September 5, 2001 (Cmdr. Harold Brunner and Adj. Norman Brosi) --- Fish Fry cooked by Leonard McAfee and crew was served before the meeting with a large crowd in attendance and many 2002 membership dues were collected. --- Finance Officer Terry Beasley gave a report on the 2001 National Convention attended by Legionnaires Billy Kretzer, Stan Stubblefield and Terry. Marvin Harper from Post 102 was emceeing at the parade and gave Post 287 outstanding recognition as our Post Colors marched by. --- Legionnaire Bob Van Hoozer announced that September 21st is POW/MIA Day. --- Legionnaire Steve Gabriel presented Post 287 with a picture of a 139th Airlift Wing C-130 and certificate recognizing the contribution the Post gave for the annual golf tournament which benefits the Family Support Group for the 139th Airlift Wing. --- Adjutant Norm Brosi gave a report on the WWII Veteran Recognition Program. The Missouri Legislature passed Senate Bill 961 establishing this program which awards a medallion, ribbon, and certificate to WWII Veterans. --- Legionnaire Billy Kretzer presented Commander Harold Brunner an appreciation plaque for outstanding service. --- 4th District Commander Ralph Bliley presented Billy Kretzer a recruiting pin for recruiting 5 new members and Steve Hampton for recruiting 3 new members. --- 4th District Commander Bliley and 4th District Sergeant-at-Arms Marvin Harper conducted the Post 287 induction of officers. ***
September 19, 2001 (Commander Billy Kretzer and Adj. Norm Brosi) --- Commander Kretzer introduced visitor David Voyles, Alternate National Executive Committeeman. --- Legionnaire Bob Dunn asked for volunteers to carry the colors in the North Andrew Homecoming Parade in Fillmore. --- Commander Kretzer asked for volunteers to chair various committees: Veteran’s Day Celebration, Memorial Day Service, Andrew County Fair & Homecoming Parade, Building and Grounds, North Andrew Homecoming Parade, Amazonia Parade, Savannah Homecoming Parade, Apple Blossom Parade, and any Special Dinners. --- Legionnaire Bob Dunn is in charge of the Color Guard. --- Executive Committee has the following members: Edner Rudolph, John McLarney, and Mannuel Paxton. --- Commander Kretzer suggested the membership think of fundraising events to raise funds for the 2005 National Convention, which will be in Hawaii. The Legion funds 35¢ per mile one way, and Hawaii is 2,700 miles so there will be a large expense. --- Legionnaire Stubblefield announced that the Savannah Middle School asked Post 287 to present a flag etiquette program. There are 112 students in the 6th grade, so 112 small flags must be purchased for the program. Stan will organize the program with Principal Leisa Blair. ***
October 3, 2001 (Commander Billy Kretzer and Adj. Norm Brosi) --- The Boys State participants and their parents attended the Steak Fry. Austin Swafford, Matthew Smith, Nick Bydler, and Kyle Smutzler each gave a short talk on their experiences while at Boys State.
October 17, 2001 (Commander Billy Kretzer and Adj. Norm Brosi) --- Commander Kretzer gave a report on the Memorial Brick Sidewalk. Bill contacted Bradley to have it completed by Veteran’s Day 2001. The Scouts will help place the bricks and sort them by family. --- Adjutant Brosi gave a report on the WWII awards. Seven Veterans from Andrew County will be presented the award. A letter will be sent to the recipients announcing the time and place for the ceremony. Bill Kretzer asked for Legion members to participate in the ceremony. ***
November 7, 2001 (1st Vice Cmdr Steve Gabriel & Adj. Norm Brosi) --- The bricks were installed on the Memorial Sidewalk at Flanders Field. --- Legionnaire Brian Stackhouse introduced Rick Reeves, Boy Scout Pony Express Council, Senior District Executive for the Rubidoux District which includes Andrew and Buchanan Counties. Rick works with the volunteers for the Scouts and gave his annual talk on the Scouting program He thanked Post 287 for the Support for the Savannah Scout Troop 60. 1st Vice Commander Steve Gabriel signed the Charter Agreement --- 1st Vice Commander Gabriel read a Certificate of Merit for the Missouri Military Funerals Honor Program for the period of 1 July 2000 through 30 June 2001 --- Adjutant Brosi gave a report on the WWII Award Ceremony to be held November 11th at the Savannah Baptist Church: Terry Beasley, Rob Bryant, Stan Stubblefield and Edner Rudolph will be the color guard. Steve Gabriel and Norm Brosi will present awards to: Lee Bennett, John Borchers, Harold Brunner, John Huey, Joe Jameson, and Keith Stanton ***
December 5, 2001 (Commander Billy Kretzer and Adj. Norm Brosi) --- Legionnaire Bob Dunn reported that the North Andrew High School called inviting Legionnaires to come up Friday, December 7th at 12:30 p.m. in remembrance of Pearl Harbor Day. They would like for WWII veterans to speak to the students on their experiences during the war. Bob called several members who volunteered to participate. ***
December 19, 2001 (Commander Billy Kretzer and Adj. Norm Brosi) --- Legionnaire Stubblefield made a motion to contribute $1,000.00 to the Post 287 Legion Auxiliary. Motion approved. --- Legionnaire Dunn gave a report of the “Pearl Harbor Remembrance” visit to North Andrew on December 7th by eleven Post 287 members. The students were very interested and pleased with the presentation of their WWII experiences. Joe Munshaw wore his uniform and showed the students a Japanese saber and flag. Post 287 members who attended were: Keith Stanton, Grover Calloway, Joe Jameson, John Huey, Bob Van Hoozer, Stan Stubblefield, Bob Dunn, Mannuel Paxton, Edner Rudolph, Don Bowland, and Perry Franklin. ***