January 19, 2000 (Cmdr Bob Dunn & Adj. Mannuel Paxton) --- Legionnaire Brian Stackhouse will chair the Legion 80th Birthday Celebration committee --- Legionnaire Keith Stanton reported that the dissolution of Memorial Park is final. Legionnaire Dale Miller had filed everything with the State of Missouri before his death. --- Legionnaire Billy Kretzer made a motion to purchase flags for the 5 branches of service plus the poles and caps to be placed at Flanders Field. Motion carried. --- Commander Dunn thanked everyone who helped with Dr. Kelley’s funeral. ***
January 5, 2000 (Cmdr Bob Dunn & Adj. Mannuel Paxton) ---Legionnaire Brian Stackhouse will be the Representative to Boy Scout Troop 60. ***
March 1, 2000 (1st Vice Cmdr Brunner & Adj. Mannuel Paxton) --- Boys State Chairperson John McLarney received 13 applications for Boys State. It costs $300 per boy, and we are allowed to send 4 boys. The most applications John says he has had, has been only 6-7 applications. This will not be an easy decision. ***
May 3, 2000 (1st Vice Cmdr Brunner & Adj. Mannuel Paxton) --- Boys State Chairperson John McLarney reported 5 boys’ names for Boys State. 4 of which our Post paid, and the District paid for 1 as an alternate. This is the first time 5 boys are to attend from our Post. ***
June 7, 2000 (Cmdr Bob Dunn & Adj. Mannuel Paxton) --- Andrew County Fair Parade on July 8th --- 135th Signal Battalion & 89th Ordinance are planning on attending --- Legionnaire Steve Gabriel made a request for an Air National Guard fly over ***