Deaths of Members in Membership Year 1997 & 1998
Member Name / Date - Continuous Years / War Era
Truman Bradley / 5/3/1997 - 8 / Korea;
Valdon Buis / 4/26/1997 - 45 / Korea;
Daniel Shewmaker / 6/1997 - 51 / WWII;
O.V. Swigart / 8/8/1997 - 8 / WWII;
Redmond Davison / 11/4/1997 - 53 / WWII;
Cameron Fuller / 1/31/1998 - 53 / WWII;
Fred Garton / 10/1997 - 11 / Vietnam;
Glen Gillispie / WWII;
Willard Herman / 12/31/1997 - 51 / WWII;
Richard Latham / 12/20/1997 - 45 / Korea;
W.F. Reynolds / 2/14/1998 - 31 / WWII;
James K. Smith / 6/5/1998 - 49 / WWII;
Ralph Stegall / 3/6/1998 - 24 / WWII;
Garold C. Wampler, Sr. / WWII; and
Barnett A. Young / 50 – WWII