July 5, 2000 (Cmdr Bob Dunn & Adj. Mannuel Paxton) --- Legionnaire Kretzer made a motion to pursue the examination of vehicles for the Legion Post to be used in parades. Motion carried. ***
August 2, 2000 (Cmdr Bob Dunn & Adj. Mannuel Paxton) --- John Welter, director of the Savannah R-III High School Band came to show the new band uniforms they are trying to purchase. They are also accepting donations from organizations. Each uniform cost $275, and they need to purchase 150 uniforms. Legionnaire Sonny Todd made a motion to purchase 2 uniforms at this time. Motion carried. --- Some members mentioned that the Model T is a part of the American Legion and that it should really be fixed up so it can be used for parades. Commander Dunn appointed a committee of Wilton Adkins, Ray Maxwell, and Sonny Todd to check on the cost to complete repairs of the Model T. ***
August 16, 2000 (Cmdr Bob Dunn & Adj. Mannuel Paxton) --- Wilton Adkins reported on the Model T as follows: --- Covel Miller stated there might be a hair line crack on the T’s head. Legionnaires Ray Maxwell and Wilton Adkins got a new battery and the T would turnover, but they did not try to start it. --- John Clevenger state he would like to see the Legion use the T for parades, it only has sentimental value to them, because of their dad Milton Clevenger. If at sometime in the future the Legion does not want the T, then they would like to have it back. --- Legionnaires Billy Kretzer and Terry Beasley were going to the National Convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. --- Someone took down the American Flag and POW flag in front of the building and wadded them up and threw them on the ground by the bushes out front. The culprits have not been found. ***
September 6, 2000 (Cmdr Bob Dunn & Adj. Mannuel Paxton) Commander Dunn introduced the 4th District Guests: District Commander Ralph Bliley, Southern Vice Commander Jerome Goolsby, Sergeant-at-Arms Dave Hendricks, and Immediate Past District Commander Bob Beaver --- Bob Beaver presented a certificate from the National Commander to Commander Dunn for leading Post 287 “Over-the-Top” in membership for the 1999-2000 year. --- 4th District Commander Ralph Bliley installed the following Post Officers for the 2000-2001 Year: Commander Harold Brunner, 1st Vice Commander Billy Kretzer, 2nd Vice Commander Steve Gabriel, Adjutant Norman Brosi, Finance Officer Terry Beasley, Sergeant-at-Arms Steve Hampton, Chaplain John Miller, and Historian Keith Stanton --- Legionnaire Beasley gave a report on the 82nd Annual National Convention held in Milwaukee, WI. The Flag Pole Bands were carried in this year’s National Convention Parade along with the Post 287 colors. ***
September 20, 2000 (Cmdr. Harold Brunner and Adj. Norman Brosi) --- Legionnaire Steve Gabriel presented Post 287 with a Certificate of Appreciation from the 139th Airlift Wing for Post 287’s $100 donation to the 2nd Annual ANG Golf Outing. --- Legionnaire Stan Stubblefield gave a Flag Education report: Bob Van Hoozer, John Huey, and Stan gave the annual flag education presentation to the Savannah Middle School with 110 6th grade students present. Miniature flags were given to each student --- Legionnaire Bob Dunn gave a Pool Table Report: Post Commander Brunner, Legionnaires Stan Stubblefield and Bob Dunn priced a new pool table at ACME Music Company. The quote was $1,175 plus tax for the table, set-up, one set of billiard balls, two cues, a rack, and delivery. A motion was made and passed to purchase the table. Legionnaire Stubblefield donated $200, Legionnaire Bob Dunn donated $100 --- Legionnaire John McLarney stated there were 4 racetrack payments left. ***
October 4, 2000 (Cmdr. Harold Brunner and Adj. Norman Brosi) --- Finance Officer Terry Beasley reported additional donations for the pool table included: John Huey - $100, Harold Brunner - $100, and Terry Beasley - $25 --- Savannah Senior High School invited the Post 287 color guard to participate in the annual Homecoming Parade. --- Legionnaire Keith Stanton wrote an article about the Model “T,” ***
November 1, 2000 (Cmdr Harold Brunner and F. O. Terry Beasley) --- 1st Vice Commander Billy Kretzer briefed the membership on a sidewalk upgrade to Flanders Field at the Cemetery. The Legion owns the next lot to the south. Vice Commander Kretzer wanted to know if the Post would support an extension of the sidewalk both to the south, and a section to the east to the roadway. The recommended completion date would be the next Memorial Day service. The brick to be used for the sidewalk would be brick that has engraved names of Legionnaires. Legionnaires would buy the brick or bricks at a cost of $50.00 per brick. A company will engrave up to 20 characters with that $50.00 charge. Legionnaire Kretzer has talked with 2 County Commissioners who relayed that there is money available through the Price Cemetery Fund. We could probably get the sidewalk put in, at no expense to the Legion. The bricks would be the only cost, and that would be at the cost to those who wanted to have an engraved brick for themselves, or that of a friend/family member, who was a Legion member. Reed Bradley is currently working on a cost figure for the poured concrete base. --- Legionnaire Stubblefield was informed that a Paul Kunz from Cosby was in the Battle of the Bulge, and was killed December 4, 1944. A Donald Denekohl wanted to know if he could be listed on the board. --- Legionnaires Stan Stubblefield and John Huey volunteered to deliver some donation goods to the Veterans Hospital in Leavenworth. --- Legionnaire Bob Dunn reported on the Flag Etiquette team’s presentation at North Andrew High School in Rosendale. Bob Dunn, Bob Van Hoozer, and Stan Stubblefield did a class for 6 through 8th graders. The class involved the proper folding of the flag, and a 3’ by 5’ flag was donated to the school. The class was well received and appreciative. The class totaled approximately 110 students. Bob also offered to do a flag disposal ceremony for the school at a later date if invited. ***
December 6, 2000 (Cmdr. Harold Brunner and Adj. Norman Brosi) --- Legionnaire Beasley reported on Convention Flagpole Bands. Libby Green of the special orders section of Emblem Sales is researching the bands we are missing and will report back. We are missing bands for 1978, 1993, 1997, 1998, and 1999. ***
Post Everlastings in the 2000 Membership Year --- Member Name / Date - Continuous Years / War Era: Dwight Crane, Jr. / 8/1/1999 – Korea, Robert H. Davis / 9/16/1999 - 23 / WWII, Darrell Groff / 1/30/2000 – 16/ WWII, Gilbert B. Kelley / 1/16/2000 - 55 / WWII, Dale K. Miller / 12/18/1999 - 27 / Vietnam, Robert G. Wood / 12/2/1999 - 39 / WWII, and Marvin M. Kinder / 4/10/2000 - 49 / WWII ***