May 15, 2002 (Commander Billy Kretzer and Adj. Norm Brosi) --- Nomination Committee report by Ray Maxwell. 2003-2004 Nominees are: Commander- Norm Brosi, 1st Vice Commander- Phil Vogler, 2nd Vice Commander- Craig Curnutt, Adjutant- Terry Beasley. Finance Officer- John Miller, Sergeant-at-Arms- Steve Hampton, and Chaplain- Ray Maxwell. --- Legionnaire Norm Brosi reported that there are still 6 legion members deployed to “Iraqi Freedom.” They include: Steve Haer, Phil Vogler, Steve Powell, Steve Hampton, Bill Phillips, and Steve Gabriel. ***
June 4, 2003 (Cmdr. Billy Kretzer and Adj. Terry Beasley) --- Executive Committee Members added this year: John McLarney, Mannuel Paxton, and Jim Arnold. --- Jim Arnold briefed the membership on his intention to submit a letter to the Legion Magazine on his strong belief that a resolution should be approved by the Legion to have TAPS played before the folding of the flag at military funerals. --- The Saturday “Farmers Market” in Saint Joseph has invited our Post to present the colors on July 5th at 11:00 a.m. as a “Salute to the Colors.” A detail will be sent. --- Color Guard needed for the Flag Day ceremony on Saturday, June 14th.--- Membership Awards were presented to: Billy Kretzer, Bob Dunn, Stan Stubblefield, Norman Brosi, Craig Curnutt, Steve Hampton, and B.N. Burns ***
June 18, 2003 (Cmdr. Billy Kretzer and Legionnaire Stubblefield) --- Post 287 will host the 4th District Baseball tournament at our field July 21 to 27th. We need to have the field ready to play. Legionnaires Stubblefield and Commander Kretzer will check this out. --- Resolution was read, nomination Legionnaire Stubblefield to be the 2004 4th District Commander ***
July 2, 2003 (Cmdr. Billy Kretzer and Adj. Terry Beasley) --- Legionnaire Jim Arnold will lead a Color Guard team for the “Salute to the Colors” at the Farmer’s Market in Saint Joseph on 5 July 2003. --- Legionnaire Stan Stubblefield needs members for Color Guard details, during the 2 to 3 nights of the American Legion Baseball Tournament games starting on July 21st. Post 11 and Post 359 will be the teams participating.
July 16, 2003 (1st Vice Cmdr. Norm Brosi and Adj. Terry Beasley) --- Mrs. Anderson is having a dinner meeting here on Saturday, 19 July. She has requested Post members to do a flag etiquette presentation. Stan Stubblefield, Mannuel Paxton, Bob Dunn, and John Miller volunteered to be present. The dinner starts at 12:00 o’clock noon, with the program presentation at 1:00 p.m. --- Stan Stubblefield and Jim Arnold are coordinating the Color Guard team and presentation of the National Anthem for the first game of the American Legion Baseball tournament on July 21st. Laudatory comments were received from Marvin Harper for Post 287’s sponsorship this year. The post may also have a nominal monetary commitment for the use of the ball field. The tournament starts at 6:30 p.m. --- Mike Feurt recently visited with Representative Jim Guest in Cameron. Representative Guest stated that the Veteran’s Home funding is going through. --- Boys State report- 974 attended this year. Our Post sponsored 4. Next year’s fee will remain at $300.00. David Voyles (Post 359 is moving up to the National Executive Committee position. ***
August 6, 2003 (Cmdr. Billy Kretzer and Adj. Terry Beasley) --- Stan Stubblefield has been in contact with Chris Babb, an Eagle Scout. Chris would like to place concrete around each flag site at the Cemetery to make them easier to find. Chris has requested help in getting the necessary supplies. Mannuel Paxton made a motion for the Post to buy the needed quickrete and Craig Curnutt seconded the motion. The motion carried. --- Commander Kretzer reminded the membership that the Legion National Convention will be August 22-28th. Post members are going down on Saturday the 23rd, and participate in the Convention Parade on Sunday. Members currently planning on attending include: John Miller, Stan Stubblefield, Craig Curnutt, Norm Brosi, and Billy Kretzer. --- Norm Brosi announced that Steve Cotter is the new 139th Wing Commander; he is also a Post member. ***
August 20, 2003 (Adjutant Terry Beasley) --- Mike Feurt had 3 items to present. --- Senator Bond visited the Kansas City area, and briefed on the Veteran’s Administration Healthcare and Hospital issues. --- CARES Commission has appointed 38 commissions on the VA Hospital realignments. It was felt that there is a migratory movement from rural areas to larger communities of VA benefit recipients. This is decreasing demands in one area, and increasing demands in others. Some smaller VA hospitals, such as the one in Popular Bluff, Missouri may be slated for closure. With the realignment there may be 3 new hospitals proposed for building. --- American Legion Homeless Veterans Task Force has been established. R. Mike Feurt has volunteered to represent our area on the Task Force. John Miller made a motion to appoint R. Mike Feurt to the American Legion Homeless Veterans Task Force. The motion was seconded by Stan Stubblefield, and the motion carried. R. Mike Feurt’s volunteer effort for this worthy cause is greatly appreciated. --- Brian Stackhouse requested the use of the Legion Building for the Boy Scout Court of Honor ceremonies scheduled for September 2nd, and December 9th. --- Norm Brosi reported that remaining deployed members of the 139th Airlift Wing will be returning to their home base on 31 August. A dinner in recognition of them and their families will be announced after their return. --- The annual, September Fish Fry is still on. --- The October Steak Fry will take, and have this year’s Boy’s State participants as special guests. ***