Post 243 Ligonier, Indiana

Post 243

Ligonier, Indiana

Post 243 Ligonier, Indiana

About This Post

Post Namesake
An Abbreviated History of West Noble American Legion Post 243 until 1944 Jan. 22nd 1920 There was an article published in the Ligonier Leader that read, ”EX-Soldiers Attention”; There will be a meeting Friday evening at 7:30 in the City Hall of all ex-servicemen of the World War for the purpose of organizing a local Post of the American Legion. All ex-servicemen are urgently requested to be present. The results of this meeting was the forming of a charter that was issued on Jan. 30th 1920. The men who were on that charter are: 1. Glade E. Rupert 2. Roswell K. Earnhart 3. Hal L. Green 4. Earl S. Stewart 5. Curtis Hutchison 6. Irvin Jacobs 7. Robert D. Shobe 8. Chester R. Davis 9. Lowell Harsh 10. Cecil V. Phares 11. Roy P. Trittipo 12. Harry S. Vance 13. Harvey H. Galloway 14. Merle D. Galloway 15. George H. Green Their first official meeting was at 7:30 P.M. on February 18, 1920: The first Meeting was called to order at 7:30 PM., Feb 18th 1920 Glade E. Rupert was unanimously elected Chairman of the meeting, and Karl E. Franks acting Secretary. The Constitution of this post was framed and adopted. The Following Officers were then elected. G. E. Rupert, Post Commander, unanimously R. K. Earnhart, Vice Commander, unanimously K. E. Franks, Adjutant, unanimously Irvin Jacobs, Treasurer, unanimously The following Committee appointed to frame by-laws; Irvin Jacobs, Lowell Harsh, M. W. Lowers or Lousrr. It was then decided to have two meetings each month. These meetings to come on Wednesday nights. The Roster was signed by following; Milton W. Loesnr, Hugh S. Leoln, Vern W. Wells, Karl E. Franks, Harry E. Dewey, James S. King, Roy W. Rex, Edwin D. Roberson, Chas. L. Banks, Dues for 1920: $4.00 The meeting was then adjourned. Attendance: 20 May 13th 1920 The American Legion rents the upstairs of the Wier and Crowley Hardware Store for their First Home. Aug. 26th 1920 The Ladies Auxiliary of the American Legion was organized yesterday. Mrs. G.E. Rupert was elected President, Mrs. Roswell Earnhart, Vice-President, Mrs. Robert Shobe, Secretary and Mrs. M.A. Hutchison, Treasurer. They will work with the Ligonier Post of the Legion Organization. They ended 1920 with 67 members. Jan 6th 1920 Regular Meeting for Officer Election The First meeting for 1921 was called to order at 8 P.M. On Thursday, January 6th 1921; Meeting called to order at 8 P.M. by Ex. Post Commander G. E. Rupert, the subject of the meeting was to elect officers for the coming year. The result of the election was as follows; Willis Leming, Post Comm., Geo. Green, Vice Comm., Hal Green, Treasurer and Harry Jacobs, Adjt. An executive committee was also appointed for the coming year. The committee appointed as follows; Harry Vance, Chester Davis, Robert Shobe, Fred Growcock, Vern Willis. There was also an auditing committee appointed to audit the books of the post and to clear up all business pertaining to the ex-officials of this post. A move to adjourn was announced and seconded. The meeting adjourned at 9 P.M. Total Present, (There was no number here.) Jan 7th 1921 Special Meeting Meeting called to order 8 P.M. Special meeting of the executive committee to promote plans for the coming year, Karl Franks appointed chairman of the Fair Committee and was allowed an appropriation of $500.00 for expenditures of the proposed fair. House committee appointed for the coming year. Roy Rex, Fred Meyers, and Harry Damey. Publicity committee for the fair advertising, Harry Jacobs. Sick committee for the incoming year, Harry Vance, Fred Growcock, and Vern Wills. Dance committee for the insuring year, Lowell Harsh, Geo. Green and Fred weeks. G.E. Rupert appointed Basketball team Mgr. and given the authority to have Capt. for the same named by the players. Meeting adjourned at 8.45. The Legion hosts an indoor fair at Kahn’s Hall Feb 7th to Feb. 12th. Feb 24th 1921 Legion Moves above Miller’s Grocery Store Meeting called to order at 8.00 P.M. Announcement that new quarters were available and motion to move was called and seconded, motion carried, that we move to quarters above Miller’s Grocery store known as the Old Red Men Hall. Committee appointed to clean up Kann’s hall as follows, Chas. Growcock. Dance Committee was also ordered to return piano to Roger & Wilson of Goshen from which it had been rented. Motion carried that Fire Insurance to the amount of $1000.00 One Thousand Dollars be carried on all of the post personal property such as furniture, etc. Committee appointed to interview Bert Inks on proposition of placing a benefit show on for the Legion, Roy Rex, Harry Vance, and Hal Green. Motion carried that Post be moved first week in March. Meeting adjourned 9.00 P. M. Total Present—11 March 3rd 1921 Meeting called to order 8.00 P.M. Committee report on rental, Boys Brotherhood Hall. Hall leased for period of one year. Motion carried that the following Saturday afternoon be declared moving day. There being no further business, the meeting adjourned, Total present—21 Dec. 8th 1921 Election of Officers for 1922 Meeting called to order at 7:30 P.M. Commander Leming in the chair. No minutes of previous meeting read. New Business—election of officers for 1922 Balloting on Post Commander, results, Karl E. Franks elected P.C. for 1922 Balloting for Post V. Commander results; Robert Shobe, elected P.V.C. for 1922 Balloting for Post Adjutant results; Fred Meyers elected Post Adjutant for 1922 Balloting for Post Finance Officer results; Roy Loy elected Post Finance Officer for 1922 Motion to send letter to each member of post be present at next meeting for the purpose of debating the question of dues for the year of 1922. Motion carried Adjutant ordered to send notice. Motion that auditing committee be appointed to audit post books of resigning officers, motion carried, Commander appointed; G.E. Rupert, Stanton Vance, R.K. Earnhart. Motion that meeting be adjourned, motion carried, meeting adjourned at 9 P.M. Total Present—22. Jan. 18th 1923 Election of Officers Meeting called to order by Comm. Karl Franks. Held election of Officers The following men were elected; Roy Rex—Commander, Harry Vance—Vice Commander, George Green—Adjutant, William Lemming—Treasurer The following men were appointed on Executive Committee; Karl Franks, Forrest Rex, Wesley Vance, Willard Moore, and James King. The newly elected officers took their places. A motion was made to pay the following bills; Rent, Lights and water. No further business the meeting closed. George Green, Adjutant Dec. 14th 1923 Election of 1924 Officers Meeting called to order by Comm. Roy Rex. Election of Officers; George Green—Commander James King—Vice Commander Forrest Rex—Adjutant Roy Banta—Treasurer Executive Committee; Karl Franks, Willis Lemming, Roy Rex, Wesley Vance, and Theodore J. Spurgeon Voted to send $10.00 to Soldiers Christmas Fund and $5.00 to Orphans Fund. No further business the meeting closed. George Green, Adjutant Those were the only two meetings held in 1923. Dec. 19th 1924 There were 40 members in 1924 Election of 1925 Officers. Election of Officers. The following Officers were elected for the year of 1925; F. D. Rex—Commander Harry E. Damey—Vice Commander Roy Banta—Adjutant J. Wesley Vance—Finance Officer (Secretary-Treasurer) It was moved by Bro. Hal Green that the entire vote of thanks “by the post” be given to the retiring officers. It was moved by F.D, Rex that the Adjutant for the future time be compensated by his dues. There were 32 members in 1925 Dec. 15th 1925 Meeting for election of 1926 Officers Meeting called to order by Comm. Rex. Nomination for Commander—W. Vance—9 Vice Commander Pete King—R. Banta—6 Nomination for Adj. –Vern Ditriman—3 Harry Damey—12 Hutchison—1 Nomination for Treasurer—Roy Kellam—10 Pete King—7 Committee on Show—Willis Lemming, Rex Forrest, Banta, Roy, Meeting Adjourned 9:45 There were 41 members in 1926 Dec. 19th 1926 Meeting for election of 1927 Officers Meeting called for the purpose of electing officers for ensuing year by Commander J.W. Vance. Results of election; Bernard Baughman—Post Comm. Reginald K. Dukes—Vice Comm. Willis Lemming—Adj. James S. King—Post Finance Officer Executive Committee; J.W. Vance, George Green, Roy Banta, Karl Franks, Forrest D. Rex, and Glade E. Rupert. After meeting adjourned, coffee and donuts were served and a smoker was held. Twelve Present. Adj.__________. Hall of American Legion Post 243, Ligonier, Indiana Meeting of Executive Committee called for by Comm. Baughman for purpose of getting plans under way for following year. Several questions brought up and discussed and it was decided to first make an effort to bring up post membership to start. Reg. Aux. Willis Lemming Adj. There were 66 members in 1927 Nov. 29th Special meeting to elect 1928 Officers. The Minutes from the Nov. 29th Special Meeting. Hall of American Legion Post 243 Nov.29th 1927 Special Meeting. Meeting called to order by Commander B.J. Baughman. Members Present: Past Commanders: Glade E. Rupert, Karl E. Franks, and George E. Green. Members: Charles L. Hindman, Charles Sadowsky, Dr. M.G. Williams, Gordon Elson, Willard Elijah, Roy Banta, Thurlow Weimer, L.D. Barnhart, Dr. M. Blue, and Harry Damey. Meeting called for the purpose of electing officers for the following year. Report by Dr. Blue on Fair date, suggested that post follow Kendallville fair for fall exposition. Election Nominees for Commander: Dr. M.G. Williams—12 votes. Roy J. Kellam—2 votes Vice Commander: Dr. Blue—7 votes Dr. Rupert—8 votes Adjutant: Roy Rex—4 votes Karl Franks—11 votes Finance Officer: Ray Banta—3 votes B.J. Baughman—12 votes. Motion to adjourn at 9:30 P.M. Motion Carried. Willis Leming, Adj. Feb. 16th 1928 Post 243 receives a war trophy of a German anti-aircraft gun to be installed at the city hall. There were 41 members in 1928 Jan. 8th 1929 Election of Officers Jan 8, 1929, Post 243 American Legion, Meeting called to order by V.C. Glade E. Rupert. K.E. Franks, Adj. Members present: G.G. Nagle, Dr. Blue, George Green, Gordon Elson, Dr. Rupert, K.E. Franks, Dale Barnhart, Lowell Harsh, Curtis Hutchison, Theodore Done, J. Spurgeon, Vernon Ditmann, B.J. Baughman, and Cecil Thomas. Visitors: Ashley Marshall Report on show. Election of officers: Commander; B.J. Baughman, 1st Vice; T.J. Spurgeon, 2nd Vice; George Green, Adjutant; Willis Leming, Treasurer; Nagle. There were 84 members in 1929 Oct 8th 1929 Meeting for Election of 1930 Officers Regular Meeting Oct. 8th 1929 Hall of American Legion Post243, Ligonier, Indiana Oct. 8, 1929. Commander B.J. Baughman in Chair. Members Present: Harry Damey, Nolon Renner, Harry Jacobs, George Green, Edward Eby, Ashley Marshall, Lester Blake, Vic Curder, Theodore Spurgeon, Dr. M. Blue, Chas, Sandusky, K.E. Franks, Ira Faust, Curtis Hutchison, Wes Vance and Stanton Vance. Motion with Second—Nominations stand as read—Carried. Motion with second—Commander cast entire vote of Post #243 for Commander, First Vice, Commander 2nd Vice Commander and Chaplin—Motion Carried. Commander B.J. Baughman cast vote as directed by post-executive. Theo. J. Spurgeon—Commander Dr. M. Blue—1St Vice Milton Loeser—2nd Vice Rev. Byrl Hover—Chaplin Elected by Ballot—George Green—Finance Officer Motion with second—that Commander appoint a committee on “Bugle and Drum Corps” Committee: Harry Jacobs, Chairman, Harry Davey, Lester Blake, and Wesley Vance. The Minutes of American Legion Post 243 for 1930 The First meeting Minutes are from Jan, 7th 1930 Meeting called to order by Commander Spurgeon, 10 members present. Committee Reports: Crutches for Ed Eby supplied, his condition improving. Post 243 and its Auxiliary to go 50/50 in expenses of cleaning new hall. Motion made and carried to file for incorporation papers. Meeting Adjourned 9:45, Adj. J. Wesley Vance The first Minutes in New Quarters is recorded without a date to procure weapons for the Color Guard. 1930 Post Quarters, First meeting in new quarters. Meeting called to order by Commander Spurgeon. Opened and minutes read and approved. Sick Call: Eby well on the road to recovery, a discussion held relative to financial affairs of Ed. Eby. Unfinished Business: None. Correspondence: District Adjutant reports. Letter from Fort Wayne Post #47. Motion made to allow bill to Gerber for wiring hall, bill allowed. Talk by District Commander Ralph Gates. Talk by District Adjutant Karl Knapp. Motion that Guns be ordered by Post and collect as guns are issued. Motion carried. Adjutant to collect moneys. Meeting adjourned. Feb 6th 1930 Taken from the Feb. 6th Edition of the Ligonier Leader: The Regular meeting of the local American Legion Post was held Tuesday Evening in their new club rooms over Lay’s Bookstore with good attendance. District Commander Ralph Gates was present and gave a fine address as did District Adjutant Carl Knapp, of Auburn. On February 12th, National Commander O.I. Rodenheimer will be the guest speaker at a District Rally at Fort Wayne and many of the local Legionnaires plan to attend this meeting. The membership drive in Ligonier is progressing nicely. Every ex-serviceman should belong to the American Legion and the Ligonier Post will welcome any and all new members, Ligonier Leader, March 6th 1930 Dale Barnhart, a very active member of Post #243 is the first person in Ligonier to buy an airplane He bought an Aircraft Long synonymous with aviation's “golden age,” the Weaver Aircraft Company (soon to be known by its acronym WACO) was founded in 1920 in Lorain, Ohio by George “Buck” Weaver, Elwood “Sam” Junkin, Clayton “Clayt” Bruckner and Charles “Charlie” William Meyers. For the next 26 years, the WACO name would be associated with a popular line of versatile open-cockpit and cabin biplanes. July 1st 1930 Meeting Minutes Dale Barnhart Dies in Plane Crash. Regular meeting Post 243, July 1, 1930. Meeting called to order by Commander Spurgeon in charge. Members Present: Willis Leming, B.J. Baughman, Dr. Blue, Ira Faust, Lester Blake, Earl Burke, Russell Shipe, George Green, Ashley Marshall, Willard Elijah, and K.E. Franks. Report: K.E. Franks appointed Graves Registration Officer by District Commander. Moved and seconded, and carried that the post sell Mr. McHugh two flags for $10.00. Proposition presented to cooperate with the Lions in promoting Corn School sometime in October. Decided to postpone definite action pending detailed report from Roy Jorg. Oct 7th 1930 Meeting Minutes Election of 1931 Officers American Legion Headquarters, Regular meeting Oct. 7th 1930 for the election of Post Officers. Meeting opened by Commander T. Spurgeon. Committee appointed to assist the Auxiliary in a supper to be held Oct. 21st. B.J. Baughman and Roy Banta. The following men were elected officers: Dr. M. Blue—Commander, B.J. Baughman—1st Vice Commander, Lester Blake—2nd Vice Commander, K.E. Franks—Historian, Rev. B.E. Hoover—Chaplin, Ashley Marshall—Finance Officer, Dr. Paul Martin—Service Officer, Lowell Harsh—Athletic Officer. Executive committee: Stanton Vance, Willis Leming, Ira Faust, Earl Stuff, Stanley Wright, and K.E. Franks. Wesley J. Vance, Adj. Proposition presented relative to painting Memorial Gun in City Park. Wherein Street Commissioner agreed to paint gun if Legion furnishes paint. Matter held in abeyance. Moved and seconded that post turn out in body to attend Comrade Barnhart’s funeral in a body. Moved and seconded and carried that a resolution of regret be spread on the minutes and a letter of condolence be sent to Mrs. Barnhart. Similar resolution to be addressed in the Vance case. Committee: K.E. Franks and George Green. Moved and carried. Adjourned at 10:10 P.M. K.E.F. Membership was 104 in 1930 Aug. 4th 1931 The Post Nominates T.J. Spurgeon for District Commander. A committee was appointed to draw up a resolution and sent to Senators Wasson and Robinson, and Congressman Hogg requesting 100 more beds in the new Indiana Hospital. It consisted of: T.J. Spurgeon, Art Ferguson, and George Green. A committee was appointed and a letter to the other posts in the district in regard to our candidate T.J. Spurgeon for District Commander. The meeting adjourned at 10:10 P.M. T.J. Spurgeon, Adj. Sept. 15th 1931 Election of Officers for 1932 The following Officers were elected for 1932; Commander—Dr. M. Blue Adjutant—T.J. Spurgeon 1st. Vice Commander—Ashley R. Marshall 2nd. Vice Commander—Ed Robinson Finance Officer—B.J. Baughman Chaplain—Rev. B.E. Hoover Sgt. At arms—Roy Banta Historian—Karl E. Franks Service Officer—Dave Secrist Athletic Officer—Robert Maggart Executive Committee for 1932: Harry D. Frick, Harvey Galloway, Harry S. Vance, Lester Blake, Earl Burke, and Curtis Hutchison. T.J. Hutchison, Adj. There were 107 members in 1931 Aug. 16th 1932 Meeting Minutes, Post 243 is trying to get the Purple Heart For ex-soldiers wounded or gassed in the Great War. Hall of American Legion Post #243, Aug. 16, 1932. Meeting opened in regular form by Commander Dr. M. Blue. Eighteen members present. Reading and approval of unapproved minutes. Sick Call: Three members reported in hospital. Short discussion by Rollin J. Baker on his stay at the Great Lakes Hospital. Bills—none. Report on Agricultural Exposition plans and what has actually been accomplished by Dr. Blue as General Chairman. Motion with second by T.J. Spurgeon that the post secure the “Purple Heart” decoration, the oldest military given by the United States Government it having been established in the Continental Army by General George Washington for our members who hold a citation for meritorious service during the “World War” or any ex-soldiers who was wounded or gassed in the service. Meeting adjourned at 10:00 P.M. Meeting Minutes for Sept. 20th 1932 Election of Officers for 1933 Hall of American Legion #243, Sept. 20, 1932. Meeting opened in regular form by Commander Dr. M. Blue. Twenty-four members present. Reading and approval of minutes of last meeting. Sick call: Comrade Couts and Grubbs reported as gone to the hospital. Bills: None. Election Results: For Commander; Dr. M. Blue. For 1st Vice; Edwin Robinson. For 2nd Vice; Roy Malone. For Adjutant; Lester Blake. Finance Officer; B.J. Baughman. Chaplin; Byurl Hoover. Sgt.-at-Arms; Fred Growcock. Historian; Karl Franks. Service Officer; Dr. C.J. Meyers. Athletic Officer; Lowell Harsh. Child Welfare; Willis Leming. Publicity Officer; Rollin Baker. Executive committee; Harry S. Vance, Earl Stuff, Earl Burke, Dave Secrist, Harvey Galloway, and Ralph Black. Motion made with second that State Commander be invited to speak in Ligonier on Sunday preceding Armistice. Motion Carried. Penny March; $1.65. Adjourned 10:30. There was 127 members in 1932, there was one Woman, Miss. M. Olive Sisterhen who was a nurse in France. Aug.1st 1933, Election of 1934 Officers Aug. 1st 1933 Meeting Minutes Hall of American Legion Post #243, Aug. 1, 1933. Meeting called to order and opened in regular form by Commander Dr. M. Blue. Committee Reports: K.E. Franks, Chairman of the carnival committee, reports that the city park has been secured for the same and that they have written some carnival companies. Sick Call and Relief: T.J. Spurgeon informs us of the sickness of Willard Slabaugh, a Spanish-American Veteran and suggests that we visit him. The following were chosen for delegates to the state convention; Dr. M. Blue and Nolan Renner. For alternates, T.J. Spurgeon and Rollin Baker. Results of the election of Officers: For Commander—Nolan Renner, For 1st Vice Commander—Roy Malone, For 2nd Vice Commander—Rollin Baker, For Adjutant—H.S. Vance, For Finance Officer—Lester Blake, For Sergeant-at Arms—Earl Stewart, For Chaplin—B.J. Baughman, For Historian—K.E. Franks—For Athletic Officer—Willis Leming, For Child Welfare Officer—Dr. M. Blue, For Americanism Officer—Harvey Galloway, For Publicity Officer—Dr. C.J. Myer, and For Service Officer—T.J. Spurgeon. For the Executive Committee: Dr. M. Blue, B.J. Baughman, Karl E. Franks, Roy Rex, Willis Leming, and T.J. Spurgeon. Discussion on various topics for the good of the Legion. Adjournment at 10:30 o’clock. Penny March $1.45, Number 27 drawn, not present. There was 66 members in 1933 April 19th 1934, The Sons of the American Legion is started. Meeting Minutes for April 19th 1934 April 19, 1934, American Legion. Meeting called to order by Commander Renner. 15 members present. Minutes read and approved. No bills. Sick Call: Roy Rex reported sick. T.J. Spurgeon’s resignation accepted as Service Officer. Executive Committee meeting called for at April 21st at 7:30 to appoint a new Service Officer. Rupert and Robinson appointed a committee to plan for another fish fry. Officers appointed and elected by the Post for the Sons of the American Legion as follows: Dr. Maurice Blue—Commander, H.S. Vance—1st Lieut., Lester Blake—2nd Lieut. Meeting closed at 10:00. Penny March won by R. Baker. July 17th 1934 Meeting Minutes Nominations of Officers for 1935 There were 64 members in 1934 July 17, 1934, American Legion Hall, 11 Members present, Minutes read and approved. Bills: $2.00 for Ed Tyler—Paid. Nominations of Officers as follows: Commander—Lester Blake, First Vice—Roy Malone, Second Vice—Lee K. Smith, Finance Officer—Wes Vance, Adjutant—Irvin Stevens, Service Officer—T.J. Spurgeon, Medical—H.S. Vance, Sergeant-at-Arms—Earl Stewart, Chaplin—Burl E. Hoover, Historian—Karl Franks, Athletic Officer—Willis Leming, Child Welfare—Dr. Blue, Americanism—Rollin Baker, Employment—B.J. Baughman, Membership Chairman—Nolen Renner, and Publicity Officer—Rollin Baker. Meeting closed at 10:00 o’ clock. H.S.V. Adj. Aug. 7th 1934 Meeting Minutes Election of Officers for 1935 Aug. 7, 1934, 14 members present, bills-none, Sick Call-None, Minutes read and approved. Election of Officers same as nomination only one for each office. Meeting closed at 9:30 by Commander H.S.V. Adj. Election of Officers for 1936 were held at the July 16th 1935 meeting. There were 45 members in 1935. Meeting Minutes for July 16th 1935 Hall of American Legion Post #243, July 16th, 1935. Meeting called to order by Commander Blake at 9:15 P.M. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved. Sick Call and Relief: Ralph Taylor has entered application to enter hospital. No committee Reports. Unfinished Business: Stanton Vance asks that it not be overlooked to appoint a ticket salesman for the auto concession at our next meeting, Aug the 6th. New Business: A meeting was called of Legion and Auxiliary Executive Officers for Sat. Night July 20, at the Legion Hall, for the purpose of forming an organization to handle Centennials stands and activities of like nature. Election of Officers for year 1936 was next disposed of with results as follows: Commander—Roy Malone, 1st Vice—Roy Banta, 2nd Vice—Rollin Baker, Adjutant—Irving R. Stevens, Service Officer—Theodore J. Spurgeon, Medical Officer—Thurlow Weimer, Sergeant-at-Arms—Nicholas Capesius, Chaplin—Bernard J. Baughman, Historian—Karl Franks, Athletic Officer—Willis Leming, Child Welfare Officer—Dr. Maurice Blue, Americanism Officer—Ed Robinson, Employment Officer—J. Wesley Vance, Membership Chairman—Lester Blake, Publicity Officer—Nolan Renner. Executive Committee—Lester Blake, Dr. Blue, Willis Leming, Nolan Renner, and Bernard Baughman. The question of delegates to the State Convention was next acted upon. It was moved, seconded and carried that Roy Malone and Roy Banta be our delegates. Good of Legion: Dr. Blue suggested that our delegates this year make every effort possible to reduce our Post’s quota to a reasonable amount, and then reduce the dues to a nominal figure for all members coming in under the quota. And to all members coming in after the quota is reached, the actual cost should be charged. Under this plan, it is hoped that our membership quota will be completed early and by Jan. 1st, forgotten about. Penny March: Amounted to $1.10. 55 cents reverted to the Flower Fund and 55 cents to the Lucky 32, Dr. Blue. The meeting was adjourned at 11 o’ clock P.M. J.R. Stevens, Adj. Nov.19th 1935 Legion looking into renting rooms from Schlotterback's Grocery. It was moved and seconded that Commander Malone appoint two members to go with him to investigate a hall which is for rent by Lan Schlotterback. Dr. Blue and Stanton Vance were appointed. Mar. 3rd 1936 Legion thinking of buying the Garland Funeral Home Good of Legion: Comrade Nolan Renner suggested that the Inks Property, (now occupied by the Garland Funeral Home) would be suitable for a Legion home. Commander Malone sent word that Fred Lynch, Kendallville, has a supply if dime savings banks which our post can use for distribution to its members to save up their membership fee, legion shirts, caps, etc. Commander Malone desires a delegation to go to Kendallville next Monday night, March 9th and get the banks. April 7th 1936 Legion thinking about renting and buying building from Wirk Garment Industries Good of Legion: Theodore Spurgeon called attention to the fact that the G.A.R. ladies of LaGrange are having the National Americanization Officer give an address in that city soon, suggesting that we should attend. Acting Commander Banta appointed H.S. Vance and Bernard Baughman to see the proper persons in regard to renting and buying the building formerly occupied by the Wirk Garment Industries. July 21st 1936 Legion looking into purchasing the former Catholic Church for the Legion Home. Good of the Legion: It was suggested that the former Catholic Church be purchased and moved to a suitable location for the purpose of a post home. Bernard Baughman will consult with the local Oblate Fathers and report at next meeting. Aug. 4th 1936 Election of 1937 Officers. Meeting Minutes for Aug. 4th 1936 Hall of American Legion Post 243, Aug. 4th, 1936. Meeting called to order by acting Commander Ray Banta at 8:45 P.M. Number of members present—8. Minutes of previous meeting read and approved. Committee Reports: Bernard Baughman on former Catholic Church for Legion Home, reports that he has not seen the Oblates. Sick Call and relief: Part of letter from Commander Malone read. No particular improvement and may be home soon. Dr. Stratton has been examined by Mayo Brothers, who report no chronic ailment, but do not know just yet what is wrong. Unfinished Business: Post quarters not cleaned yet. A number of volunteers are to clean hall Thursday Night, Aug. 6th. Election of Officers: Nominating committee were unable to get together to select candidates owing to the late date, there being no chance to delay election, it was moved by Willis Leming that last year’s officers be stepped up one office wherever possible. Motion seconded by Bernard Baughman, motion carried. Several replacements were necessary, these being filled by nominations from the floor. The nominations being completed, the Adjutant, being instructed to do so, cast the unanimous vote of the post for the following officers for the year 1937; Commander: Ray Banta, 1st Vice—Rollin J. Baker, 2nd Vice---Lee K. Smith, Adjutant—J.R. Stevens, Finance Officer—Harry D. Vance, Service Officer—Harry M. Jacobs, Chaplin—Bernard J. Baughman, Historian—Karl E. Franks, Sgt.-at-Arms—Nicholas Capesius, Athletic Officer—Willis Leming, Child Welfare—Dr. M. Blue, Americanism—S.J. King, Employment—Lester Blake, Membership—Ray Malone, Sons of the Legion Chairman—H.D. Vance, Publicity Officer—Nolan Renner, Poppy Chairman—William McGuinn. Delegates to State Convention were appointed: Bernard Baughman and Theodore J. Spurgeon. The Alternates are H.D. Vance and Rollin Baker. New Business and Correspondence: Fred Lynch called Adjutant this noon urging us to start membership drive and turn over to all incoming officers a good membership to start out the year with as little handicap as possible for a big year. Good of the Legion: Canteen service has been in town, the President of the company who is Commander of a Hammond Post, promising to investigate the matter of our post not receiving our share from his company. Several Canteens have been installed. Harry Jacob’s Shell station has one, the Chevrolet Garage and the I.H.C. also, the chair factory. Anyone who is able to place a canteen is to report. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned by acting Commander Banta at 10:30 P.M. J.R. Stevens, Adj. That is all the minutes I could find until Sept 7th 1976. The final 1936 notebook had on the last page the list of continuous service members. For 15 years continuous service: Theodore J. Spurgeon, Rollin J. Baker, Harry D. Vance, Ray Banta, and Willis Leming. For 10 years continuous service: Roy J. Malone, Bernard J Baughman, H.D. Jacobs, and Lester D. Blake. For 5 years continuous service: Dr. Maurice Blue. July 21st 1938 The following 1939 Officers were elected: Commander---Irvin Stevens First Vice. ----William McGuinn Second vice---Dana Secrist Adjutant---Lester Blake Finance Officer---Bernard Baughman Sergeant-at-arms---Ora Hewitt Medical Officer---Harry Damey Sons of the Legion---Rollin Baker Historian----Karl Franks Child Welfare Officer---Dr. Maurice Blue Athletic Officer---William Leming Americanism---Lester Blake Employment Chairman---Willard Elijah Membership Chairman---Rollin Baker Publicity Chairman---Roy Malone Feb. 29th 1940 The New Legion Hall is above Calbeck's Hardware. William McGuinn is Post Commander in 1940. July 25th 1940 The Officers for 1941 are elected as follows: Post Commander---Dr. Maurice Blue 1st Vice-Commander----Lee Smith 2nd Vice-Commander---R.K. Duke Adjutant---Rollin Baker Finance Officer---Lester Blake Service Officer---T. Spurgeon Medical Officer---B.J. Baughman Sergeant-at-arms---Harvey Galloway Chaplin---The Rev. B.E. Hoover Historian---Karl E. Franks Athletic Officer----Willis Leming Child Welfare Chairman---D.E. Secrist Americanism---Roy Banta Employment Officer---Joe Calbeck Membership Chairman---William McGuinn Publicity Officer----L.R. Stevens. July 14th 1941 The Officers for 1942 are elected as follows: Commander---B.J. Baughman 1st Vice-Commander---F.A. Churchill 2nd Vice-Commander---Morton Ruple 3rd Vice Commander----B.R. Grinnell Adjutant---Harry S. Vance Finance Officer----Roy Rex Chaplin----George Green Executive Committee----Lee K. Smith, Roy Banta, Rollin Baker, Willis Leming. The Convention Alternates are Theodore J. Spurgeon and Willis Leming. Installation services for the new officers will be held at the first meeting in August. Feb. 20th 1941 Post 243 is used for War Veterans to register for Volunteer Service. “War Veterans Register for Volunteer Service” “Full endorsement of the American Legion nationwide plan to register all Legionnaires and World War Veterans generally on a volunteer basis for any possible future national defense service, was given today by Mayor Foster of Ligonier.” “The local registration will be conducted by the Ligonier Post No. 243, of the American Legion. National Commander Milo J. Warner has issued a proclamation designating Saturday, February 22, the 209th anniversary of the birth of George Washington, as the official American Legion national defense registration day.” “Commander Lee Smith of the local post already has started the machinery for the local registration into motion. He has announced the appointment of B.J. Baughman as chairman of a special national defense registration committee of the local post.” Dec. 18th 1941 The Ligonier Leader reports that B.J. Baughman, Post 243’s Commander is made County Chairman Civilian Defense Organization “The appointment of Bernard J. Baughman, Ligonier banker and businessman and American Legion Post Commander, as Noble County Civilian Defense Director, was announced today by Governor Henry F. Schricker and the Indiana Defense Council.” August 1942 The Legions are asked to Yield War Mementos of the World War for Forging into weapons for Victory. Post 243 prepares the German Anti-Aircraft Gun for shipment back to the Government for the War Effort. November 12th 1942 Post 243 installs the Officers for 1943 “At the regular meeting of the American Legion held on Nov. 3rd. The following Officers were installed by the Northern Vice-Commander, Dean Bectol of Garrett: Commander---W.M. McGuinn 1st Vice-Commander---C.A. Capel, Cromwell Second Vice-Commander---Rollin Baker Adjutant---Harry A. Vance Finance Officer---Theo. J. Spurgeon Service Officer----Harry M. Jacobs Chaplin---Bernard Baughman Historian---Roy Banta Sergeant-at-arms—Nolon Renner Americanism Chairman---Karl D. Franks Athletic Officer---Willis Leming Boys State Chairman---Dr. Maurice Blue Child Welfare Officer---Dr. Maurice Blue Employment Officer----Harry Damey Membership Chairman---W.M. McGuinn Sons of the Legion Chairman---Lester Blake Publicity Officer---Rollin Baker National Defense Chairman---Milton Loeser Oratorical Contest Chairman---Lee K. Smith Also present were the District Commander Firestone of Larwell, and Second District Adjutant, Slim Lauber of Columbia City. The regular meeting of the American Legion will be held next Tuesday, November 17th. William McGuinn remained Commander for 1944 July 27th 1944, the following officers were elected for 1945 Commander—B.R. Grinnell 1st Vice-Commander—Rex Miller 2nd Vice-Commander---Floyd Tincher Adjutant—Reginald K. Duke Finance Officer—Dr. C.N. Griffith Service Officer—Theodore J. Spurgeon Chaplin—Morton Ruple Sergeant At Arms—Ellis Head Americanism Chairman—Bernard J. Baughman Athletic Chairman—Willis Leming Boy’s State Chairman—Rollin J. Baker Child Welfare Chairman—Dr. Maurice Blue Membership Chairman—William McGuinn Publicity Chairman—Phil Schloss July 26th 1945, The following Officers were elected for 1946 Commander—Rex Miller First Vice-Commander—Frank Jerles Second Vice-Commander—Floyd Tincher Adjutant—Roy Rex Finance Officer—Bernard Baughman Service Officer—Theodore Spurgeon Chaplin—Willis Leming Membership Chairman—B.R. Grinnell Historian—Karl Franks Sergeant-at-Arms—Claude Baker Second Sergeant-at-Arms—Adrian Sprague Athletic Chairman—Maurice Blue Child Welfare Chairman—Harry Damey Employment Chairman—Phil Schloss National Defense Chairman—Harvey Galloway Oratorical Chairman—Lester Blake Post War Chairman—Stanton Vance Publicity Chairman—Rollin Baker Sons of the Legion Chairman—H.T. Janes Liaison Officer Chairman—Day Baugher Convention Delegates—Theodore Spurgeon, Bernard Baughman Alternate Delegates—Ellis Head, Morton Ruple. The newly elected officers will be installed in office at the regular meeting of the Legion on Aug. 7th 1945. The Auxiliary Officers for 1946 are: President—Evelyn Head First Vice-President—Mary Grinnell Second Vice-President—Elsie Tincher Secretary—Thelma Duke Treasurer—Helen Larson Chaplin—Ruth McFarren Historian—Maybelle Snyder Sergeant-at Arms—Laura Miller Color Bearers—Joan Secrist and Connie Baugher.
Notable Members
Irvin Jacobs, One of the largest mortgage brokers in Chicago till his death in 1977.
What Makes this Post Unique
We took the government to court to keep our privacy.




Ligonier Indiana Gets Charter for New Post #243

Jan 30, 1920
Ligonier gets Charter for New American Legion Post. They are meeting in the City Hall
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Ligonier Indiana Gets Charter for New Post #243
Legion Moves to room above Weir and Crowley Hardware

Legion Moves to room above Weir and Crowley Hardware

May 5, 1920
Legion Leases a room above Weir and Crowley Hardware. This store is located one half block north of Third street and Cavin, right beside the alley.
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Legion Auxiliary is formed.

Aug 26, 1920
The Ladies Auxiliary was organized. Mrs. Glade E. Rupert was elected President, Mrs. Roswell Earnhart was elected Vice President. Mrs. Robert Shobe secretary and Mrs. M.A. Hutchison Treasurer.
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Legion Auxiliary is formed.
American Legion hosts an Indoor Fair

American Legion hosts an Indoor Fair

Feb 3, 1921
Post 243 Hosts an Indoor Fair
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Post 243 Sponsors Homecoming

Apr 20, 1921
Post 243 sponsors homecoming
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Post 243 Sponsors Homecoming
Legion hosts Carnival

Legion hosts Carnival

Oct 4, 1921
Legion Hosts Three Day Carnival.
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Legion Hosts Minstrel Show

Feb 1, 1922
American Legion Post #243 puts on a minstrel show
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Legion Hosts Minstrel Show
Post 243 Starts a Rifle Club

Post 243 Starts a Rifle Club

Apr 12, 1922
Dr. Glade E. Rupert of Post 243 set up a rifle range at the post
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Legion Elects Officers for 1924

Dec 23, 1923
The Last meeting for 1923 was for the election of new officers. Meeting called to order by Comm. Roy Rex. Election of Officers; George Green—Commander, James King—Vice Commander, Forrest Rex—Adjutant, Roy Banta—Treasurer, Executive Committee; Karl Franks, Willis Lemming, Roy Rex, Wesley Vance, Theodore J. Spurgeon, Voted to send $10.00 to Soldiers Christmas Fund and $5.00 to Orphans Fund.
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Post 243 Helps with the Endowment Fund

Post 243 Helps with the Endowment Fund

Mar 19, 1925
Ligonier American Legion helps with Endowment fund by raising money for orphans' and disabled Veterans.
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Post 243 runs Ligonier Ballteam without outside help.

Apr 29, 1926
In 1926 Ligonier Post 243 takes over the City Ball Team and they have a great season of wins. They played the Black Giants team from Fort Wayne. To get this team here took city approval. They also played the Detroit Clowns.
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Post 243 runs Ligonier Ballteam without outside help.
Legion Plays the Detroit Clowns

Legion Plays the Detroit Clowns

Jul 8, 1926
Post 243's Ball Team Plays the Detroit Clowns.
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Legion Sponsors Best Ball Team in a Long Time.

Aug 8, 1926
The American Legion Ball team is still winning.
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Legion Sponsors Best Ball Team in a Long Time.
City Praises Post 243

City Praises Post 243

Oct 10, 1926
The City gave American Legion Post 243 a great write-up about the exposition.
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Legion has membership drive by serving SlumGullion

Jan 18, 1927
The Post members decided to get new members in by serving them an army feed of SlumGullion.
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Legion has membership drive by serving SlumGullion
Post 243 host the 12th District Convention

Post 243 host the 12th District Convention

Sep 15, 1927
Ligonier Post 243 hosts the 12th District convention. Expect 500 People.
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The Legion Puts on the Exposition of Progress

Sep 16, 1927
Ligonier post 243 sponsors the Exposition of Progress for 1926.
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The Legion Puts on the Exposition of Progress
Exposition a Success

Exposition a Success

Oct 5, 1927
Post 243's Exposition was a success.
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Post 243 dedicates War Memorial

Jul 4, 1928
The Post is given a captured German Anti-Aircraft Gun. They make the dedication on July 4th 1928 by placing the gun beside the Town Hall.
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Post 243 dedicates War Memorial
Post 243 Sponsors Air Circus

Post 243 Sponsors Air Circus

Sep 22, 1928
Ligonier American Legion Post 243 and the Lions club sponsors an Air Circus five miles north of town on Walker Field.
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