August 7, 2002 (Commander Billy Kretzer and Adj. Norm Brosi) --- Legionnaire Stubblefield raised the issue on how much to pay for mileage to the National Convention. The current rate is 35¢ per mile to be paid by the Post for one-way. Legionnaire John McLarney made a motion to raise it to 50¢ per mile. Motion carried. ***
August 21, 2002 (2nd Vice Commander Phil Vogler & Adj. Brosi) --- Adjutant Brosi read the names of 6 WWII Veterans who have earned the Jubilee of Liberty Medal to be presented at the September 4th Fish Fry: Charles (Pat) Bruffy, Willie Driskell, Gerald Fletchall, Joe Jameson, Virgil Miller, and Joseph Napier. --- Brigadier General Roger Combs confirmed that he was planning to present the medals and he plans to bring his wife. The families of the recipients were all invited as well.
September 4, 2002 (Cmdr Billy Kretzer and 1st Vice Cmdr Norm Brosi) --- Annual Fish Fry. --- Brigadier General Roger Combs presented the Jubilee of Liberty Medal to 5 WWII Veterans who participated in the D-Day Invasion in Normandy: Charles (Pat) Bruffy, Willie Driskell, Joe Jameson, Virgil Miller, and Joseph Napier. --- Ralph Bliley (Post 464) and Marvin Harper (Post 102) were present as guest of tonight’s meeting. --- Legionnaires Bob Dunn and Mannuel Paxton were presented plaques for their outstanding service during the year. --- Legionnaire Ralph Bliley was also presented a plaque for his outstanding service as 4th District Commander. Legionnaire John McLarney reported that John Glenn Elementary School asked to have a flag disposal ceremony. --- Legionnaire Stan Stubblefield briefed the membership on purchasing a high quality container designed to collect worn flags for disposal. The cost is approximately $400.00. After purchase, the container would be placed at the Courthouse. --- 4th District Commander Ralph Bliley presented Post Commander Kretzer a plaque for going “Over-the-Top.” --- 4th District Commander Bliley presented membership recruiting pins to Commander Kretzer and Adjutant Brosi. ***
October 2, 2002 (Cmdr. Billy Kretzer and Adj. Terry Beasley) --- November 28th Mr. & Mrs. Kretzer will sponsor a Thanksgiving Dinner at the Post, if it is OK’d by the membership for the use of the building. Membership approved the use of the building for that event. --- Norman Brosi gave an update on the World War II medals. Clayton Cobb has been approved for a medal, and he has requested a ceremony. ***
November 6, 2002 (Cmdr. Billy Kretzer and Adj. Terry Beasley)
1st Vice Commander Norm Brosi briefed on the 2003 American Legion Baseball Tournament. The light poles have been erected and the stadium lights should be done by the end of November. The project is about $2,000.00 short right now. The field is designed for high-school level teams/games. This will be suitable for American Legion tournaments. The tournament is scheduled for June. --- John McLarney – Oratorical Contest- Andrew County’s winner is Paul Ready out of 45 students. Mr. Ready will receive the $100.00 scholarship. The District-level contest will be set on a Sunday to be announced by the 4th District. The alternate is Adam Ledden. --- Flag Disposal Container at the Courthouse report by Legionnaire Stan Stubblefield. The cost will be $799.00. Stan will work on the information for the donor plaque to go on the disposal box. ***
November 20, 2002 (Cmdr. Billy Kretzer and Adj. Terry Beasley) --- Legionnaire Mannuel Paxton is planning on installing wall shelves in the Auxiliary’s storage area to better organize the hospital bed rail equipment. ***
December 4, 2002 (Cmdr. Billy Kretzer and Adj. Terry Beasley) --- 4th District Commander Gerome Goolsby briefed the membership on the “I’m Not a Number” grassroots letter/picture campaign. National Commander endorses this as his main program this year. All Legionnaires are needed to support this lobbying effort. ***
December 18, 2002 (Cmdr. Billy Kretzer and Adj. Terry Beasley) --- Final preparations are being made to order the flag depository box. The cost is $799.00. Donations were received from the local Masonic lodge, the Andrew County Commissioners, and Stan Stubblefield. --- Commander Kretzer received and signed the annual renewal for the Boy Scout Charter. --- Mannuel Paxton made a motion and seconded by Ray Maxwell to do the annual donation of $1,000.00 to Post 287 Auxiliary. The motion carried. --- District Oratorical Contest, sponsored by Post 287, will be held January 12th, at Post 359, Saint Joseph. Volunteers are needed as tabulators, judges, and escorts. --- Stan Stubblefield reported that the American Red Cross will have its next blood drive here on Tuesday, January 7th. --- Commander Kretzer read the Americanism Citation Award presented to Post 287. The citation was given to Post 287 at the last 4th District meeting. ***