Dick Munkres Post 287 Post History will be continued by Terry Beasley ***

Note: Legionnaire Keith Stanton’s history left off in 1996. A review of the meeting minutes will be done from 1994 to date. The meeting highlights and when possible, pictures will be added. This history will surely not reflect all of the many accomplishments of Post 287 given the number of members, the many stories and recollections, and the sheer number of volunteer hours and work towards American Legion goals and objectives. ***

November 2, 1994 (Commander Fred Garton & Adjutant John Huey) ---
Received the first lease payment from Mike Ramsel from the sale of the old Legion Building. ---
Deed prepared for the 4-H Building, and will be presented to the County Commissioners ***

December 21, 1994 (Commander Fred Garton & Adjutant John Huey) ---
Finance Officer Keith Stanton reported “all bills for construction of the new building are paid…” ---
Post 287 will award a $50.00 scholarship to the Savannah Oratorical Contest representative. ---
Legionnaire Stan Stubblefield was chosen as the District 4 candidate for Legionnaire of the Year***

View more history for Post 287 in Savannah, Missouri