In 1925, a group of women who were interested in organizing an Auxiliary Unit to Lloyd H. Green Post #147, gathered in the club room of the Post. During this gathering, there was a presentation about work the Auxiliary was accomplishing all over the country. An initial list of eligible women was made up, and then those eligible women not at the gathering were contacted in an effort to secure as many Charter Members as possible. They started the unit with 35 Charter Members.
The first regular meeting of the American Legion Auxiliary unit was held at Mrs. Florence Alexander’s house Tuesday Evening, Oct. 6th, 1925 for the purpose of electing officers. Officers and an Executive Committee were appointed. Six days later the Executive Committee appointed other officers and committees including a Chaplain, a Historian, a Publicity Officer, a Guard, a Committee on Sick and Disabled Soldiers, a Finance Committee, an Entertainment Committee, a Membership Committee, and a Committee on Constitution & By-Laws. Initially, there were afternoon meetings on the 2nd Tuesday of the month, and evening meetings on the 4th Tuesday, at member’s homes.
They were tireless in their efforts to earn money for the Unit. They planned & carried out a round of parties, bake sales, raffles, ticket sales, etc., with the aid of the many willing workers of the Unit. The Auxiliary donated money to the different funds as called for by Headquarters, and sent clothing & food to the Children’s Billet at Otter Lake. They provided items like stockings as well as handmade items such as dresses and satin girl’s bloomers for the six small girls at the billet. Birthday boxes & Christmas gifts were sent to the boys at the Battle Creek hospital. They helped out the local unit of the American Legion by selling Poppies on Memorial Day, and donating food & service when the Post had a stand at the Northville Fair.
Toward the end of the first full year as a Unit of the Auxiliary, the Village of Northville very graciously extended the use of the 3rd floor of the new village hall to the American Legion Post, and the Post, in turn, offered their rooms to the Auxiliary for all meetings.
At the end of the first year, they closed with a membership of 52.