Summer of 1946- City council gave the American Legion permission to hold a carnival, for WWII Veterans, on and around the square during the week of August 14-15-16, and 17. It netted a profit of $535.00. Post gave away a car. ***
April 17, 1946- The fee for boys attending Boys State will be $20.00. ***
May 1, 1946- Comrade Hardin and Davis reported in regard to the memorial plot at the cemetery. They had planned walks thru the center each way and to encircle the flag pole, which is to be erected in the center. One fourth of the plot to be used for WWI veterans and the rest for WWII veterans. ***
July 1946- Unable to find a suitable location to hold the county fair. They had a four-day car and horse show on the square in Savannah. ***
Mr. Walt Oliver and Neal Brandow was present in the interest of the Legion accepting the responsibility of caring for the Honor Roll. The balance of the fund, which amounts to $804.71 is to be turned over to the Post. The Commander appointed Royal Turner, Chairman, William Lambright, and Cameron Fuller. This money will be kept in a separate account and is to be used only for maintenance of the board, adding names omitted, insurance, etc. Legion accepted care of the Honor Roll. ***
May 7, 1947- Post has option on tow frame buildings on the southeast corner of the square, now owned by Lorane Nance. The price is $3,900.00. Plus, the paving of the new sidewalks which will be about $300 to $350. 100% support was given for buying the buildings. ***
August 20, 1947- Commander Green appointed Harry Latham, Clinton Moore, and Herman Breit trustees to a committee to contact Ms. Nance, to pay off the costs of the building. Royal Turner reported a balance of $323.08 in the activity fund. ***
March 23, 1949- A special meeting was held to hear the report of the fair committee. A motion was made by Comrade Tucker and 2nd by Comrade Lewis that 50% of the board of directors of the fair association be members of the Post. A motion was also made tat the Post have the option to repurchase the fairgrounds in case the fair association goes defunct at the original purchase price of $8,500.00 or less. ***
April 6, 1949- A resolution was passed “That we offer the chamber of commerce of Savannah, our full cooperation, support, and assistance to help organize and promote a county fair in Andrew County. ***
August 20, 1949- A bill for $600.00 in favor of Eckels and Aldrick, Architects, for plans for the new building was approved. ***
September 21, 1949- Comrade Zahnd expressed his opinion in regard to purchase of fairgrounds. He felt the building the Post owned in town should not be sold until after we bought the fairgrounds. Comrade Tucker explained about incorporation of the Post. Omar Hurst, Bill Swenson, and Lloyd Zahnd were appointed to a committee to investigate the lease with option to buy fairgrounds, and cost and advisability of incorporation of the Post. It was felt we needed to incorporate to sell bonds. Commander Herman appointed Herman Breit, Earl Green, and Royal Turner to a committee to investigate the cost of drainage, lights, bleachers, fences, and other things necessary to improve the fairgrounds. Motion by Fields, and 2nd by Oliver for committee go ahead with the improvements on the park. ***
October 19, 1949- Several hundred yards of dirt have been moved and the large tube for fill has arrived. Comrade Hurst made a report on the incorporation of Memorial Park and explained only members of the Post in good standing could be members. ***
November 2, 1949- 400 feet of tubing has been put in the center field. $3,000.00 worth of tubing has been purchased and approximately $4,000.00 worth of grading has been done. ***
November 16, 1949- Comrade Hurst reported on activity of the board of directors of the corporation. Board set amount of bonds at $50.00, $100.00, and $500.00 denominations. The total amount to be raised $50,000.00. Retained John C. Landess III of Saint Joseph as attorney for the corporation. Comrade Zahnd moved that the Post loan Park $2,000.00 out of the general fund and $500.00 out of trustee fund as a temporary loan.
Clair Farris, Lloyd Zahnd, and Loren Lewis appointed to committee to dispose of the Posts building on the southeast side of the square at a minimum of $5,000.00, giving the city the first chance to purchase it. ***
November 3, 1949- Home Bank was asked and named Don Turner to act as trustee for corporation.***
December 7, 1949- Comrade Breit reported grading was done on the fairgrounds.***
December 21, 1949- The only thing holding us up on the fairgrounds is getting the abstract in order. Comrade Lewis reported the City did not want to purchase the two buildings the Post had for sale.