June 3, 1953- Comrade Royal Turner reported that he had made a deal to buy the Chipps place. It lays on the south east corner of the fairgrounds. It has a four-room house, a barn, and some other out buildings, and four acres of land with it for $4,500.00. ***
Comrade Harold Oliver made a motion that we except payment from Memorial Park for the refreshment building we built and that it be used to build barns for horses on the Chipps place. Herman Breit (chairman), Carl Field, and Robert Stewart appointed to the barn building committee. ---
Comrade Omar Hurst stated that he thought the house on the Chipps place was not suitable for a meeting house. Also, that it would be best to rent it. Comrade Lloyd Zahnd made a motion that the Executive Commander be allowed to get a caretaker to live in it or rent it as they see fit. ***
November 4, 1953- It was reported the horse barn was started and the Chipps house had been rented to Comrade Ed Way for $25.00 per month. ***
November 18, 1953- We are to enter into a horse racing circuit.
A letter was read from the Savannah Lions Club telling us they would give wooden gates for the horse barn. ***
February 3, 1954- All Korean War Veterans were honored at a meeting held in the Courtroom in the Andrew County Court House. Judge Fred Maughmer presented Korean War Veterans Certificates, given to all Korean War Veterans present. Refreshments were served to about 90 people that were present. ***
April 7, 1954- The regular meeting was held in Saint Joseph at the Goetz Stein room. A very fine dinner was served. There were 108 members present. ***
It was voted to abolish the sending of cigarettes to sick members, and to send a card. The Post blue rock team won the 4th District Traveling Trophy. Dr. Eugene Brown won high individual honors. ***
October 17, 1954- Jack Gilmore Davis, was killed in a stock car race this afternoon. ***
One Sunday afternoon, a group of us went to a District meeting. When we got back in town Herman told us to drive by the Fairgrounds. Much to our surprise, there was a big hole in the ground where we were going to build the Memorial Building. He had had the Martin Brothers come in and dig the basement while we were out of town. He told us there it is, go to work. We got the City to deed the north end of May Street (now Banyon Street) back to us and we built the building there. We hired the block work and cement work done but did the most of the rest of it ourselves. We could go out at night and work on whatever needed to be done. When there is a strong southwest wind you can still hear the beer cans rattling in the walls. ***