January 4, 1950- About 20 members from the Post went to a meeting at the Roy Curd Post in Saint Joseph. ***
January 30, 1950- John C. Landis III to prepare warrentee deed for Glen Thompson’s signature. We had a 5-year lease dated 3-3-48 from Glenn, and Ethel Thompson with option to purchase old fairgrounds for $8,500.00. ***
May 1, 1950- The deed to the fairgrounds has been recorded and the grounds purchased. ***
April 17, 1950- C.C. Farris to contact the Centennial Committee in regard to proposed memorial. Authorized to purchase 100 feet at the east end of track, to replace the 100 feet the highway department had taken from the west end of the track, for $500.00, from the Thompsons. ***
April 24, 1950- Nothing could be done by the Centennial Committee in regard to the proposed entrance to the park until 1-51. ***
May 17, 1950- Committee proposed to ring the ½ mile racetrack with old tires to save the expense of lumber. Claire Farris, chairman of the committee to sell the buildings at the southeast corner of the square, reported that the highest and best bid was from Clark and Runquist Construction Company, for $4,200.00. It was voted to accept the bid. ***
June 21, 1950- Royal Turner reported a hot rod race was to be held Sunday, June 25. Pat Cunningham driving the Lawhorn special was the star of the day. Looking back at that day, I can’t help but feel, someone was looking over our shoulder, no guard rail or fence to keep the cars and the people apart. ***
August 16, 1950- The following activities with dates reported scheduled to take place at ANDREW COUNTY MEMORIAL PARK. ***
Dance Saturday evening, August 19 ---
Stock Car Races Sunday, August 20 ---
Horse Races September 4 ---
Hot Rod Races September 5 ---
August 7, 1950- To petition the County Court to build an entrance to Memorial Park.***
September 4, 1950- Commander Carl Field promised a fish fry to all members of the Post if the total membership reached 500. ***
October 4, 1950- Comrade Wilard Herman has promised to find out how many Posts in the United States have attended every National Convention. ***
October 18, 1950- Comrade Herman found out our Post 287 was the only Post from Missouri that had attended every National Convention, and possibly the only one in the Nation. ***
October 18, 1950- Commander Field called to the attention of the comrades, that there had been pending for sometime the proposition of building a clubhouse for the use of the members of Dick Munkres Post 287, the same to be located on the premises and property of the Legion Memorial Park, and submitted the proposition to the members present for further discussion. After lengthy discussion, a motion was made subject in all things to the approval of the members of Dick Munkres Post that a committee be appointed to draft plans or have drafted plans for such proposed building suitable for a clubhouse. Comrade Puckett added an amendment to the motion to also have the committee consider the building of the grandstand and clubhouse combined. Comrades Lester Bram, LeRoy Fite, and W.O. Swenson were appointed to investigate and secure plans for the building of the proposed clubhouse.***
November 1, 1950- Roy Fite gave a report on the building committee. A building 40X80 would cost in the neighborhood of $2,800.00 without heating, plumbing, or lights. Commander Field was asked by the City to produce the names of Post members to be placed in the corner stone of the new City Hall. ---
Comrade Breit reported 200 blocks, and approximately 10-15 cubic yards of cement was used to finish the shoot runways and pits. The traps are ready for the thanksgiving shoot. He will need 16 men to help with the shoot. ***