In July 2018 – The Eagan American Legion Post 594 Family was given a unique opportunity by the MN American Legion Department. At the 100th National Convention held this August in Minneapolis, the Department gave away 10,500, medal badges to the delegates. These are nearly exact replicas of the badge given to the delegates at the first American Legion convention in 1919, which was also held in Minneapolis.

The post stapled a card to each bagged badge which explained that the badge is a gift from Minnesota. This card informed the delegates that it is only a souvenir and would not get them into any Legion 100 Anniversary National Convention events.

On July 23, about fifteen Eagan Post, Auxiliary, and family members got together to accomplish this task. They were joined by Past National Commander Dan Ludwig and MN American Legion Department Communications Director Al Zdon. The team was able to complete the 10,500 medal sets in about three hours, while enjoying appetizers and pizza.

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