December 3, 1980- Membership 464. ***
March 18, 1981- Post received around $2,000.00 from Emma Duncan Kubah and $2,000.00 from Bill Spencer’s estates. ***
February 17, 1982- Raised dues to $15.00. ***
July 21, 1982- Wilton Adkins reported auto races cancelled for this season.
Go ahead and put Vietnam Honor Roll Board in Courthouse. Sponsored by Post and Auxiliary.
October 9, 1982- Scouts plan to bury a time capsule behind the Scout Cabin and the Post to participate. ***
February 21, 1983- Cliff Tracey representing Joe Biodea asked if they could take roof off of the grandstand, enclose track, etc. ***
January 1, 1983- 4th District per capita tax raised from 25 cents to 40 cents. ***
March 16, 1983- Post paid $250.00 to help restore fish in the city ponds. ***
June 15, 1983- 20 cents per mile to National Convention.***
July 6, 1983- It was reported harry Duncan had given $12,000.00 to the Post. Motion to get a plaque in honor of Harry Duncan’s many gifts to the Post, and display it in the Memorial Building. ***
September 11, 1983- Milt Clevenger (Historian) reported Post history from 1935 through 1940 and 1945 through 1949, and 1975 through 1982 was missing. ***
April 4, 1984- Caryl Lance can doze the Legion House east of the main building to the ground and level ground for a parking lot. The project is to start April 6, 1984.***
October 5, 1984- Executive Committee to look into adding restrooms to the upstairs. Gail Paxton is to draw up plans. Crane Construction to do the work for $11,299.99. New roof is to be put on building at a cost of $3,240.00 with a five year warranty. ***
January 16, 1985- There will not be a 4H fair this year. ***
July 9, 1985- County equalization board agreed to take Post off of County books. ***
August 21, 1985- Post to pay 20 cents a mile to National Convention.***
September 18, 1985- Ken Rosenauer would like to see into writing a Post Newsletter. ***
October 2, 1985- It was reported that the Post has paid the Boy Scouts gas and light bill for 52 years and 4 months. ***