January 3, 1951- Fair Committee reported meeting with Gus Karras concerning dates available for the fair. Royal Turner was appointed to decide the date of the Rolling Pioneers Basketball Game. ***
January 17, 1951- A letter was read concerning petition to County Court for a fairground entrance. Comrade Zahnd suggested Legion members take more interest in the Boy Scouts.
Up to this point it was ordered that cards and cigarettes were ordered sent when a member was in the hospital. ---
Comrade Bob Powell presented the Commander with a gavel he had made and expressed the hope it would be easier to use and less painful than knuckles. ***
February 21, 1951- The park board was requested to meet Monday, February 26th and discuss their problems. ---
Party for members and their wives to be at Greenfield Village on November 1st. ***
April 23, 1951- Royal Turner to be in charge of the races. Races to start May 18, 1951. ***
October 3, 1951- Senator Kim present and gave a talk on affairs and happenings in Washington D.C. ***
March 17, 1952- The Post is to have a chariot built to enter in the chariot races this summer. ***
July 11, 1952- Bleachers to be set on concrete and shade be built over the top. ***
July 16, 1952- Comrade Wrigley reported the horse race starting gate he is building will be ready by fair time. ---
Work has been started to cover the bleachers. Most of the material is here. ***
December 3, 1952- There was a long discussion on the possibility of a home for the Post. ***