Post 324 attended the 36th annual Cobb Cemetary Memorial service. Veteran Bikers from Legion Riders, Lone Wolf's & the Fellowship of Christian Bikers also attended. JROTC color guard, commanded by USMC Col Nagy performed colors. Moultrie Federated Guild provided the refreshments and the speaker for the solemn event was Rev Randy Jackson. Photos are available on the Moultrie Observer website or their Facebook page of this event and many more Post 324 events. Shown in the photo are Post 324 Cdr Travis King and newly chartered Sons 324 member James Leonard placing flags on vet graves in the historically black cemetary St James 2 on Saturday May 25. 15 veterans placed flags on 4 cemetaries to remember our vets. Son Leonard described it as a "labor of love, honoring our vets".
Memorial 19 Service at Cobb cemetary from