September 3, 2003 (Cmdr. Billy Kretzer and Adj. Terry Beasley) --- Guests Present: Chris Babb, Eagle Scout; Jerome Goolsby, 4th District Commander; Ralph Bliley, Past 4th District Commander; and Marvin Harper, Past 4th District Commander. --- Commander Kretzer consulted Sondra DePriest (CPA) about some Post issues: The Post can have as many fund raisers it wants, to include pancake & sausage breakfast. As long as the post does not charge a set fee, but asks for donations there would be no conflicts of interest. --- Post Jeep Project- the jeep can be titled to the Post. --- Installation of the Officers: Ralph Bliley and Marvin Harper officiating the following individuals were present to be sworn in: Norman Brosi- Commander; Phil Vogler- 1st Vice Commander; Craig Curnutt- 2nd Vice Commander; Terry Beasley- Adjutant; John Miller- Finance Officer; and Ray Maxwell Chaplain. --- Chris Babb was recognized by the membership for recently completing an Eagle Scout program with the help of 9 other scouts. They concreted around all of the flap positions at the cemetery. Mr. Babb said the project was inspired by the scouts wanting to honor the veterans, and thank the post for its contributions to Troop 60. --- Commander Kretzer recognized this year’s attendees to the National Convention in Saint Louis. John Miller drove the group, also in attendance were: Craig Curnutt, Stan Stubblefield, Norm Brosi, and Billy Kretzer. --- Brian Stackhouse was honored at this year’s Fish Fry as our Legionnaire of the Year. --- Color Guard participation in local parades: Amazonia- 13 September; North Andrew- 19 September in Bolckow; Marvin Harper invited Post 287 participate Barnard High School Homecoming Parade; and the Savannah Homecoming Parade on October 10th. --- Marvin Harper gave high accolades for Post 287’s professionalism in representing the American Legion with a continued presence at each National Convention since 1920. --- Commander Brosi added his thanks for the inspiration received while participating in the National Convention Parade. The spirit of Americanism was strong. He also met American Legion Post 287 of Rantoul, Illinois members, who have also attended every American Legion Convention since their chartering. --- Commander Brosi recognized Phil Vogler, who recently returned from deployment in the Iraqi Freedom war campaign. ***

September 17, 2003 (Cmdr. Norman Brosi and Adj. Terry Beasley) --- Legionnaire Billy Kretzer gave a report on the activities that took place for the 9/11 event that was held at the Andrew County Courthouse. --- Legionnaire Stanley Stubblefield read a letter that was received about the ceremonial bugle. The cost would be $500.00 with a shipping and handling charge of $25.00. A motion was made to buy a bugle. The motion passed. --- Brick Fund Project Clarification: 2nd Vice Commander Craig Curnutt made a motion to use the fund raiser money to finance buying a military vehicle. And, that future fundraisers be used to maintain the vehicle. Motion passed. ***

October 1, 2003 (Cmdr. Norman Brosi and Adj. Terry Beasley) --- National Headquarters has sent recommendations for WWII Memorial Activities at the Post level. Post 287 will try to comply as much as possible. --- Ron Crouse will donate the necessary funds for the purchase of the ceremonial bugle. --- Legionnaire Ray Maxwell recovered a flag being desecrated by some dogs in Rosendale. The flag will be properly disposed of at the next Flag Disposal Ceremony. --- Stan Stubblefield volunteered to mount the U.S. Flag given to the post from the 139th Missouri Air National Guard Wing. The flag was flown to numerous sites during the Iraqi Freedom Campaign. A certificate from the 139th accompanied the flag. ***

October 15, 2003 (Cmdr. Norman Brosi and Adj. Terry Beasley) --- North Andrew School Flag Disposal Ceremony- Bob Dunn is working with the principal to arrange a date and time. 6-8 volunteers will be needed. After the ceremony the flag ashes will be buried on the Post 287 grounds. --- Veteran’s Day ceremony plans are pending. Project Officer is Billy Kretzer. --- Commander Brosi thanked: Bill Kretzer, Craig Curnutt, Brian Stackhouse, Stan Stubblefield, and Grover Calloway for marching in the Savannah Homecoming Parade. ***

November 5, 2003 (Cmdr. Norman Brosi and Adj. Terry Beasley) --- The Annual Birthday Supper at the Post will be Monday, 10 November. Commander Brosi received a letter from Congressman Sam Graves. Congressman Graves was forming a “Veteran’s Advisory Council.” The letter asked for a member of the post to serve on the council. R. Mike Feurt expressed interest in being a member. Stan Stubblefield nominated Legionnaire Feurt and was seconded by Ray Maxwell. The membership unanimously approved the motion. --- Flag’s will be posted at the cemetery and courthouse in recognition of Veteran’s Day. --- At the Department Convention, Betty Williams was recognized for her tremendous effort on the County Government Day projects held in northwest Missouri. Of the 17 districts, only 10 send information into the state on County Government Day projects. This region far surpassed any other in the state with 687 students attending these events, the second place district averages 86! --- Tonight’s Steak Fry had this year’s Boy’s State participants as guest speakers. Of the 4 who attended this year, 3 were able to come to tonight’s meeting. The Boy’s State participants were: Eric Langemach, Ben Remy, and Ryan Wampler. John McLarney received special thanks for his efforts towards the Boy’s State project. ***

November 19, 2003 (Cmdr. Norman Brosi and Adj. Terry Beasley) --- John McLarney updated the membership on Oratorical Contest activities. Mike Pittman is putting together the finishing touches on having a representative for Andrew County. The Andrew County candidate will be submitted to the 4th District by the end of this month. --- Stan Stubblefield reported on his recent trip to the Mound City Post. Mound City has a “Ladies Night Out” event. Stan motioned that our post duplicate that project to recognize the member’s spouses and significant others. Mike Feurt seconded the motion. The motion carried. A committee to organize the event was formed with Stan Stubblefield, Bob Dunn and Craig Curnutt as members. --- John McLarney motioned that the Post sponsor Ron Crouse’s 2004 membership dues as a gesture of thanks for his donation to buy the ceremonial bugle CD player. Stan Stubblefield seconded the motion. The motion carried. --- Ray Maxwell recognized the Senior Citizen Center for their excellent Veterans Day dinner. Each military branch was recognized. The dinner was well attended by veterans throughout the northwest Missouri region. A National Guard member recited the Gettysburg Address. Taps was played as well. The event was well appreciated by the attendees. --- The Savannah Report did an excellent job on recognizing local veterans using the Post’s Historical Notebook and pictures. --- Commander Brosi recognized and thanked the following members for participating in the Color Guard team at the Baptist Church Veteran’s Day Ceremony: Craig Curnutt, John Miller, Stan Stubblefield, Mannuel Paxton, Rob Bryant, and Terry Beasley. --- Commander Brosi added thanks for tonight’s participants in the Flag Disposal Ceremony: Manual Paxton, John McLarney, Terry Beasley, Stan Stubblefield, Craig Curnutt, John B. Miller, Bob Dunn, and Ray Maxwell ***

December 3, 2003 (Cmdr. Norman Brosi and Adj. Terry Beasley) --- John McLarney reported that the Andrew County Oratorical contestant for this year is Paul Reddy. Mr. Reddy represented our county last year as well. --- The Post once again sponsored the annual Charter renewal for Boy Scout Troop 60. The cost was $40.00. --- Craig Curnutt made a special presentation. The Post now has an official “Hat/Bulldog Mascot” for the Marine Corps brethren. Commentary was made of the Navy still taking care of the Marines. The bulldog was accepted as the mascot for holding of the hat. ***

50 Year Members Recognized: Covel Miller and Bill Hare. ***

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