May 9, 1990- It looks as if there is a slim chance of getting the V.A. Nursing Home here even if we are willing to give the Memorial Park grounds to them. ***
June 6, 1990- Post to supplement the Auxiliary $50.00 a month for the Veterans Home in Levenworth visits. ***
June 17, 1992- A letter was read from the estate of Harry Duncan stating the Post will receive $45,000 from his estate.***
January 6, 1993- Night bingo will resume January 9th. ***
February 17, 1993- Membership decided to stop bingo after February 20.
It was reported we applied to the city for zoning change from A-1 to C-3.
Motion made to sponsor one candidate to legion’s cadet patrol program. ***
April 21, 1993- Post to proceed with plans for a rodeo to be held August 17-18, 1993.***
July 21, 1993- Members present expressed their appreciation to Bob VanHoozer for his work in preparing his assessment of the value of the Legion property. ***
October 6, 1993- Dues raised to $23.50 effective January 1, 1994. National and State dues have raised to $14.50 and District is 40 cents, leaving us only $8.60 to run the post on. ***
December 15, 1993- Dance Committee had met with Ray Alburn about having monthly Saturday night dances. ---
A representative of Landmark Realty addressed the meeting and presented a proposal to buy Legion property.***
January 5, 1994- Commander Garton reported that the Executive Board and Mike Ramsel have agreed to terms for sale of part of Legion property. The matter is to be discussed and voted on by the membership at the next meeting. A surveyor is to be selected to determine exact property lines. ***
January 19, 1994- After thorough discussion covering the details of the agreement reached between the Executive Board and the prospective buyer the question was presented to the members. The vote was 39 to 6 in favor of the proposal. ---
Commander Garton appointed a planning committee to study the possibilities for building a new Post home, and report their recommendations to the members. Clinton Ramsey is to chair the committee, with Tome Bendure, Irvin Sweet, Mannual Paxton, and Jerry Smutzler. ***
March 18, 1994- A special meeting was called to consider an offer for the sale/lease of the Legion grounds, and building. The old proposal could not be closed because of difficulty in obtaining title insurance. The Commander and Executive Board were authorized to negotiate final terms of the sale/lease. The vote on the question was 24 in favor and 2 against. The terms were Post to receive $41,000 over 120 month’s and the Park is to receive $110,000 over 120 months. To be made in annual payments with 6% interest. We gave the land the 4-H buildings are on, plus the horse show area part of the old Chipps place to the County of Andrew for youth groups of Andrew County’s use. ***
April 6, 1994- Building committee had received two bids on construction of new building. Building to be placed on Downing ground we had not sold at the corner of Banyan and Price. Automated Farm Structures of Saint Joseph to build a Butler building. ***
May 18, 1994- New building to be on the site June 20. ---
Flag disposal ceremony will be held June 14 at the Savannah City Park. ***
August 3, 1994- Electrician Don Bowland is donating 75% of his normal labor charge on the wiring of the new building. Other Legionnaires are providing volunteer help.***
August 17, 1994- We again held our meetings in the Andrew County Courthouse from the time we sold old building until we moved into our new one. September 7, 1994, Dick Munkres Post 287 celebrated it’s first meeting in the new building at 501 East Price with a fish fry and installation of new officers for 1995. ---
Commander Garton reported on his trip to National Convention in Minneapolis. Our colors have now been at their 75th National Convention. ***
November 21, 1994- Mrs. Harry Duncan sent a donation of $2,000.00 to purchase kitchen equipment. ***
December 21, 1994- All bills for construction of the new building have been paid.***