs. Bill Kretzer recommended a thank you be sent to Mr. Carr. Ray Maxwell seconded. The motion carried. --- Legionnaire Rob Bryant, a member of the United States Army Reserve, 189th Ordnance Company, introduced his wife as a guest of the meeting. Mrs. Bryant briefed the membership on the 189th Ordnance Family Readiness Group. Briefing letter attached. The 189th has been on alert for deployment since Easter weekend. The 189th currently has members deployed as a part of the War on Terrorism and the Iraqi Freedom Campaign. After the briefing, Bill Kretzer motioned to give the 189th Family Readiness Group a matching donation, like the Post does for the Air National Guard. The motion was seconded by J.R. Kulak. The motion carried to donate $100.00. --- Post 287 received the 4th District Commander’s Appreciation Award. --- American Legion Citation for Meritorious Service from the 4th District Commander was awarded to: Robert Van Hoozer and Terry Beasley. --- Commander Curnutt thanked the members, and/or member who put the flags out during former President Regan’s funeral, and for Flag Day. --- Bill Kretzer reported that the Flag Depository box at the courthouse continues to receive a steady supply of flags for disposal. --- Edner Rudolph commented on the televised coverage of President Regan’s funeral. It was noted that even the all honor guard teams are challenged with getting the final tuck of the American Flag during the funeral ceremony. ***

July 7, 2004 (Cmdr. Norm Brosi and Adj. Terry Beasley) --- Historic License Plates for the Jeep. John Miller has received the title. The jeep is paid in full. The Highway Patrol highly recommended getting the one-time purchase of Historic License plates. An inspection will not be necessary. The jeep is covered under the Posts insurance policy. Bill Kretzer made the motion to obtain the plates. The motion was seconded by Ray Maxwell. The motion carried. Commander Brosi will get the plates. The cost is estimated at $25.00. --- 4th District Baseball Tournament- Stan Stubblefield asked for volunteers to form a Color Guard for the opening of the tournament. The tournament will be July 19th. Volunteers included: Norm, John, Craig, and Stan, and Brian. --- Bill Kretzer thanked those members who participated in the Graham, to Maitland, to Skidmore Patriotic Parade on Saturday, July 3rd. The jeep was used. --- A thank you letter will be sent to Jeff Easley, for the outstanding bench he crafted for the jeep’s trailer. --- Commander Brosi commented that the Jeep has been a great investment and great addition for our Post. ***

July 21, 2004 (Cmdr. Norm Brosi and Adj. Terry Beasley) --- 4th District Baseball Tournament- Craig Curnutt recognized: Bob Dunn, John Miller, Brian Stackhouse, and Stan Stubblefield who performed the Color Guard duty at the start of the tournament. The music went off well this time. --- Commander Brosi presented Legionnaire Van Hoozer a Meritorious Service Citation on behalf of 4th District Commander Goolsby. --- John Miller will make the bi-annual Boy Scout utility bill donation of $600. ***

August 4, 2004 (Cmdr. Norm Brosi and Adj. Terry Beasley) --- Cosby Parade- Norm Brosi asked if any members were interested in participating with the Cosby Parade and Picnic on August 14th. The event will start at 6:00 p.m. Members who volunteered included: John, Raymond, Jerry, Craig, Stan, Bill, Mannuel, and Edner. Edner will provide a trailer to transport the jeep. There were enough volunteers to form a color guard team. Uniform will be the legion blue shirt, yellow tie, & cap. --- Savannah Car Show- Edner Rudolph volunteered to pay the $15.00 registration fee to enter the military jeep in the car show. Craig said he would help at the event. --- Steak Fry’s will restart in October. John McLarney will have the Boy’s State participants here on October 6th. --- Flags will be placed around the square for Labor Day (Sept 6th) and Veteran’s Day (November 11th) --- Post 287 remains very active in the 4th District. Committee involvement of Post 287 members include: Bob Van Hoozer- POW/MIA, Bob Dunn- Americanism, Mike Feurt- Homeless Veterans and Veteran’s Affairs & Rehabilitation, and Jim Arnold- Boys State. --- Stan wants the Post Color Guard to post the colors at the next District meeting, and he also requested Commander Brosi to do the POW/MIA ceremony. --- Commander Brosi updated that the 139th has 5 military members in Iraq. Two of the deployed personnel are members of the Post: Clayton Gilmore and Jacob Sherlock. They are scheduled to be released from the theater on September 7th. Commander Brosi suggested dedicating the 1st Steak dinner in October to the members coming back from Iraq, and their families. ***

August 18, 2004 (2nd Vice Cmdr. Craig Curnutt and Adj. Beasley) --- Legionnaire Stan Stubblefield said the Barnard Parade starts at 11:30 a.m. this Saturday. They are requesting a color guard and the military jeep. --- Legionnaire Brian Stackhouse updated the members on the Boy Scout Committee. The scouts have a new trailer. The inside of the Boy Scout building has been remodeled with new insulation. The next Code of Honor will be 14 September at Messick Park Pavilion. There will also be another Code of Honor on December 14th. ***

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