Here are some pictures of our current members.



William "Bill" Oerly


Greggory P. Loui, Commander 2015-16


Bernard "Bernie" DeVries, Past 37th, 41st, and 43rd Post Commander for a total of 12 years


George A. Swenson Sr. Past 39th and 47th Post Commander, Past 10th District Commander 1965, Past 2nd Divison Commander 2005


James "Jim" Hovel


James "Jim" O'Connor (recently deceased)


Richard "Dick" Davis


Andreas Martin (currently serving in the USMC)


Dennis Oerly (currently serving in the USN)


Donald "Don" Christoffel


Fred Bigner III


James Cole


James "Jim" Schreiner Sr.


Robert Lemke


Jay Jozwiak, (Trustee for Village of Antioch)


Past Commander Floyd Horton (Deceased)


Past Commander John L. Horan (Deceased)


Past Commander Walter Bushie (Deceased)


Ron Baron


Mel Ellingsen


Lester Zitkus (Deceased)


David Rice (Currently serving in USN)


Tom Natzke


Scott Pierce (Trustee for Village of Antioch)


John Grandfield


Dr. Raymond Lohne


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