January 4, 1921- It was voted to purchase a Post Flag, 6 rocking chairs, 2 rugs, and a roll-top desk. ***
March 15, 1921- Plans were adopted to assist the women of the county to organize a women’s auxiliary and the ladies were invited to meet with the Post to organize. ***
May 3, 1921- Motion to purchase a victrola for $150, the machine was ordered purchased. ***
May 10, 1921- A baseball team was organized. ***
October 15, 1921- It appeared that Post funds $33.14 in a members possession had been misappropriated and he was notified that unless he settled, disciplinary measures would be taken against him. December 20, 1921, Post voted to pay Round Prarie Bank at Fillmore the $33.14, and expel the member. ***