1995: ***
January 4, 1995 (Commander Fred Garton & Adjutant John Huey) - Members decided to sell what we can sell and junk what is useless. Legionnaire Joe Jameson was chairing and making preparations for the 4th Districts God and Country ceremony to be held at Post 287 on February 5, 1995. The Auxiliary has agreed to handle the serving of food following the ceremony. Commander Garton reported Steve Crawford will handle details to obtain title insurance to complete sale of the old Legion building. Legionnaire Irvin Sweet plans to make a donation to equip the bar as soon as it is ready. ***

February 1, 1995 (Commander Fred Garton & Adjutant John Huey)- Commander Garton praised the good work of Stan Stubblefield and Joe Jameson for the installation of pictures of Legionnaires and Auxiliary members on the walls. Post 287 received the donation of an electric typewriter (Feb 1st) and a Xerox copier (Feb 15th) from Doug Despins for use in our office. ***

March 1, 1995 (Commander Fred Garton & Adjutant John Huey)- Boys State Chairman John McLarney reported that seven applications have been received for Boys State with 2 more expected. Four are expected to be sent with financial help from the Lion’s Club. Legionnaire Joe Jameson reported plans for celebration in Kansas City in commemoration of VE Day, May 5-7th. Past Commanders Dinner has been scheduled for March 15th. April 5th will be the first steak fry in the new building. Legion Birthday Dinner will be March 13th. Commander Garton announced receipt of a petition from Citizens Flag Alliance (CFA) asking signatures urging passage of legislation to protect the American Flag from desecration by radical demonstrators. The membership passed a motion to pay Commander Garton for furniture bought at auction. ***

March 15, 1995 (Commander Fred Garton & Adjutant John Huey)- County Government Day Chairman Joe Jameson announced arrangements were complete for the project to take place March 18th. Seven 50-Year certificates were received. Plans were made to present the certificates at the next meeting. ***

April 5, 1995 (Commander Fred Garton & Adjutant John Huey)- Finance Officer Keith Stanton reported $105,000 has been paid on the new building, with no bills outstanding. 50 Year Members Recognized: Robert Crawford, Dr. Gilbert Kelley, and Robert Powell, Four others will be presented in their homes: Orville Clark, Cameron Fuller, Redmond Davison, and C.G. Phillips ***

April 19, 1995 (Commander Fred Garton & Adjutant John Huey)- Legionnaire Keith Stanton made available a tape, several hours long, showing the various stages of progress in the construction of the new building, and other events participated in by Post 287 members in recent years. Legionnaire Stan Stubblefield will be named Department Legionnaire of the Year at the Department meeting July 14th. Commander Garton appointed Legionnaire Bob Van Hoozer chairman of the memorial fund drive committee for the memorial to be placed in front of the Legion Building. ***

May 3, 1995 (Commander Fred Garton & Adjutant John Huey)- Memorial Fund Committee – John McLarney reported a donation from the Amazonia Lions Club of $100. Committee Chairman Bob Van Hoozer reported the committee met with the Chamber of Commerce to solicit donations for the Memorial. Plans are to solicit service clubs in the area seeking donation. Amount presently in the fund: $497.26. ***

May 17, 1995 (Commander Fred Garton & Adjutant John Huey)- Finance Officer Keith Stanton reported $574.21 in the checking account, and $826.26 in the Veteran’s Memorial Fund. Legionnaire Stubblefield reported the coffee bar project was off to a good start. Plans are to have the coffee bar open every Wednesday from 2-4 p.m. Veteran’s Memorial Fund Chairman Bob Van Hoozer reported pledges have been received totaling another $1,000 in addition to the money already received. Estimated costs are $6,000 including the cost of landscaping. Members decided to hold the next steak fry June 7th. ***

June 7, 1995 (Commander Fred Garton & Adjutant John Huey)- Commander Garton reported Memorial Day ceremonies were well attended. Legionnaire Mannuel Paxton reported receiving an offer to sell a small piece of property adjacent to the property deeded to the county by Post 287. A motion was passed to let the County Court be authorized to do whatever they want with the property, since the Legion has no interest in it. ***

June 21, 1995 (Commander Fred Garton & Adjutant John Huey)- Finance Officer reported $1,495.67 in checking and $1,949.27 in the Memorial Fund. A motion was passed to purchase the memorial and flagpole. ***

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