(Information retrieved from the Legiontown article dated September 14, 2012)
In 1920 the Lake Wales American Legion was chartered, in 1948 a building was under construction, on January 25, 1949 the Post dedicated this building. Sold the building in 1975, which it has been sold several times since. It has been a grocery store, skating rink, Department of Motor Vehicles, etc. In September 2012 a committee of the post viewed the building and fell in love with it. When they walked through the front door and saw a tile with the Legion Emblem, they knew they were home. They started moving into it a week later. Some trees were removed, and a flag pole has been set in place since the first day. We are proud to be home again, this is where we should be. The Re-dedication was held on January 26, 2013 with the Florida State Lt. Governor, Jennifer Carroll, PDC Fletcher Williams, Jr. and 2010-2013 7th District Commander, Nancy Thomas as speakers. This building has given us hope for the future to be able to do our American Legion programs, to serve God and Country, to be veterans serving veterans.