March 20, 1957- We built a new 1/5th mile track inside the old ½ mile track. We put lights on it and we could race at night for the first time. ***
June 1957- Keith Stanton was appointed track manager. ***
August 21, 1957- It was reported there was a chance of getting the 4H Clubs to help with building a livestock building. ***
October 16, 1957- Fair Board met with the 4H Council and discussed the project of building a livestock shed for showing stock. They agreed to raise money for material, and the Legion would build it. They have about $3,000.00. ***
November 6, 1957- Keith Stanton reported someone was wanting to buy the race track. Sale would be left up to the board.***
December 18, 1957- Comrade Al Lance instructed to go ahead and draw up non-profit corporation papers for Post 287, at a cost of $14.95.***
Two heaters were installed upstairs and two down. The Home Bank donated the upstairs heaters in Memorial to Royal Turner. They cost $920.00. The downstairs heaters, the gas tank and the cost of hooking up ran at about $800.00. ***
February 18, 1958- A letter of thanks to the County Court for the use all those years for the room for our meetings and to relinquish further use of the room. ***
March 5, 1958- A club for teenagers was started this year, it is called the 287 Junior Club. They have 182 members and $91.00 in their treasury. ---
The Post made $363.00 with a block of dimes for polio. ***
May 21, 1958- Races started June 8, 1958. ***
July 21, 1958- Contract with Candrall and Weiver to run the races, Post to keep the beer stand, popcorn stand, and the women the eat stand. ***
The Post bought a used T.V. for $90.00. ***
March 24, 1959- Pony Express Racing Association to operate the races, on Sundays, and Bud Lemon and Ben Dawson to run cool cart races on Friday nights.***