January 2, 2003 (Cmdr. Billy Kretzer and Adj. Terry Beasley) --- National Convention Flag Pole Band for 2002 was received. --- Legionnaire Bob Dunn is still the point of contact for the funeral call list. ***

January 15, 2003 (Cmdr. Billy Kretzer and Adj. Terry Beasley) --- Manual Paxton was recognized by Commander Kretzer for his work on the Auxiliary Storage closet. Another hospital bed was donated to the Post. The storage set-up has made it easier for the storage of up to 10 hospital beds! --- Commander Kretzer reported on the good turnout of Post 287 members for the 4th District Oratorical contest. The winner was Paul Ready, who was our Andrew County Oratorical winner. He will next compete at the Zone level, just prior to the Department Spring Convention Oratorical contest. --- Legionnaire Mannuel Paxton made a motion and seconded by Ray Maxwell to do the annual donation of $1,000.00 to Post 287 Auxiliary. The motion carried. --- Commander Kretzer announced that the city has bought-out the rights to the old railroad bed between Benton and Park Streets. 3rd street will be extended along this right-a-way, and it will be named Billy Doyle Smith Memorial Drive.” A dedication of the street opening will be announced later this spring. ***

February 5, 2003 (Cmdr. Billy Kretzer and Adj. Terry Beasley) --- Problems have arisen in obtaining the Boy Scout Support Group reimbursement for utility bills greater than the $50.00 monthly donation limit. Mike Gallagher and Brian Stackhouse are being informed of the issue. The finance officer recommended that the Post turnover the bill paying responsibility to the Boy Scout Support Group. The Post will donate $600.00 twice per year (January and July) to cover our commitment towards the Boy Scouts. The motion was made by Mannuel Paxton and seconded by Stan Stubblefield. Motion carried. A letter will be drafted to transfer the utility bill responsibility to the Boy Scout Support Group. --- Billy Kretzer reminded the membership that there were 2 payments left on the Legion Memorial Park Race Track sale. Future money making events will need to be considered after those payments are completed. Ideas for fund raiser would be appreciated. --- Letter on the Ceremonial Digital Bugle. They can be purchased for $500. The Post will defer ordering one for now. The bugle at Post 359 may be made available for sharing when they receive one as part of the Beta test project. --- County Government Day will be 19 March. Legionnaires are needed to do the Flag Folding briefing, and for the chaperoning functions. --- Legionnaire Brian Stackhouse volunteered to be the project officer for this year’s Memorial Day service. A guest speaker has already been selected. ***

March 5, 2003 (Cmdr. Billy Kretzer and Adj. Terry Beasley) --- Veterans were invited to attend the Birthday Dinner on Monday, March 10th at 6:30 pm at the Legion Building. The guest speaker will be Reverend Joe Munshaw. Please bring a covered dish. --- Jim Whittfield stated at the Spring Conference that Andrew County had 47 military funerals last year. Savannah Post 287 had 24. --- Tools have donated by Moffett Nursery. ***

March 19, 2003 (Cmdr. Billy Kretzer and Adj. Terry Beasley) --- Legionnaire John McLarney gave an update for the Billy Doyle Smith Memorial street dedication. The alumni of Billy Doyle Smith’s High School would be contacted. A letter will be sent to the Gower Alumni Class of 1951 and invite them to the dedication and Memorial Day Ceremony. Stone markers for the Billy Doyle Smith Street will also be acquired. Donations will be solicited. --- Post 287 received the Boy Scout Charter for this year. Our Post has sponsored the Charter for the last 69 years. ***

April 2, 2003 (Cmdr. Billy Kretzer and Adj. Terry Beasley) --- Legionnaire Mike Feurt reported that he is a Red Cross volunteer for making emergency phone call notifications. The Red Cross is always looking for additional volunteers. --- 1st Vice Commander had cards for signing. The cards will be sent to members deployed overseas. The members included: CMSgt Bill Phillips, CMSgt Steve Powell, SMSgt Steve Hampton, MSgt Steve Gabriel, MSgt Phil Vogler, TSgt Steve Haer, TSgt Chris Johnson, and Rob Bryant ***

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